Pro Tour 4 / Prelim #1 - Best Entrance
22-May 13
Cocoa Offline
^I made it into a podcast!/>
Thanks everyone, and there were some really amazing entries this round. Definitely excited for the next rounds!
I'll do my best to get a finals entry in, but these next 2-3 months are super tight in terms of schoolwork. A lot of exams in the coming weeks and then the first set of 'standardized' exams for year 12 after that, which is a pretty big deal. Lots of people barely leave the house, they study so much (well I guess I can't play rct if I don't stay in the house, anyway)
I have some ideas swirling around but I'm going to have to keep it little
(P.S., have a look at my entry from the last pro tour, I've come far)
Arjan v l Offline
I've come far...
Dude! That was SIX ears ago, if you weren't improved in SIX years, then you should be ashamed of yourself. -
SSSammy Offline
absolutely fabulous entries all around, great job to airtime and cocoa, very excited to see how y'all do in the finals! -
posix Offline
Wow, I haven't been able to visit the site much the past few days and I really like how you guys have presented this. Looks like a lot of manual work though. I hope it won't wear you out and you can keep it up.
Some of the entrances looked really good. When as of late activity may have seemed a little low on the site, I'm impressed how there's obviously still a pool of players who will churn out quality work in a short amount of time if they're properly motivated. So again Louis and Liam, you've done good admin work and the site is now gathering the fruits. Thank you.
I love how strict the qualification decision is. It's difficult to compare RCT works over time, but it still feels some of these entries would have easily made it into the contest in past seasons. This time it's a different game. If I was one of the elite players, I'd better concentrate on how I can make my finals entry amazing considering this competition of new upcoming players.
I'm sorry I couldn't vote. I'll try to make time for it for upcoming rounds. -
nin Offline
Wow, some of these were really great. Cocoa's was imo a step above the rest, and I find it funny that Pacificoaster thought I had done it/>. I think my top 3 were Cocoa, Airtime, and JJay, though his needed a bit more refinement. The actual Six Flags entrance building was fantastic, and while I appreciate the attempt at the ticket booths I think they fell a bit short. I think it would've been better to just stagger them a bit to represent the rounded layout rather than make them diagonal, but I see why you went the way you did. I definitely toyed with the idea of making that same entrance, but instead of SFNE use SFA's as a model!
Again, pretty great entries all around. Can't wait for the next round. -
Jan.K Offline
Wow, those prelims are awesome. Really nice everyone. Cocoa's was my personal favorite from the bunch! Congratulations to both Cocoa & Airtime! -
tyandor Offline
Finally got to see all entries in-game and I have to say it was a great round to start with. I do have some issues with the voting though. I really don't see why the Alton Towers one is any better than the other entries that almost made the cut.
Well lets review them all:
- Proest's one is actually not that bad. It doesn't make the quality cut, but at least he took the effort to make a non-standard entrance and while it has it flaws it's really interesting to see.
- FK+ showed promiss, but it was simply way too unfinished.
- Fizzix's I agree with the panel: where is the entrance? Also unfinished, otherwise it would certainly be a candidate.
- Maverix, actually liked it, but as Louis said (and I said before about your other work actually) you seem to miss that last spark to make it shine somewhere. Hudson was already a step up and this one is also a step in the right direction. The layout is very good on this one.
- Alton, well... I didn't feel it. Felt like exploiting the judges with mind play/> There's too little there for me. If maybe the rest was there as described I might have understood it.
- JJay, liked it really. Can understand it wasn't enough, but with the pass on Alton it feels a bit akward too me. This was most apparent when comparing these two.
- Shotguns, too bad you didn't make it. Pretty sure it was a guaranteed win if you would have made the entrance point more clear.
- Cocoa... well what it there to say about his entry? I'm going to be honest here. If this had been a regular thing I had to vote on I actually might have considered voting 100% for the first time ever. Yes it is that good. Granted I'm still in the moment, but it does EVERYTHING right. Great atmosphere, killer lay out, exquisite detailing that is not over done, it's believable, etc. It's the complete package. Hell if you ever decide to make a full park out of it which keeps this quality you'd have one of the best spotlights ever.
Congratulation on getting in and if you keep this up you are definitely competing for the top spot. -
Arjan v l Offline
Congratulations Cocoa.
Qualifying didn't seem to be too hard for you.
I loved it, so warm and charming.
@ Shotguns : Too bad, that was really close. The comments i wanted to give are already mentioned. Work on it man!
Next time might be a winner.
@ JJayMForce : I think this was very pretty. Too bad it wasn't good enough.
Maybe some more refinement would've been better, just to hit that 80.
I hope you're still trying to qualify in other prelims, since you definitely could make it.
@ Airtime : Congrats to you too.
I liked the entrance, very colorful.
Turtle's comment is the one that would've been mine too.
I think you can do better, but that isn't relevant here.
@ Maverix : Nice entrance, but lacking some refinement.
I hope you're going to work on your architectural skills, because that's holding it back i.m.o.
I hope you do better next time, if you're still participating in the next prelims though.
@ Fizzix : Too bad this isn't finished, i would've loved to see it finished, because what's there, is really nice. I hope you're also continuing with the prelims.
@ FK : Always unique and fascinating.
Too bad you didn't make it, lack of time?
Or maybe a bit too enthusiastic?
I hope you're continuing on the next prelims.
@ Proest : Nice idea, but not so nice execution.
Better luck next time though. -
Levis Offline
Proest got ripped ... I liked that entry. If I would see a entry looking like that I would defently go in it.
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