Custom Scenery Exchange / NE Workbench 2013
04-May 13
Cocoa Offline
really nice bench!
is this likely to be the pro tour bench? because I feel like there are some things that should be there that are left out, and some pieces that are a little redundant or silly. Like 3 safety net objects, but no two-quarter-tile high tiled rooves. And two of those walls with the gaps down the middle but not a lot of colorable texture objects, like the mud wall block and many others that I use very frequently. And some more windows would be nice too!
That said, I think the bench is almost perfect, but just somewhat catered to a super-realistic style of detailed parkmaking. I would love some objects that really promote 'theme', if you know what I mean, if this is what we can expect for pt4. And I don't think I'll be able to get it right with just five object swaps. -
Louis! Offline
I think I've said 3 times now that this isn't the protour bench. Whilst there will be objects on both, the pt4 bench will be a lot different. -
Cocoa Offline
quick question: how do peeps come in on this bench? because it seems like there are entrances somehow in the corner but I don't understand their orientation and there is no open/close sign. Do I need to go into the scenario editor to add an entrance (which is easy enough, but I'm just wondering what the weird invisible entrance in the corner is).
BTW, I'm using it for my prelims and its a great bench so thanks! -
Mattk48 Offline
^I was wondering the same thing. I tried building a path out of the corner with the arrow, thinking that the guest would spawn there but it didn't work. -
Xeccah Offline
The entrance itself is not exactly on the corner where you see peeps come in. It's one over. -
Six Frags Offline
I'm the kind of parkmaker that only works best with his own bench, as I just can't build without some of my objects. But for parkmakers that aren't like that I guess it will be a good bench. Just too much stuff I usually use is missing here, but most of the stuff people use most on this site is there. So good job Louis, I hope it will help people start up their projects with this bench and will lead to more finished parks! -
Xeccah Offline
dude, 8cars, park, toggle open^^but how do you open the park? it is set to closed and there is no switch
AK Koaster Offline
Nice bench, definitely a few improvements over the previous version (which I've been using as my main sandbox bench) after a few objects and some custom rides added, this is definately a very nice sandbox, and even full park/design bench if I ever get around to using it for something else. -
AK Koaster Offline
Peeps enter on the corner, if you go into scenario editor mode you can find it a lot easier. I tend to relocate it anyway. I believe the arrow points to where it is, but I covered it over when I went through it. -
Louis! Offline
The arrow points to where the map expands.
The entrance is on the opposite corner and is invisible. Lower the land in that corner and you'll see where the entrance is located. -
TheAntagonist Offline
How do you download this? Like where do you put it? Scenarios? And is there any special .DAT you need? -
TheAntagonist Offline
1. Go to the first page of this thread.
2. Wherever you want.
3. No.
Thank you sir! -
AK Koaster Offline
Put it in saved games, from there it's pretty easy to find it in Scenario editor, which allows you to open it, make any changes, and then save it as a scenario. The dats you need are included, JAGIGLT and jaSkyRdr are the two that you have to put in your ObjData folder.
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