Contests / NE Contest Survey
21-April 13
Louis! Offline
I've recently had a few PM's regarding contests so felt it was time to organise a contest survey for everyone to voice their opinions.
The poll is relatively important, even more so to those who wish for a contest to happen, as it will no doubt shape the way our next contest happens, which contest will happen and when it will happen.
You will notice a lack of H2H as an option. This is because we do not wish to run this contest at this current time, after all H2H6 only took place last year. We are wanting to find out which contest the community desires, other than H2H, so to include it as an option would not give us an accurate outcome.
As admins of the site we care what the community wants which is the reason for this poll, and it will help us decide which option is the best option to take. So please answer with sincerity. The poll is anonymous, however if you wish to broadcast how you voted then by all means do so. In the long run this may even be more influencial as we know there are certain members out there that care for contests and participate in them more than others. Also please feel free to leave any comments too.
Thankyou for taking the time to do this. Whilst we are asking for this feedback, it doesn't necessarily mean a contest will happen right away, or will happen at all any time soon, but hopefully something will come from this so the more votes the better. -
FK+Coastermind Offline
Pro Tour should not happen again. The first had like 30 entries, the second had 20, the third had 7 after it was extended for 2 YEARS! IMO, its just not a contest that works with the time required of a park nowadays. If we want a good turnout, it has to be something small!
FK -
Louis! Offline
I personally think ProTour could work again, if tweaked. The main reason it failed so miserably last time was due to the fact it lasted 2 bloody years.
I agree that the original style ProTour wouldn't work, but if adjusted to make it a smaller contest etc I think it could be successful again.
I just love the whole qualifying aspect of it. -
nin Offline
Interesting results so far. I didn't expect the PT to get as many votes as it has already. I am bummed at the lack of Park Wars as an option for a contest to return to -
Louis! Offline
Yeah we aren't really looking to bring back Park Wars and it's just too early for another H2H. -
FK+Coastermind Offline
Part of the glory of PT was huge parks by big names. If you make the parks smaller PT would become too similar to a number of other contests. The Pro Tour revolved around the idea of Parkmakers, with them getting in automatically and others having to qualify. I'd say if we like the qualifying aspect, take that and combine it with some other contest. As things are, i would say the Pro Tour is done.
FK -
Louis! Offline
^Well obviously ProTour is done as the parkmaker aspect of the site is no longer with us at this time, but that doesn't mean we can't bring it back in another form.
Anyhoo, it's interesting to see how these results are coming out. I'm analysing data as we go and it's really quite fascinating to see. -
nin Offline
FK, I'm assuming a PT-based contest would revolve around the concept of "every member with at least a silver or above" is allowed in automatically, with everyone else having to qualify, or something of the sort. That's what Pro Tours in the past essentially did, just they had a name for those people. -
disneylandian192 Offline
I like that idea Nin, I feel like anyone with a silver or above in these hard times is nearly a parkmaker anyways. Speaking of which I like how you (Louis) slide in little hints that there will be some sort of rejuvenation to the parkmaker status in the next NE- I'm pretty interested to see what comes from it.
I really like the Pro Tour type contest, but something about duo-wars seems fun. Fueling off of a partner really brings back the original fun of the game, increases productivity, and can be great opportunities for mentoring growing talent. -
Liampie Offline
- I think we should wait with the next contest a few more months. The last one ended only three months ago... And NE still hasn't fully recovered from the big post-H2H burnout.
- I will only participate in the next contest if the format appeals to me and if I have proper inspiration and motivation.
- 1-2 months is maximum for a single round contest. Otherwise community will lose interest.
- Prize money won't encourage me to participate, but it will encourage me to finish.
- I prefer a NE classic, of course slightly adjusted.
- A Pro Tour or Hi-Rollers won't work unless the bench has limited detailing possibilities or if the maps are much smaller. I don't see ANY added value of these contest over the accolade system. None at all. Micro Madness is great fun, but the forfeit problem has to be solved. Maybe three or four-way matchups? I say no to NEDC because we just had one. This leaves the Blockbuster Challenge which could be jolly good fun! 50x50 maps themed to a movie or maybe a game. I'd like a new Blockbuster Challenge.
