News / Current Server Issues
02-October 13
Louis! Offline
If you have experienced any server error messages, please do not worry. We are currently experiencing high volumes of traffic and high content use which is causing us to have a few server issues.
Currently, the server we are on is a shared server. On launch day, as many people will know, we had quite a severe problem resulting in people, particularly europeans, being locked out of the site by our host. This is because this new site uses a lot of our host's resources and when it gets too much, the host shuts people out of the site until Gee sorts it out with them.
There are two ways of fixing this. The optimal way is to switch from a shared server to a dedicated server. This is something we aim to do in the long term. The other way is the way that Gee has recently implemented and the reason for these error messages you may encounter.
If the server becomes extremely busy, the site will inform you of this, and stop your action resulting in the error you see. This is to stop us from maxing out and having the host block people out again. By stopping your action for a brief moment, the site will only use the maximum resources the server offers, and thus, the host won't shut our site down for a long period of time.
Basically, these errors are currently helping to keep the site stable. If you get one, a few seconds later you will most likely find you can continue what you were doing by refreshing the page. We know this isn't ideal, but for the time being, it has to happen.
Apologies for the inconvenience.
Six Frags Offline
Thanks for the info Louis. Hope these issues can be resolved soon tho, but I understand the difficulty in resolving it. We can't really complain tho, we get all this stuff for free, and you guys pay the bucks (and invest time)
Cocoa Offline
I imagine that traffic will start dying down soon anyway, right? There's probably what, 300, maybe max 500 people here split across 24 time zones?
csw Offline
Yes, Cocoa, I've already seen declines in the numbers of people online since the 30th. It's gone from 30 people online at once to about 5. I'm definitely not complaining, there hasn't been that many people active since I joined.