Custom Scenery Exchange / New scenery

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    I have to look into that from dkmp. Sounds interesting. Glad to hear that you're having fun with it. Although i'm not sure if it'll become a building standard. It's still cso and the creators of open rct have stated earlyer that it's not their main priority. As for users go. I'll be happy if they accept these as an extention to the game. That's also the reason i started on this. Just to really add to the game and community. I love the designs and parks that roll out right now. So incredibly different than 10 years ago. Open rct has already opened a lot of new doors and i'm only interested in boosting that experience. It's just crazy that a videogame this old can still be such a hype. Let's keep it hyped! Glad to hear that you like the CC9 path texture. Now only the dark brick texture remains, but the current path texture has some weird linings that i don't like. Need to fix that first before starting another set. Also the marble curved baseblocks have been developed yesterday. Pathblocks will be next. Thankfully most errors have been recognized and fixed while doing the brick texture. So don't expect more issues to come with the marble ones. The brick was terrible to do. I almost had nightmares from it... As for the fixing... i think that could've been expected. There's also a lot of stuf out there that has it's imperfections or flaws, but i can't settle for that and would rather fix it than leave it like that and keep my mouth shut.
    This curved stuff also drives you crazy when developing it. So many traps in visual deception. Difficulty seeing the different shades in the pixels. You don't want to see me when troubleshooting for shading. sometimes i look from 4 different angles to the screen to figure out what brightness the pixels are. I also don't have a led monitor, wich isn't helpfull in recognizing small differences in brightness. I'm affraid this has atributed a lot to making the mistakes with the brick shading transition. The marble stuff i'm doing now is already a breeze. So much easyer to create. These will probably be flawless from the start. Also if you look at my other stuff, then you can tell i'm really concerned about the quality of it. This is just a project that might have been too hard for me at some point. But i couldn't give in and it pays off. I'm afraid that you will be confronted with 4 final mistakes. Those are the 1x2 curved fences. Just noticed a missalignment this afternoon. I did test them and honestly didn't noticed it. A bummer yes, but i'm hoping that people can understand the enormous difficulty of it. Also the huge amounts of time i spend editing these past weeks is just crazy. In the past i normally used new objects in a park first, holding on to those for several months. Enough time to find any mistakes. I didn't do this the past weeks. Probably the excitement and well meaning has only made it more difficult and prone to mistakes. Being hasty with testing. Eager to release it. lol. Thankfully, there comes an end to everything, also the mistakes in a row period. I'll stick to smaller stuff after this. :D  


    Nice to hear that you've found some path pieces that fit with it. Ive been thinking to make some of those as well, but not sure if it's really needed, since Tolsimir has released a tool for it a little while back. You can share this far and wide as possible. After fixing these last troublemakers (1x2fences). I also want it to be fixed asap. Because like you mentioned. People will make tabs with it and it'll be very frustrating if the object gets changed over and over again. I want to exterminate all errors on a short notice. I will always mention the old dat and the one that replaces it for convenience. My folder is clean because of that and i hope others will follow that example. If your friend finds the error, you can let him know i'm on it.  Sorry for wasting some of your time though. I hope creating that scenery tab wasn't too much work. Nice tip also. I only know datmaker. Or is this from Trigger the same? As for parkobjects, there isn't a piece of software yet i think, to create tabs with it. But the Devs are working on a way to convert dats to parkobj. and using the most recent version that's created, eliminating all duplicates or broken ones. So let's see how that works out. It should become something automated, but keeping back ups will always be my best bet. You never know... 


    I'm flattered that you compare me to Toon and Fishermann. their objects inspired me to contribute to the game. The fact that you can create your own objects for a game just amazed me back then. Ofcourse with the help of objects done by previous pioneers. But like you said, i definitely raised the bar substantially with some of my objects that aren't really remodeled from existing ones, but mostly drawn by hand. And now with all the half diagonals by Xtreme and others also coming into the game. Where's the limit? :D  I will be slowing down on editing soon, but i'm not stopping yet. Just like you i'm eager to start building with this stuff, but i need to finish it all first. Also landmark maker is consuming too much time. That's a bummer, when doing scenery bigger than 1 tile. Also the errors that come with it are annoying... So i will take my well earned brake at some point, while enjoying all the new additions. I can only hope to add to the experience of rct2, so thanks for those kind words. Thanks for the tips as well. I'll dive in to those.


    I'm curious for your curved designs. Maybe i'll see them one day.


    Best to you man!

  • OddmentsAlchemyLab%s's Photo

    I actually found a sample of a parkobj scenery tab. I can't quite figure it out, but It's really no more complicated than the coding on any other parkobj. I just can't figure those out either - LOL! It looks surprisingly accessible though.


