Pro Tour 4 / Pro Tour 4 Final
29-June 13
JJayMForce Offline
Soo excited. No bench is an awesome twist, and I'm sure the elites are happy about that! -
nin Offline
I'll say that I was definitely up for the set bench, as I believe that evens the playing field, making everyone really think about how they're going to go about making their parks and such, but due to the nature of the beast that is NE I see why you guys chose to go this route.
On the other hand, I'm pretty excited about this. I'll admit I didn't rush off to my favorite workbench and begin building away, but I'm currently tossing around ideas on what to build. When I can I tend to build pretty fast and given that it's only the first day I'm not too worried about it, but hopefully I can manage to turn something in. -
Six Frags Offline
Well, I'm pretty sure we can trust upon the integrity of the people entering that they don't use old stuff or started before the official start of the contest. If someone however wants to use old work or had already started that's fine by me. If this contest means they complete their parks I'm totally fine with that.
I, however, am the type of player that needs a deadline or a contest environment to get motivated and complete a park. The prelims and the whole way this contest is being run at the moment really motivated me and I've made a pretty good start today. -
Arjan v l Offline
I understand that a couple of people will complain about us doing a U-Turn on the workbench rule. I always knew this would be the case and was willing to have a few people complain at me for doing so, than have the majority of people complain at me after putting in a large amount of time to make a set workbench.
I also feel that, if you didn't enter the Prelims seriously due to the workbench rule, then that is your fault for not being 100% committed to a contest, purely because of 1 rule.
When making the decision I weighed up the pros and cons for both options, and felt that this option was by far the best option.
I apologise if this move has upset anyone, that was not what we wanted, however I'd say that this is for the greater-good, and generally will improve the contest.
Well... i can't agree with you on that fact.
That i've tried a prelim was purely fun, not because i really wanted it badly, the reason for that is: the set workbench... when that was mentioned, i had something like... SHIT, that ruins it for me, no freedom in object choice, well at least barely.
I've you would've mentioned at the start, that a set workbench isn't required, it might have changed my point of view, but that's too late now.
1 rule can ruin everything.
I'm not angry anymore, it has sunk in, but this didn't felt fair to me.
I'll just focus on parks/designs/objects in the future. -
Cocoa Offline
great idea with the workbench, it means we can be as creative as we want and you still held us back from starting! really, that's genius! I'm so excited yay -
Milo Offline
this didn't felt fair to me.
Where does fairness come into play here? You made a decision and have to live with the consequences. If you're kicking yourself, it doesn't mean someone has to step in between your foot and your ass just to take the shot and make you feel better...
And don't act like it was the rule that kept you from participating. If you had your head on straight, you would have played the prelims like they were their own contest, and screw everything else. Instead you chose to kick against something beyond your control purely because it was just that, beyond your control. Shit happens and things change. Deal with it more gracefully (also looking at you, FK. I don't know what's going on in your life, but get your fucking act together) -
inthemanual Offline
He made a decision based on inaccurate/untrue information that would have been different if he had known the truth. -
Airtime Offline
I personally think this is a great twist. Good decision. I also love the controversy that NE competitions bring, will H2H6 be topped in that regard? -
Louis! Offline
I'd just like to say thankyou to those that have stuck up for us in this decision.
Being an admin at this site is an incredibly difficult task. It seems that no matter what you do, people can't be pleased. It always makes me wonder why we run the site and why we devote so much of our time to put on things like this. I really don't think people understand how much time and effort goes into this site, even when it may not seem like it.
So I want to say a massive thankyou and a massive thumbs up to those that stick by us and help voice their love for us, as it's this that makes me believe it is worth continuing the effort I put in, it's the members like you that I work goddamn hard for.
I personally look forward to seeing more of the great RCT this contest has provided so far and less of the, quite frankly, disgusting attitude that insults the hard work we've put in. -
FK+Coastermind Offline
lol, its funny how, after years of standing by the site and its admins, the second i don't agree with them i am listed as a troublemaker with "problems" in my life, and "low self esteem". After all the years i've spent at this site, the connections i've made here have never counted for anything.
Hope you all have a fun Pro Tour, Sorry to muck up your topic, i'll go back to being a quiet member now.
FK -
Milo Offline
Fuck Off Milo
Grow up. I'm sick and tired of your shit. The bitching and complaining has been going on for weeks now. This culture of defeatism and victimhood has got to stop. I'm not the one making anything and everything to do with PT4 caustic and nasty. It's you. With your unsupportive debbie-downer shit, you're just making yourself the center of attention like a selfish prick. Stop it. You're not exposing anything or being constructive in any way, regardless of if you feel slighted or not. And I'm not going to stand for you throwing everyone in the Elite group AND the admins under the bus and try to make us feel like the villains here. -
Sephiroth Offline
The last few years here have taught me "if you try to do something, they will bitch about it."
QFTB-Unofficial, Pre-H2H6 "we want a contest" bitching, Actual H2H6, and PT4 have all been injected with more drama-filled Swiss Cheese than Pepperidge Farm at Christmas time, good lord. -
gir Offline
Welcome to the real world...heh.The last few years here have taught me "if you try to do something, they will bitch about it."
csw Offline
Plot twist: FK and Louis are actually the same person
But really, I'm calling a win by an LL park. Liam, Turtle, or Loopy. Maybe Louis (and FK by association!!) -
dr dirt Offline
trying to wrap my mind around fisch and sssammy as wildcards..
i safely assume they both entered the last round? -
inthemanual Offline
Louis Listed the people who entered the last round in the second comment in the thread. I think it was fisch, maverix, and ottersalad.
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