Pro Tour 4 / Prelim #4 - Best Architecture
09-June 13
nin Offline
What kid hasn't looked at a building on their campus and been like "I could build that". Excellent job, Fizzix. My favorite of the round. -
Kumba Online
There are much nicer things to look at on college campusesWhat kid hasn't looked at a building on their campus and been like "I could build that". Excellent job, Fizzix. My favorite of the round.
I really wanted to give the Student Union a higher score, but there were so many details missing. There could have been: a roped off school seal, rows of tables with promotions for frats/sororities/clubs, a food truck or blood mobile, an entertainer as the school mascot, students sitting/hanging out on a grassy area, large paper signs promoting things, cheerleaders and/or football players handing out game schedules and my personal favorite... donations to something that enable you to pie the student body president in the face with a pie.
I know it was about architecture, but I love to see details like that and they make parks great imo. Not related to PT prelims since they have set objectives, but I don't think I can even give out a 100% to anything without frozen staff these days. -
Xeccah Offline
I understand that an entry needs to be finished enough to show it's true potential, but i think not giving an entry a higher score because it doesn't have those finishing details defeats the purpose -
Fizzix Offline
I understand Kumba, and I would've had it not been so dead when I went two weeks ago, I would've. Thanks everyone! I agree with Shotguns being a great candidate for wildcard! -
Six Frags Offline
It was not only the unfinishedness of your entry shotguns, but it also reminded me heavily of Pacificoaster's Schwarzwald. Here's a comparison;
Now it's not bad to copy other parkmakers, we all do that sometimes, but in this case it took away some originality points for me..
Just keep on going, and finish something, and you'll get in easily! -
Xeccah Offline
i told pac i ripped him off when he was voting
and frags i wasn't referring to my entry, but kumba's comment of fizzix's entry -
Cocoa Offline
fizzix: this was the sort of thing I was expecting from this round. proper, full buildings in modern/different styles. seemed right at place at a university, and very well fleshed out.
shotguns: hmmm. again, a decent attempt at architecture, but the area was poorly done and lacked refinement. the foliage was really not doing you any good too, those colors were terrible. I definitely see the similarities to schwarzwald now its been pointed out, just like I saw similarities to my own french architecture screens in your last entry. you seem to have a decent level of skill in detailing, but it just needs more. also, I normally am one to go for that sort of broken up path but its been done really poorly here.
sey: obviously some beautiful architecture. the area as a whole was a bit confusing, just a bunch of buildings surrounded in crazy paving, but the actual architecture was very detailed and lovely.
loopy: I want some more classic, atmospheric, themed loopy! maybe if this was a civil engineering or urban area round this could have passed, but there really wasn't much architecture there. I love the bridge though.
liampie: I'm actually really surprised this didn't pass. very detailed, beautiful, and spot-on to the real building. who really cares about interiors anyway?
ivo: is this for real? this is getting ridiculous. you actually have proper skills deep down somewhere, I've seen them. I guess it was fun to center the cube and hold down enter so everything spun around the cube... but I could have made this in 5 minutes, which, coincidentally, is the score you got
arjan: actually a really nice entry. I would say the foliage is a little iffy, but I definitely could imagine it being sort of tropical florida swampy style. if the building wasn't so similar to halcon azul it would have been better, and also the path was definitely off. I would have given 80% though. -
Dr_Dude Offline
ivo is the most important player we have. even if you hate his work (and even tho im off a pc to look i'm sure i wouldn't be impressed by what he turned in), his influence has and is going to be incredibly beneficial. he is our dadaist -
nin Offline
Here it is folks: the key to the New Element Spotlight.... but I don't think I can even give out a 100% to anything without frozen staff these days.
Six Frags Offline
Yeah, just make a park full of frozen peeps and call them all Kumba (or Darren). That's how you win! -
Kumba Online
You can win NE Spotlight without one 100% vote... I mean BGSS I would have voted 100% on, even with none. Just trying to express how much it adds and I think they add a lot. Might make a tut on how to use a high number of them like I have in recent releases.
I do not take frozen staff into account on these Prelims since they have set objectives we judge on. -
Puget Sound Offline
@5dave- There's a church there because Kerala has a high percentage of Christians. (Forgive me for necroing this, but just wanted to note that.)
Louis! Offline
lol, should all have been hosted on the site here, not sure what the problem is, maybe liam/tim can check
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