General Chat / What Are You Listening To Right Now

  • Critic%s's Photo
    Kao Da Me Nema
    Hrabra Kao Prije
  • hpg%s's Photo
    Aphex Twin
  • killing_moon%s's Photo

    Squarepusher is a legend, he went to my school.

    What do you want, a medal or something?

    Squarepusher > Keane :lol:

    Quoted for truth and hilarity :p

    Less Than Human
    The Juan Maclean
    DFA Compilation#2


    Really, I hate people who suggest things like that, music is purely subjective. In your opinion perhaps, in mine I don't fucking know because I haven't listened to any squarepusher.
  • Metropole%s's Photo
    Funeral for a Friend
  • Drew%s's Photo
    Britney Spears
    In the Zone[/font]
  • mantis%s's Photo

    Really, I hate people who suggest things like that, music is purely subjective. In your opinion perhaps, in mine I don't fucking know because I haven't listened to any squarepusher.

    Well duh i'm not exactly suggesting that my opinion is law, but anything I post on these boards is my opinion - it's me posting it!

    The reason I found your jibe at hesaid funny is that you went on about Keane going to your school.

    Aphex Twin
    Selected Ambient Works 85-92
  • Steve%s's Photo
    Sad Statue
    System of a Down
  • Critic%s's Photo
    Nour El Ain
    Amr Diab
  • cg?%s's Photo
    Hey! I like Keane, in a lightly-entertaining poignant-pop sort of way, and I like Squarepusher in a sort of really-fucking-fucked-up electronic way. Although, when that guy from Keane is on the television, I want to vomit. He looks like crap, dresses even worse, and that little "dance" he does is just vomit-inducing. The piano guy is kind of cool, though, so that make up for it a bit, but not nearly enough. Why don't they just kick that guy out? They don't need him! They can turn into a little drum and keyboard mellow post-rock sort of band, all Album Leafy, or Early Mumy, and such.

    Oh, and I'm listening to that song by that band that sounds exactly like the Arcade Fire but isn't the Wolf Parade! What's it called? "Hey now now". Yes. I listened, decided the only worthwhile thing about it was that it sounded like the Arcade Fire, and that isn't enough to make up for the fact that it's entire chorus is made up of them repeating the words "Hey now now". Unfortunitely, it's been playing on endless repeat in my head ever since.
  • Dixon Steele%s's Photo
    Ipacial Section
  • mantis%s's Photo
    I was listening to The Hold Steady's "Your Little Hoodrat Friend" for the fifth time today just now, but now i'm listening to...

    In My Arms
    Destroy Rock & Roll

    That Hold Steady song is awesome, though.
  • Jellybones%s's Photo
    Stop Breathin
    Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain
  • Dixon Steele%s's Photo
    New Order
    Waiting for the Sirens' Call
  • mantis%s's Photo
    John Wayne Gacy, Jr.
    Sufjan Stevens
  • Magnus%s's Photo
    my keyboard clattering while typing.
  • deanosrs%s's Photo

    Well duh i'm not exactly suggesting that my opinion is law, but anything I post on these boards is my opinion - it's me posting it!

    The reason I found your jibe at hesaid funny is that you went on about Keane going to your school.

    Aphex Twin
    Selected Ambient Works 85-92

    But there was actually a point behind me saying that - in that I could therefore identify with their music more. Hesaid's comment was incredibly random and the only reason he could possibly have posted it was for some kind of congratulations or something.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    Not convinced but hey.

    TV On The Radio
  • Janus%s's Photo
    Nuclear War - Yo La Tengo
  • mantis%s's Photo
    Caught By The River
    The Last Broadcast
  • deanosrs%s's Photo

    ^ my favourite song ever! (well, joint w/ bedshaped........)

    I'm listening to the 13 senses album. Really good for the first few tracks - but after salt wound... it starts to get a little boring and repetitive for me.


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