Contests / NE Contest Survey

First of all, would you like a contest to happen in the near future?

  1. Yes 69 votes [81.18%]
    Percentage of vote: 81.18%
  2. No 3 votes [3.53%]
    Percentage of vote: 3.53%
  3. It doesnt matter to me 13 votes [15.29%]
    Percentage of vote: 15.29%

Secondly, if a contest was held would you be likely to participate?

  1. Very likely 18 votes [21.18%]
    Percentage of vote: 21.18%
  2. Likely 15 votes [17.65%]
    Percentage of vote: 17.65%
  3. Depends on what the contest is/when it takes place etc. 40 votes [47.06%]
    Percentage of vote: 47.06%
  4. Unlikely 8 votes [9.41%]
    Percentage of vote: 9.41%
  5. Highly unlikely 4 votes [4.71%]
    Percentage of vote: 4.71%

If we decided to hold a contest, how large a timespan would you prefer it to take place over?

  1. 1 - 3 Weeks 5 votes [5.88%]
    Percentage of vote: 5.88%
  2. 1 - 2 Months 38 votes [44.71%]
    Percentage of vote: 44.71%
  3. 3 - 6 Months 19 votes [22.35%]
    Percentage of vote: 22.35%
  4. 6 - 12 Months 3 votes [3.53%]
    Percentage of vote: 3.53%
  5. 12 Months + 1 vote [1.18%]
    Percentage of vote: 1.18%
  6. It doesnt matter to me 19 votes [22.35%]
    Percentage of vote: 22.35%

Would prize money encourage you to participate in a contest?

  1. It would encourage me to participate and encourage me to finish an entry 14 votes [16.47%]
    Percentage of vote: 16.47%
  2. It would encourage me to participate but not necessarily finish 8 votes [9.41%]
    Percentage of vote: 9.41%
  3. It doesnt matter to me 38 votes [44.71%]
    Percentage of vote: 44.71%
  4. Offering prize money would be ridiculous 25 votes [29.41%]
    Percentage of vote: 29.41%

We have a large history of successful contest formats, if a contest was run would you prefer to see a new contest or one we have previously held?

  1. Brand new contest 15 votes [17.65%]
    Percentage of vote: 17.65%
  2. A new twist on a previous classic 25 votes [29.41%]
    Percentage of vote: 29.41%
  3. A New Element Classic 15 votes [17.65%]
    Percentage of vote: 17.65%
  4. It doesnt matter to me 30 votes [35.29%]
    Percentage of vote: 35.29%

If we revisited a previous contest, which from the list appeals to you most?

  1. Pro Tour 29 votes [34.12%]
    Percentage of vote: 34.12%
  2. Micro Madness 18 votes [21.18%]
    Percentage of vote: 21.18%
  3. Hi-Rollers 7 votes [8.24%]
    Percentage of vote: 8.24%
  4. Blockbuster Challenge 10 votes [11.76%]
    Percentage of vote: 11.76%
  5. New Element Design Challenge 21 votes [24.71%]
    Percentage of vote: 24.71%

Contests can take various forms regarding format style and the games used, from the list which appeal to you most? (You can select multiple choices)

  1. [Game Choice] All Game Formats 53 votes [14.21%]
    Percentage of vote: 14.21%
  2. [Game Choice] LL Only 9 votes [2.41%]
    Percentage of vote: 2.41%
  3. [Game Choice] RCT2 Only 23 votes [6.17%]
    Percentage of vote: 6.17%
  4. [Game Choice] NCSO Only 18 votes [4.83%]
    Percentage of vote: 4.83%
  5. [Contest Style] Solo Contest 42 votes [11.26%]
    Percentage of vote: 11.26%
  6. [Contest Style] Duo Contest 29 votes [7.77%]
    Percentage of vote: 7.77%
  7. [Contest Style] Mix of Solo/Duo 32 votes [8.58%]
    Percentage of vote: 8.58%
  8. [Contest Style] Team Contest 30 votes [8.04%]
    Percentage of vote: 8.04%
  9. [Contest Format] Single Round Contest (eg. NEDC) 35 votes [9.38%]
    Percentage of vote: 9.38%
  10. [Contest Format] Multiple Round Contest (eg. rounds give points, winner = most points after all rounds) 33 votes [8.85%]
    Percentage of vote: 8.85%
  11. [Contest Format] Elimination Contest (eg. Micro Madness) 37 votes [9.92%]
    Percentage of vote: 9.92%
  12. [Contest Format] Qualifier Contest (eg. Pro Tour) 32 votes [8.58%]
    Percentage of vote: 8.58%
  • nin%s's Photo
    Would those not be Deathmatches? I'd love to see that come back, it'd loosen everyone up from these long term projects.


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