Contests / NE Contest Survey
21-April 13
Six Frags Offline
Definitely consider Park Wars, I think with some adjustments it could really be an awesome contest. It can also last a long time, doesn't have the pressure of finishing the whole park at once, but rather every (RCT) year an attraction added.. I just would love to see parks build up from scratch and see it grow every (RCT) year. (that is what Park Wars was right?)
If not Park Wars, I guess a PT could work, with Spotlight/Gold winners automatically qualifying and the rest need to do some prelims.. It only could work if it's not run like PT3 tho
Micro Madness has too small park sizes for me, I like big parks
Same for the design contest, and High Rollers is like the same as the PT, but not so exclusive with everyone being able to enter.. Blockbuster Challenge sounds nice, but I'm not sure there is enough interest for a narrowed down theme selection..
So my vote: Park Wars! -
Xeccah Offline
Nin, if we went by silver or above, currently 42 active members automatically can skip prelims
if we went by gold or above, 25 would be -
Austin55 Offline
But does that count percentages to? like, I'm pretty sure my 5% or so of thrill point should not be enough to get me in automatically. -
Xeccah Offline
But does that count percentages to? like, I'm pretty sure my 5% or so of thrill point should not be enough to get me in automatically.
no, you had to do at least 60% of the accolade to qualify
except for jusmith but i considering TTA was a spotlight... -
FK+Coastermind Offline
me neither....Can i get in as one of the few people to finish a park for PT3? I would likely be one of the only ones to compete from last round. Except maybe 5Dave all the others have been MIA: Jazz, Gwazi, DisneyLhand, Camcorder.
FK -
Mattk48 Offline
Idea for a new contest,
What of everyone voted on a design that won a accolade, and then your challenge would be to make that design into a full park. You could have some sort of qualifier round for that -
][ntamin22 Offline
Idea for a new contest,
What of everyone voted on a design that won a accolade, and then your challenge would be to make that design into a full park. You could have some sort of qualifier round for that
Very interesting in theory, but in practice designs are not often built in a way that is condusive to expanding. Besides, think of it this way: contestants would be building a 5-area park with one "free space" already filled. Not only could that area not be judged, it would mean less original work in total. -
Goliath123 Offline
Im not a fan of those ideas where the bench already has something on it, like ][ siggested a pre done landscape or grenn water. fuck that every cunt would have something similar, that shit gets boring real quick cos your looking at the big picture over and over and over again. like the ne desgin contest, like the woodie was good but once youve seen it, youre just looking at the surroundings and it looses the definition of design -
][ntamin22 Offline
I feel like that is valid criticism only for things that include pre-built segments. We would never see twenty identical layouts just because you need to use green water. I think the point you are trying to make is that there is only one way to use green water, which is just as silly
as saying there is only one way to theme a wooden coaster. Even if some contestants fall back on the most obvious use of green water, they're going to have different interpretations of what that is. To you green water might mean a swamp, to me it might mean an alien planet, a biohazard battlefield, a mysterious forest, or something completely different. -
Maverick Offline
Mountain Dew Theme Park.
I feel like that is valid criticism only for things that include pre-built segments. We would never see twenty identical layouts just because you need to use green water. I think the point you are trying to make is that there is only one way to use green water, which is just as silly
as saying there is only one way to theme a wooden coaster. Even if some contestants fall back on the most obvious use of green water, they're going to have different interpretations of what that is. To you green water might mean a swamp, to me it might mean an alien planet, a biohazard battlefield, a mysterious forest, or something completely different. -
BelgianGuy Offline
I think a park challenge would be fun,
you have a set coaster and ride line-up that you have to make with always an option of 2 when it comes to coasters and big rides
Main rides
1. Floorless B&M / Intamin rocket
2. Woodie / Morgan Hyper
3. Kiddie Coaster / Vekoma Boomerang
4. Half pipe coaster / Mine train coaster
5. River Rapids / Flume
S&S tower / intamin freefall
Custom flat by choice
Car ride
have everybody work on map between 65x65 and 75x75 and set no other restirctions...
could work and somewhat makes it more fixed
like NEPC or something like that -
chorkiel Offline
no, you had to do at least 60% of the accolade to qualify
except for jusmith but i considering TTA was a spotlight...
I just read this. When do you consider someone active? Because jusmith isn't quite active, considering his last release is nearly two years ago and his last post, in which he didn't show anything, is about a year ago. -
Midnight Aurora Offline
The old file has got to be around somewhere. No reason it can't be continued...BRING BACK PROJECT ANARCHY
Louis! Offline
I think Milo did have it as I was over at renaissance. It's LL only though, so we'd have to start an RCT2 one up alongside it. -
5dave Offline
Looking at the unoficiall QFTB that took place 3 years ago, I'd love to see one of those too!
Like Cocoa said - a duo QFTB with randomly mixed partners and a three-week deadline would be awesome.
"MFG" -
disneylandian192 Offline
I love the blind collab idea!
You mentioned one hour challenges: I've had this idea for a while, but sort of forgot about it. It would be a tournament contest. To qualify you would have to build something in maybe 12 hours (have to accomodate for different time zones, or I guess you could just stagger when the hour starts for each part of the world?). Then in round one you would get one day to make something, then round two you would get two days, etc. You would have to do something to the map to make before sending it out to make sure that it was worked on in the correct time period, like hide something underground.
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