Theme Park Discussion / Fantasy Roller Coaster Draft Selection Thread
29-March 13
Maverick Offline
I enjoy the pseudo-workout I get on Mantis by lowering the seat a little extra.
BTW Maverix, you confused me:He linked it so I'm gonna say yes. Pick Justin.
I go by that name as well, mostly in real life though.
When is Louis going to pick? Because I haven't planned this far ahead yet... -
AK Koaster Offline
Eh, not a fan of B&M standup I have ridden, but that's mostly because when I rode Mantis I had the restraints a little too high (was not a pleasant experience, realized it a bit too late) and I actually enjoyed the Togo version I rode at Kings Dominion. Arguably, I was also very tired when I rode Mantis, and having already visited Kings Dominion and Kings Island right before Cedar Point, I was pretty beaten up to begin with, which is also the reason I don't particularly like Maverick (head went wrong way, neck hurt for the rest of the trip). I would probably enjoy both if I hadn't sustained that many G's and insane rides in about 3 days. Call me biased, if you will, but I must say that was a fun trip.
Also the reason I have chosen some rides over others -
Cocoa Offline
I also thought Mantis was just not a good coaster. It has some serious B&M shake and it is nothing but inversions. If I wanted just inversions, I would ride one of those robo-arm flipping things or a similar flat ride. IMO, inversions are just a throwaway gimmick that the general public really loves. Only some inversions are really memorable- some that come to mind are the slow upside down top hat of mr freeze (that is fucking crazy), pretzel loops on flyers, the whatever-you-call-it that montu has (like a backwards cobra roll sort of thing? you know what I mean), and I'm struggling to think of more. Anyway, he g forces destroy any feeling of being upside-down, they're over in a blur and the ride is slower and closer to the end afterwards. I think it's probably true that inversions feel more "out of control," and I think if they were integrated better into rides it would be perfect. Cheetah Hunt is a perfect example IMO of inversions. Not too many that you expect one after the other, but they interact with the chairlift/scenery and throw the car around in an awesome way.
I find myself looking forward to the elements in between inversions on rollercoasters. For example, on Patriot (a mediocre-to-decent quality invert) my favorite part is the high speed turn and hill over the station and queue. If it wasn't for that, the only time it would actually make a difference (experience-wise) that the car was hanging below the track is on the lift and first drop.
My point is, I still love Riddler. Its got some sick sections.
Anyway, sorry for hijacking this thread to talk about coaster philosophy, but that's what makes this so awesome! Great work Wanted!
Also, I reckon Intimidator didn't go yet because most people already had a hyper. -
][ntamin22 Offline
the appeal of inversions is feeling like a fighter pilot without the messy reality of greying out in high-g maneuvers. -
Cocoa Offline
^I do have to say, I went on one of those stunt biplane rides for my birthday, and it was fucking insane. But felt nothing like a rollercoaster. -
Louis! Offline
diversity is my main goal.
I think everyone has that goal though, looking at most of the line ups everyone has a large and diverse range of different styles and manufacturers of coasters. Diversity is one thing, but you've also got to grab that diversity and have an overall feel to the park to get a strong lineup. Something I think most people here a capable of. RCT gives you that ability of creating a balanced and diverse lineup that works well together as a whole.I'm having a great time with this, also. I even find myself daydreaming at work about what picks I'll make next. Yeah, I guess I'm a loser.
Haha glad i'm not the only one.
Sorry for holding up the draft, I was sleeping.
Thunderbird - PowerLand
Look how goddamn sexy it is. -
chorkiel Offline
It's funny how much love Troy gets and how close it is to me but I have never ridden it -
Wanted Offline
Stahp guise. Back to back to back GCIs won't let my boner go away and I'm on the lightrail. Too awkward -
Louis! Offline
Its gonna be ages until my pick again
I know people were talking about how fun it would be to have another draft some time after this one finishes, but I think it would actually be boring if done in the same way, because coasters that have been picked in this draft would be picked again (albeit by different people) and I think it would lose the interestingness of the draft.
Something I thought about was perhaps if you split the draft up into groups with each group having a smaller number of participants and smaller range of coasters. For example a European draft, an American draft, an Asian draft, where you can only select coasters from that region and people decide which region they want to be a part of and the amount of people is smaller.
Just a thought. -
Wanted Offline
I think the next fantasy coaster draft has to be from NE parks. Psycho Speedway. En Encierro. Denali. S.P.Q.R. Imagine how fun that draft would be! -
Maverick Offline
I'm a few years behind NE with my activity in NoLimits. I probably wouldn't recognize much in the last 5-6 years. Can anyone help me figure out the Rct version of renegades first drop?
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