Custom Scenery Exchange / Inthemanual's Custom Objects
02-July 13
inthemanual Offline
downloads: 16Single object version of this, helping Rob save a couple hundred objects in BGA.
Liampie Offline
Was it necessary to post that twice? And did everyone download that twice?
Good work on this and the diagonal fence as well. -
Louis! Offline
I didn't think I could love him anymore than I did, but after this. Well.
JJayMForce Offline
Nice work on the diag fence Itm, looks solid.
To save on space, Rob could also use the 4 unit high B&M straight supports. There are the quarter size ones, and half tile as well.
Edit, after Robs post:
(The 1/2 tile support object is on the site, I pm'ed Rob to give the object. I don't mean to rain on Itm's thread, but the object came to mind when discussing object savers)
robbie92 Offline
I've been implementing the 1/4-tile one, but I didn't realize there was a 1/2-tile version. Considering I use 1/2-tile supports more frequently than the 1/4-tile ones, I should find that.
inthemanual Offline
downloads: 16More BGA culling. I figure H2H'll be more fair if rob gets BGA out of the way first.
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