    The DatMaker had a longer process than Trigger's, but Trigger took some shortcuts. For example, the SG BMP/PNG is only a single image, when I believe the original intent was for the tabs to cycle between two BMPs (open and closed) when selected. I picked the easy one because I picked this game up the day after I closed my business/retired and I just didn't want to read. Anything that reads like fire code gives me the sweats. But I'm getting over it. I'm actually getting tired of being lazy.


    It sounds like the system the devs are aiming for is going to be fantastic, but will it only work with RCT2, Open Official, and the objects being created as base game replacements? I would imagine a system like that would be easy to write a plugin for to cover select expansions and add a crap-gate and/or user controlled filters. Then again, I can't figure out the coding in a parkobj, so their might be a thick layer of ignorance informing my optimism.


    I think it makes sense to limit the official object collection for the base game. CSO adds a lot of weight without necessarily improving usability. I'm amazed by some of the NCSO parks - and having that NCSO building experience seems to be an important foundation for Parkmakers. I do think that if possible, a list of "respected creators" would add to the game and direct custom scenery junkies like me to objects that match the major textures and help create a standard for future creators.


    I'm really excited to see what ya'll build in the coming tournament - and going forward. I do hope you find some time to kick back and build. On top of all the work on these objects, I found out you also made the Peep Editor. I'm going to take today off in your honor...


    Thank you for indulging my chat.

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    I'm struggling with the parkobj. also. Looks very technical, but there have also been discussions about flexible scenery tabs that can update themselves, or maybe have a user friendly way of adding objects from the folder while being ingame. We'll have to wait and see if that's going to be a possibility. Would be awesome though.


    It seems there's not much difference in datmaker versus the one from Trigger then. But nice to know about it though.So with rct you have already found a hobby to enjoy in your retirement. Well even if i'm not being lazy, coding still gives me the sweats. I just hate it i guess.


    Yes the devs are talking about very nice developments. I'm not sure wich way it'll go. Also some sacrifices might have to be made. As in, which objects to support and wich not, but im curious for what's coming. Maybe your optimism is justified, maybe not. Lol, i can't tell unfortunately. 


    I also think that it makes sense to have a limit with ncso, or maybe there will be made expansions, i don't know. I do know that without cso this game will end up in the bin rather quickly imo. I've started with ncso too, but that was mainly because i hadn't discovered cso yet. I do have the original expansions from rct2 (wacky worlds and time twister). Wich was fun for a while, but abandoned those rather quickly after discovering cso.

    I do agree that there are some ncso parks that really pull it off well. But it will never be my thing again. I love cso. Perhaps it is wise to start learning rct with ncso first. Just to get a feel for the game. There might be a function in the future to search objects by creator. I've read that in some comments. As for you being an object junkie, i'll be happy to give you a fix. :D 


    Well, i'm not participating in that anymore. It's not my thing. I can't build under pressure. I'm also someone that doesn't really have a competitive attitude anymore. Just having fun and willing to contribute a little as well. Don't worry, i'll find time to build something myself. I'm not sure what you mean by a peep editor. I never made any software for the game though. Thanks, i hope you had a relaxed day. 


    Indulging your chat?  You're kidding right?


    I love you responses. It gives me motivation. A little appreciation can go a long way. So thanks for that!

  • OddmentsAlchemyLab%s's Photo

    I suppose my American is showing... I need to cover that up. LOL! There is a plugin called "Peep Editor." The best part is it gives one access to all of the mascots. It was designed by a fellow named "Arjan." From an American perspective, there can be only one Arjan in the world. So if you did not create it, then it has not yet been created, and we've inadvertently created a time anomaly. I might want to check the spelling of Bearenstain.


    It is best, when you encounter someone suffering from "American perspective" to give them something distracting to do and put them somewhere they can do no damage nor access facebook.


    I hope you see this for what it is - me laughing at myself for thinking every Arjan is the same Arjan. I'm off to hang my head now.

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    Hahahahaha, you're funny. A time anomaly? This is beyond... Quite a coincidence though, but no it wasn't me. That would've been something that involves coding i think (sweat is coming through the pores). So that's way to difficult for me. I actually googled bearenstain. You're full of funny surprises. I think it's time to release something soon again.., for some distraction... Although, i'm not scared that you might do some damage. 

    I hope you had a good laugh, i sure did. So thanks!

  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    I have no idea what you two are talking about

  • OddmentsAlchemyLab%s's Photo

    Not without the decoder ring...

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    Hey guys. It's been a long time. Get ready to be excited.



    No pictures...too busy...too much work. but it'll be a nice surprise. Have fun, go crazy! ;D

     You will get a notification of missing items with the new tabs. These still need some attention and will be released later.


    Edit : You can find this here : https://www.nedesign...e-9#entry788581

  • Mulder%s's Photo

    massive release, will make use of these for sure, thank you =)

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    Thanks Mulder. always appreciated. :)

  • OddmentsAlchemyLab%s's Photo

    I was just thinking that you needed group tabs with these releases. Just the amount you release at one time and your naming convention makes your items somewhat hard to find - and they are often the ones worth finding. They were in this release - so you're way ahead of me!


