Music Forum / Daft Punk - Random Access Memories (Album Discussion)
14-May 13
Wanted Offline
Well, it's leaked everywhere. It's being streamed on iTunes & Grooveshark. Go listen.
I'd like to hear what you all think of the album.
Here's my review-
Let me just get this out there right away. Listen to 'Touch' a few times. It is one of the greatest songs ever created. I think 'Touch' is one of those songs that immediately touched me emotionally (no pun intended). It reminds me of the feeling I got when I first heard 'Stairway To Heaven' and 'Time', by Zeppelin & Pink Floyd respectively. When the chanting of "if love is the answer, hold, hold on" I had massive goosebumps and began to have tears of joy. Less than 5 songs have managed to do that to me in my entire life. And when he says "touch almost makes me feel real", it made me realize that surrounding yourself with people you love is the key to happiness in life. To me, the meaning of 'Touch' is both physical and emotional. In 30 years, I will listen to this song and have such overwhelming nostalgia, similar to when I played 'Stairway To Heaven' for my parents.
Game of Love and Within shocked me. Both gave off a sad/melancholy vibe, and once again, I was deeply touched.
Instant Crush, Lose Yourself to Dance, and Get Lucky are the most 'radio' sounding songs. However, this is not a bad thing. If these songs are constantly played for the next year, I will be so overjoyed because they just make me smile so much.
Giorgio by Moroder is just a fucking masterpiece. The speech where he says something along the lines of "once you let go of what something SHOULD be, you can create something amazing", followed by the strings just blew my mind. This and Touch are truly two of the most amazing pieces of music I have ever heard.
Beyond is another classic for me.
Fragments of Time is slightly repetitive, and one of the two songs I don't love.
Motherboard bothered me because of the water sounds. I absolutely hate the sound of water dripping.
Doin' it Right is the most surprising song of the album. The bass hits were very unexpected, but greatly appreciated. Of course Panda Bear compliments Daft Punk, as they are both geniuses.
Give Life Back to Music was a great intro, and Contact was a great conclusion.
In the end, I give it a 10/10 (the water drops in Motherboard can be overlooked)
Personally, this stands next to my other favorite albums of all time:
-Dark Side of the Moon
-Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band
-Illmatic -
chorkiel Offline
I like it but I think I need to hear most songs more often before I really start to like them. -
Austin55 Offline
The first time I heard get lucky, I did'nt care for it. Then I listened to it a few more times, next thing I know it was stuck on repeat.
The rest of the album has been the same way. Listened to it last night, was'nt to much of a fan. Listened through once today and am run #3 right now, and I'm liking it more each time.
So far Beyond stands out as my favorite. -
Chrixz Offline
Stunning Album I love it especially Giorgo by Moroder i love the 80's sound effects, the violins, and that awesome ending with the guiter shredding trough awesome. -
csw Offline
I'm not going to listen to it until I buy it after it comes out 'officially' on the 21st, but I have heard Get Lucky and I love it. Can't wait! -
Airtime Offline
I'm with Austin on this maybe not to the point where Get Lucky is brilliant but it's still a good listen, same for the album.
It's a good solid album, one that I really like. It's not the most amazing though like this topic makes out to be though at first.
I think Doin' It Right is my favourite. I also think the ending song, Contact, is awesome. There's also some other good standout songs in the album but those two come to the top of my head. Touch is really good but definitely not amazing. -
Magnus Polyspaston Offline
I'm a big daft punk fan. Have been for decades. They've produced some of my favourite songs of all time and play a big part in inspiration for my own music production.
You would therefore think I would be biased into thinking this album would be awesome regardless of the content but I must admit, I'm very disappointed.
I liked get lucky when I first heard it and it has become a big favourite of mine over the last few weeks. Sadly, the rest of the album doesn't continue get luckys greatness. It has its moments with doing it right, contact and Giorgio by morodor but to me, the rest is pretty bland and lacking in anything worthwhile. I will be very interested to see which tracks they release as singles from the album as from my first impressions, nothing on it bar get lucky is commercial enough to be successful in the charts.
It's a shame. I had great hopes for this album but I honestly think they released the best track off the album ahead of its release to get sales. I'm sure many fans of get lucky will be very disappointed.
As for the album in general, it's worth a listen but I'm glad I didn't buy it (downloaded from spotify premium). I personally think this rates as their poorest album to date. Even bellow human after all, which was shockingly bad IMO. Discovery and homework are my favourites. -
Louis! Offline
I think it's a great album. But as MP said, it's nothing outstanding.
I like every single track, but I find it difficult to pin point which ones I like most. This isn't because they are all equally outstanding and all fantastic songs, it's because they are all a bit 'bland'.
It's difficult though, because I would say I like the entire album, every song, where as previous albums I do find myself skipping a couple here and there as I'm not a fan of everything, so in that respects, it's a great album. But nothing on there is strong enough to pass my favourites, Robot Rock and Harder Better Faster Stronger. -
Xeccah Offline
I was thinking similarly about it, actually listening to it to a leaked version on youtube.
I was somewhat expecting some of RAMs songs to be better/the same quality as Get Lucky, but only a couple come close to it.
Discovery is still their best album, and not because of HBFS -
Magnus Polyspaston Offline
Each to their own and all that...
To me, Daft Punk is electro French house at it's best. Tracks like One More Time, Aerodynamic, Digital Love, HBFS, Around The World, Revolution 909, Ouverture, Da Funk, Rollin & Scratchin...
Human After all was a step in the wrong direction for me. Yes, it was original and creative but it was lacking in any emotion or melody. Just tacky lyrics laid over the same squelchy bass sound on every track.
Contact reminds me of Electronic Battle Weapon No.8 by The Chemical Brothers. They way it builds up thoughout, and that's a superb track. The same with Giorgio. It does the same. Starts off sounding a bit bland and really goes for it at the end. Love it. Doin It Right is nice. I like the sound of the lyrics a lot.
The rest of the album though... Tacky robot voices laid over funk guitar. No thanks. -
Xeccah Offline
Each to their own and all that...
To me, Daft Punk is electro French house at it's best.
ding ding ding -
csw Offline
Just listened to it all the way through for the first time, a few things stick out...
I like everything except for Touch. It doesn't really fit with the other songs and has no coherence. My favorites so far are Giorgio by Moroder and Doin' It Right (die-hard Animal Collective fan here, so I love anything with Panda Bear in it). -
Wanted Offline
I like everything except for Touch. It doesn't really fit with the other songs and has no coherence.
This is hilarious to me because Touch defines the album IMO -
Austin55 Offline
Listened to this straight through again the other night. I think it got even better.
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