21-May 13
coasterdude5 Offline
I don't know what I hate more, the awful RCT3 transitions or the fact that there are two lift hills.
Thank you, Louis, for the well-thought out response. I obviously have no control over the former, but what is wrong with a coaster having two lift hills, especially with a show scene halfway through the ride? -
Louis! Offline
Just because it's unrealistic for a coaster of this size to have two lifts, it's also unrealistic for a B&M to have two lifts (that isn't a dive machine).
I'm sorry that I was so negative, but Charlston Gardens was a fantastic creation, really submersive, had a lot of atmosphere and charm, it was a brilliant piece of RCT. But your recent work has been really sub par, and I don't get how someone can go from being one of the best RCT3 players to an average player. It's like robbie building something like GigaG. -
coasterdude5 Offline
Just because it's unrealistic for a coaster of this size to have two lifts, it's also unrealistic for a B&M to have two lifts (that isn't a dive machine).
I'm sorry that I was so negative, but Charlston Gardens was a fantastic creation, really submersive, had a lot of atmosphere and charm, it was a brilliant piece of RCT. But your recent work has been really sub par, and I don't get how someone can go from being one of the best RCT3 players to an average player.
I believe this would be the first B&M coaster to have two lift hills. If a park wanted two lift hills, I think B&M would oblige--it wouldn't exactly require the reinvention of the wheel.
I respect your opinion, but you can't compare CGAP/SFSC to any of my recent projects. I am far from perfect, but I do try to improve and diversify what I create. Since SFSC ended, I've created two RCT3 machinima films, the EarthQuest Adventures park and now The Dark Knight Rises Coaster (people seemed to like my last film: If you compare everything that I make to CGAP/SFSC, you will likely be disappointed. -
Louis! Offline
I understand your desire to improve and diversify, hell most people in this community has those desires, it just seems that during your diverse experimentation, you aren't building with the same level of quality.
This project could have been so much more immersive and atmospheric, yet it's so sterile, and just well, boring. Which is a great shame. -
coasterdude5 Offline
This was made for a Six Flags park. What more did you expect? As it is now, it's way more than Six Flags would budget for. But think of it as an upgraded Batman: The Ride. This was never intended to be a "Disney-fied" Batman coaster, and I'm sorry if you were expecting that. I wanted to incorporate as much TDKR source material into the coaster while maintaining its realism and plausibility.I understand your desire to improve and diversify, hell most people in this community has those desires, it just seems that during your diverse experimentation, you aren't building with the same level of quality.
This project could have been so much more immersive and atmospheric, yet it's so sterile, and just well, boring. Which is a great shame.
Also, CGAP/SFSC as a whole was rather boring and sterile. It was the story that gave it life. I have never claimed to be an master RCT3 builder, but I do enjoy telling stories. Maybe that's what you're missing. -
nin Offline
While I do agree with some of the points Louis brings up, I enjoyed this quite a bit. RCT3 definitely has the upper hand when it comes to showcasing your work in a more cinematic way, something I've wanted to do, but the actual game functionality has always pushed me away.
I see what you were going for here, and I do enjoy it. Seems like something that Six Flags would delve into, even though their actual product would probably differ greatly from this.It's still a cool idea however, I may try something similar one of these days.
While I too will say that B&M probably wouldn't put the two lifts in, I see how it ties into this. The first drop definitely pales in comparison to the first, as it didn't seems intense whatsoever, and just seemed rather short compared to the dive taken in the second half. Anyways, great work. I really liked it. Anything Batman related is good in my book. -
coasterdude5 Offline
Thanks, nin. RCT2 has the upper hand in many other areas. I'm glad that the two games can coexist.While I do agree with some of the points Louis brings up, I enjoyed this quite a bit. RCT3 definitely has the upper hand when it comes to showcasing your work in a more cinematic way, something I've wanted to do, but the actual game functionality has always pushed me away.
I see what you were going for here, and I do enjoy it. Seems like something that Six Flags would delve into, even though their actual product would probably differ greatly from this.It's still a cool idea however, I may try something similar one of these days.
While I too will say that B&M probably wouldn't put the two lifts in, I see how it ties into this. The first drop definitely pales in comparison to the first, as it didn't seems intense whatsoever, and just seemed rather short compared to the dive taken in the second half. Anyways, great work. I really liked it. Anything Batman related is good in my book.
Ride B&M's newest wing coaster!
You asked for it! Below you'll find an entire POV (nighttime, left-side) of THE DARK KNIGHT RISES COASTER.
Thank you for your support of this project and the feedback you've given me. It is greatly appreciated!
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chorkiel Offline
I like your coaster, it looks nice and the POV was nice to watch due to the surroundings. I don't really care for realism, especially when you can actually ride the coaster.
I'm not too fond of your video/audio editing skills, but I believe that's only a matter of practice as you seem to be creative enough for it for sure.
Good job on this! -
coasterdude5 Offline
^ Thanks, chorkiel! Do you have any recommendations for improving my editing skills? I've edited many videos, so I'm always looking for areas to improve upon. -
chorkiel Offline
For starters, your quality isn't top notch. I don't know if you can improve it, because I've never tried to make videos with RCT3.
For your shot choice. You show that you have a commercial and creative view by not just POV'ing the lift hill, but showing it from aside but for some reason you also showed riding the POV which is quite boring. For other parts of the coaster that did work because inversions are way more fun to watch POV than a lift hill.
Bane's voice wasn't really clear at top of the lift hill, which I thougt was a shame.
I'm also not a fan of your shotpicks at the bane-batman scene but that's just personal preference. It would've been nice to see the cars ride away from that scene, although I know that's some hard editing work that's not worth the time it can cost.
This post may come of as if I didn't like it, but you've done a really great job and I do like it. These were just some rather specific nitpicks. Most of these I think you'll improve by just watching videos and making more of your own. -
KMAIMaster Offline
I had been really looking forward to seeing this done, particularly because I had a similar idea of using a Wingrider for a Dark Knight Rises / "The Bat" themed coaster. Yet, even with the obvious "Six Flags budget" vibe you put forth, I felt like there were some audio cues you could've utilized that would've beefed up the overall ride experience in the video. For instance, I liked the Bane quote at the top of the lift hill (though it was indeed slightly indistinct), but Tom Hardy and Chris Nolan gave you so much better material than the rather simplistic "Let the games begin" quote. Personally, I felt that the quote "Now is not the time for fear... that comes later" would've been a far better and more distinct impression of the theme's source material. I was also terribly disappointed that you didn't use the Deshi Bashara chant, particularly on the second lift hill. I felt that it was practically screaming for utilization there.
Overall though, I found it to be a pretty interesting project. To echo nin's sentiments: anything Batman related is a-okay in my book. -
coasterdude5 Offline
^ Thanks for the feedback, KMAIMaster. You're right--I could have used much more of the source material for the audio. There's so much to choose from. If I ever do another project based off a movie, I will delve further into the source material.
The Dark Knight Rises Coaster video is now on Vimeo! Watch it here:
Thank you guys again for your support of this project. I still have a few leftover screens to share. Stay tuned.
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