    That said - this release is crazy! So many useful pieces - the sloped bricks? Genius! The tiny deco blocks are a cool surprise and the marble pieces look like they might go with Mulder's deco blocks - which means I can now build anything.


    There's just so much here - as usual. And the best part - zero trash. Thanks for making my morning.

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    I always love your responses. You're very welcome as usual. I agree on the tab issue, so i provided. I'm only hoping since it's so big that it doesn't give complications with the game. For me it's working fine and i hope for others as well. vanilla rct had the 128 items limit. Xtreme reminded me of that. But it seems to be working with open rct, although.. the first tab was over 400 items and it crashed the game. that's why there are 2 tabs. They are temporary imo, untill tabs are being updated. Ofcourse i will do that with my own tabs, but not soon yet. Since more stuff is still coming. :D  There are 2 tabs still coming 1 for the marble pathblocks and 1 for the brick pathblocks. Im so glad you like the brick sloped pieces. Those are my masterpieces in this release tbh. These have taken so much time and patience refining them, that i did it in stages. Between those stages other stuff got developed, like the fishermann deco brick blocks. I designed those to use with the spires, since these pieces are impossible to decorate with separate pieces. Some other decoblocks are an experiment. I like them and hopefully others will too. As for having a hard time finding my items. Just scroll down past the capital X and it's mostly my stuff what you will find. my older dats start with AVL. My newer dats don't and i always use small letters in object naming. So i'm always past the capital letters. I hope that helps navigating quicker. 

    I'm glad to hear that i made your morning. Have fun with the new items. Thanks for your kind words and appreciation. :)

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    Hello guys. I'm back with some more objects. A new type of window is on the rise...


    [attachment=39837:walls and window inset.png




    Edit : You can find this here : https://www.nedesign...e-9#entry788581

    Attached Files

  • OddmentsAlchemyLab%s's Photo

    The return of clean corners. Not surprised you covered all the textures, but the inclusion of the monumental wall type was unexpected. I like that the glass is its own object and not in each window. Thanks again for sharing - I am going to retrofit these into a castle I just finished.

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    You're welcome. monumental wall type?.. Don't know what you are talking about, lol. These are a new approach towards wall and window. The separation was somewhat tricky, but you now have 3 to 5 remapable colors on 1 'full' object. the walls with window frame can also be used as an arch. lol, i'm also replacing my castle windows with these new ones. Good luck building! 


    Btw. i forgot the fisch brick one. that one will be in the next update, wich is soon. couple of days.

  • OddmentsAlchemyLab%s's Photo

    The monumental walls are the top center. The stone is used in the South America group as well as in the Haunted Mansion set, mixed with wood and the Nightmare Before Xmas set. They look good and I've not noticed that texture used in your releases previously. Looking forward to the Fisch Funky Bricks - but your releases are always like christmas morning.

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    I see. I call those haunted mansion walls. I've made more with these and other wall types, but i'm not sure if i should still release those. If you would really like it then okay. It's the old type where you need to put glass on the inside of the tile and the wall on the outside. Back then, i though it was better than none, but now with the limit not being  a problem. I decided to redo some of those walls with windows, but definitely not all. I know you're a collector, so if it's something you really would like to collect, then i'll release those for you, wich might be via personal message, since these aren't going to be appreciated much around here and might very well be regarded as clutter.


    And thanks for the kind words. Always appreciated.

  • cruzy80%s's Photo

    I see. I call those haunted mansion walls. I've made more with these and other wall types, but i'm not sure if i should still release those. If you would really like it then okay. It's the old type where you need to put glass on the inside of the tile and the wall on the outside. Back then, i though it was better than none, but now with the limit not being  a problem. I decided to redo some of those walls with windows, but definitely not all. I know you're a collector, so if it's something you really would like to collect, then i'll release those for you, wich might be via personal message, since these aren't going to be appreciated much around here and might very well be regarded as clutter.


    And thanks for the kind words. Always appreciated.


    I would love those Haunted Mansion walls.  If you could share that would be most appreciated! 

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    Thanks cruzy80. Nice to hear. In that case. I'll round up my old unreleased walls with windows and arches. I'll post it here within a couple of days with some other stuff. You can just pick what you like. I'll put the haunted mansion walls in a separate file. 

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    Hi guys. Couple of days turned into a week, but here's some older stuff for you collectors out there and other interested users. Also having problems with print screen regularly. But today i finally managed to make a screenshot.


    Attached File  walls with windows.png (1.77MB)
    downloads: 73


    This file for everything in the screenshot. :


    This one for the Haunted Mansion walls only : 


    That's it for now. There's a lot under development now, so expect another update soon. Enjoy!


    Edit : You can find this here : https://www.nedesign...e-9#entry788581


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