Custom Scenery Exchange / New scenery

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    Thanks Mulder! Atm i'm cleaning out my object closet. Was really needed. Expect more to come. After emptying that queue, it'll be more relaxed and no huge projects anymore. The puzzle glass and art deco / glass deco were insanely big, i'll admit that. No more. There's enough of that stuff now. As for the glass versions. There's 1 inset with see through glass per window type. The other ones you see are for the stick on window frames. The 6 pieces that are below in the screen. the inner wall is like how Toon made the stick on windows back in the day. The other one is blurred glass. both not see through ofcourse.


    Thank you cruzy80. Hope you have fun with them. Glad that you feel like a kid in the candy store. :D


    And you're both welcome. :)

  • AmusementParker%s's Photo

    I would love to see more lamp post / street light scenery objects! 

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    Who knows. You might get your way someday.

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    Hi everyone. A few more walls in Liam brick. You can use the window frame that's part 2 of the Liam rock wall for this wall too. Enjoy!


    Attached File  Sulakke.png (35.47KB)
    downloads: 15


    Attached File  object release park - Liam brick walls with window (205.32KB)
    downloads: 32


  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    Hello there. New decoblocks and a few quarter blocks available. 1, 2 and 4 height versions of most blocks, because of the fieldstone texture. Enjoy it!


    Attached File  Fieldstone decoblocks - quarter blocks.png (1.24MB)
    downloads: 49



    Edit : this is available here : https://www.nedesign...e-9#entry788581

  • Mulder%s's Photo

    love these fieldstones :D

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    Thanks Mulder. Hope you enjoy them. :)

  • Zoinks%s's Photo

    All you guys are really talented.  I'm old school, maybe some might recognize my name here. I missed a lot of boats over the years and decades as far as game cheats and object creations go.  I am very grateful for what OpenRCT2 has brought to the game.   However there is one wall I've been looking for from time to time and surprised nobody has made it yet and that is the basic Egyptian wall that can be made into a diagonal wall.  Can any of you guys create this??  I would so appreciate it.   Thanks a whole bunch!

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    Hello Zoinks. I've also been away for a long time before stumbling across open rct. I'm mostly oldschool too, but adapting to the upgraded rct isn't a real issue. Maybe i can help you out with the wall you mentioned. Could you please post a picture of it and is it colorable or not? Need some info to work from. Welcome back btw. Hope you're having a blast!

  • posix%s's Photo

    Wow Zoinks, I do remember your name. Nice you found your way here.

  • Liampie%s's Photo

    There's a grey version of the egyptian wall texture that was quite popular between 2005 and 2010 or so. I think it was K0NG who made a diagonal version of that, as a quarter block. Not sure a normal version exists! The egyptian walls are due for a V2 anyway, since the shadow side has always looked a bit undefined.

  • Airtime%s's Photo

    Wow. I just cannot keep up with all the new objects. Please stop so I don't have to keep rebuilding things but also please never stop as this is a huge gift to RCT. I'm so conflicted lol. So amazing!

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    Thanks Airtime. You don't have to keep up with it. Pick what you like.

    Lol, you don't have to rebuild it. Just make something better next time. As for mass production, it's stalling already, because i'm getting fed up with it. The contribution is also more than satisfying and i'm quite cool with it. Maybe some stuff will still appear every now and then, when i'm done testing the ones in queue. Still quite a few.

  • Zoinks%s's Photo

    Hello Zoinks. I've also been away for a long time before stumbling across open rct. I'm mostly oldschool too, but adapting to the upgraded rct isn't a real issue. Maybe i can help you out with the wall you mentioned. Could you please post a picture of it and is it colorable or not? Need some info to work from. Welcome back btw. Hope you're having a blast!

    Attached File  Screenshot_20221216-181024_Chrome.jpg (173.24KB)
    downloads: 7Attached File  Screenshot_20221216-181024_Chrome.jpg (173.24KB)
    downloads: 7
  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    Thanks Zoinks. I'll look into it. 

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    Hi everyone. 2 releases today. 1 re- release of shake rooves with brick sidings. The 2 pieces in the sand are fixed ones. Also a few new additions. It seems some users don't have these all.  


    Attached File  shake rooves brick.png (193KB)
    downloads: 50


    Attached File  object release park - shake rooves (250.19KB)
    downloads: 23




    And here are some new insets for the walls with window frames. The walls in the picture only serve as an example. The 5 items in the sand is in this release.You can make the frame thicker and use it as a frame without glass with these items and 2 windows can be used with the glass piece. You can also do combinations. Figure it out.


    Attached File  New insets.png (108.65KB)
    downloads: 53


    Attached File  object release park - (193.38KB)
    downloads: 21



  • cruzy80%s's Photo

    As always, thank you Arjan :-)

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    Thanks cruzy. You're welcome.

  • Ulvenwood%s's Photo

    Thank you Arjan, these pieces are incredible.

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    Thanks Ulvenwood. You're welcome.


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