- All games or NCSO. Maybe NCSO/LL too.
- Duo contests tend to fail. Team contests probably will too unless it's H2H.
- The contest is most likely to be succesful if it's a single round contest. Multiple round contest (including qualifiers) is too reliant on having dedicated people. I doubt enough people are. We've seen it happen a lot before. Exception is the three or four-way matchup version of Micro Madness.
In short, what I'd like to happen:
- Blockbuster challenge (solo, all games) or forfeit-proof Micro Madness (solo, all games) in the second half of the year. H2H7 in 2014. NEDC3 in late 2014/2015. Another contest in 2015. H2H8 in 2016. -
Wanted Offline
Very Likeley
3-6 Months
It would encourage me to participate and encourage me to finish the entry
All game formats
Single round contest
Qualifier contest -
In:Cities Offline
I'm down for any contest:]
If H2H proved anything, its that I am consistent and reliable, and constantly improving. Therefore, I feel that I work best in a team setting.
I like the idea of including a solo option, but I personally really enjoy working with others.
Money or other prize incentives mean little to me.
Louis, if you need any help with anything, feel free to let me know! I'm always willing to assist in any way I can. -
FK+Coastermind Offline
I agree with Liampie, it might be alittle too soon to H2H. And i'll just reiterate, there was SOO much excitement for PT every year, but excitement never means commitment.
Also, i hope competing in the last Pro Tour will make me not have to qualify. Cause, i ain't got no silver, not even in the works. And i'll be damned if after 7+ years i sit out another PT!
FK -
Xeccah Offline
I'm sorry, but I think silver is too low to automatically be in this modified pro tour. I personally think it should be gold or higher. -
Wanted Offline
I don't see ANY added value of these contests over the accolade system.
Ya know... I just don't see how the accolade system means the PT4/HR2 loses value.
1. Not everyone is in.
2. Increase the prize pool (I for one would be willing to drop $50-100, hope a couple others would too).
3. Have a side voting committee, rather than the usual panelists.
4. Pro Tour 1 & 2 parks have a place in my heart because they had so much hype.
Here's how I could see Pro Tour 4 working:
-Anyone with a silver accolade or above may join
-8 qualifier rounds where 10 (8 winners & 2 higher placing) more people join the contest
-6 to 8 months to build 80x80 or 90x90 (solo OR duo)
-5 top NE builders judge the contest
-Release 1 park each week in reverse order (10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
-$100 first place $50 second place $25 third place $10 fourth place $5 fifth/sixth/seventh place -
5dave Offline
I dunno if I would've time for a contest to soon (maybe during summer)
I'd prefer a design contest with 1 or 2 rounds where we can choose either solo or duo. I liked the Blockbusters thingy back in the days with the movie themes. I could see that happen again.
This could bring out the best designs we've seen on this site.
"MFG" -
nin Offline
Yes and all 6 of those active members can take part in thisI'm sorry, but I think silver is too low to automatically be in this modified pro tour. I personally think it should be gold or higher.
Mattk48 Offline
Throwing my 2 cents in,
I also like the idea of a qualifier round, but use it as part of a entirely new contest. don't bring back a pro tour or park wars. I guess a small scale blockbuster challenge would be cool too. Lots of new possibility's -
][ntamin22 Offline
Yes and all 6 of those active members can take part in this
hooray for auto-qualifying/>
I second the notion that we're at a good stage for a contest that has some merit outside the normal accolades. I would like to see structured, small-scale challenges that encourage some less-traveled aspects of RCT. Something like the QFTBX rounds; small but rigid requirements that force entrants to think a little more creatively. I feel like NEDC is heading in that direction with theme requirements, but I want to be able to build something that doesn't fit neatly into the Design/Park expectations for once.
To clarify; I don't want a big multi-round bracket ordeal.
I want a month-long "build the best log ride using yellow as a track color."
I want a "build a non-looping design on this map without altering any land tiles."
I want a "Build a 40x40 park using green water."
Force some creative constraints, keep the entry bar low, let people get out of their comfort zone as an exercise to make them better designers.
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