Custom Scenery Exchange / New scenery

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    New scenery... topic says it all.

    I've been working with object editor to make some new or wanted items.
    When i've created something, then i plan to release it in this topic.

    1. AVLdbcm (AVL deco block corner marble)

    Attached File  SCR4 (2).jpg (14.62KB)
    downloads: 35

    This one wasn't available, until now.
    I've used liampie's decoblock 1/16 and turned it into a corner piece
    I'll probably work on the missing brick one as well.

    Hope you like it.


    Edit : You can find this here : https://www.nedesign...e-9#entry788581

  • olddtfan51%s's Photo
    Looks good I will try to use this.
  • RCTER2%s's Photo
    Looks nice, thank you!
  • Arjan v l%s's Photo
    You're both welcome. :)

    I've also fixed a few items by now.

    There was also a deco corner piece that had supports, i fixed that.
    Fisherman's full tile concave block has been altered to blend with the other marble blocks, since the texture was off and you can color the top as well as the side now.
    The small concave block is also texture and color corrected to match with the rest of the marble blocks.

    I'm now working on a round full tile castle block to change it into a marble one.

    More will follow...

    Eventually i'll update my tabs and release some workbenches too.
  • csw%s's Photo
    Hah, I was just in need of this a few minutes ago. Ah well, I made a decent solution.
  • FK+Coastermind%s's Photo
    dude, i just want those circular pieces you made!

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    I know....but you'll have to wait a little longer, the items still aren't all perfect yet, i haven't done much editing lately...i'm a little tired of it atm.

    But...since i like you a lot, i'll work on them to perfect them tomorrow, you've got my word.
  • Airtime%s's Photo
    This is great Arjan. Nice to see more people making objects. Keep going dude! :)
  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    This is great Arjan. Nice to see more people making objects. Keep going dude! :)/>

    Thanks Airtime.:)

    Keep your eyes open, i'm planning to release many new objects soon, probably tonight.
  • Disney Imagineer%s's Photo
    Yes! :D
  • FK+Coastermind%s's Photo

    Swoon needs it...

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo
    Hello guys.

    I've got some new objects for the ones that are interested.
    The screen below shows the items that are in the attached save game.
    After remodeling many of them...especially the brick objects, i can now finally say that they are good enough to be released.

    More items will come...

    Check them out!

    Attached File  SCR8 (2).jpg (103.38KB)
    downloads: 314

    Edit: There are also some fixed items in there.

    Edit: The updated items are in this zip-file too.
  • FK+Coastermind%s's Photo

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo
  • Disney Imagineer%s's Photo
    This will definitely come in handy! Thank you Arjan! Love the new shrub too!
  • hulkpower25%s's Photo
    Thank you arjan
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    if you are now in the scenery making business, I would love some more styles of crown moulding. Right now I have two, and they're incredibly useful, but they start to look a little monotonous.

    those circley bits look cool though
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    I know I already told you, but make some 2x1 circular objects and you're on to a winner.
  • Arjan v l%s's Photo
    Thanks everyone, nice to hear you like it.

    Cocoa...i'm not sure...maybe later when i'm improved, those things aren't easy to make.

    Louis....patience....that's all i can say for now...
    but since i'm also craving for those, they'll be next ones to be made.;)
  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    Some items have been improved after i noticed that they still weren't quite perfect yet (shades and texture).
    The dat is named different to prevent overwrite or renaming.

    EDIT: The updated items are now in the savegame a few posts above.


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