General Chat / What Are You Listening To Right Now
31-March 03
cg? Offline
So, anyways, now we M83 playing their own song... sounds like Cassius doing an Asia cover... what is it with this French-House meets 80's-Prog sound they've got going? Wasn't the whole My Bloody Valentine-with-Keyboards good enough? Actually, wasn't it better? I do believe it was... -
cg? Offline
M83 radio is broken... it says it's Radiohead's "Pyramid song"... it's obviously My Bloody Valentine's "Soft as snow, warm inside"... and the two songs sound nothing alike, of course... -
Jellybones Offline
Here's a nice link:
and what they have to say regarding My Chemical Romance is pretty accurate:How did this geek squad fronted by a porker wearing red eye makeup trick a nation of bedwetting pre-pubescent mall rats and dickriding "music journalists" into thinking that their shitty pop punk band was a real band? Much less a "band to be watched in 2005". So is this like evil Thursday or something? What exactly is going on here? And what's with the kid with the afro doing the solo in that throwaway Blink182 concept video? That kid looks like he could be on some Maury Povich, "I had sex with an Orangutang, and now I have a son" episodes or something. Bizarre.
Rage Offline
What is good and what is bad in music is all to do with opinions as is pretty much everything else in life.
That list has no relevence to me. I like bands on the "good" list and the "bad" list so what am I? A mediocre music lover? Whatever. -
natelox Offline
"Common Dust" by The Roots
next up
"This Charming Man" by The Smiths
The Smiths
I'm addictied to that Smith's song! It's too amazing for words. -
mantis Offline
That's one of my favourites, nate, but give Bigmouth Strikes Again a listen too - some of his funniest lyrics.
Sir Psycho Sexy
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Blood Sugar Sex Magic -
cg? Offline
Reading that list, I must say, they ignored most of my favorite records of the year... however... I didn't like any of their "worst"... and did like a larger percentage of their "best" than I did most anyone elses... so... that's something... and I agree about My Chemical Romance...Here's a nice link:
and what they have to say regarding My Chemical Romance is pretty accurate:How did this geek squad fronted by a porker wearing red eye makeup trick a nation of bedwetting pre-pubescent mall rats and dickriding "music journalists" into thinking that their shitty pop punk band was a real band? Much less a "band to be watched in 2005". So is this like evil Thursday or something? What exactly is going on here? And what's with the kid with the afro doing the solo in that throwaway Blink182 concept video? That kid looks like he could be on some Maury Povich, "I had sex with an Orangutang, and now I have a son" episodes or something. Bizarre.
Damien Jurado, "Paperwings."
...listen to this, and you'll love it, provided you like good Country (Outlaw, Alternative, Traditional, etc), and good Rock, and, especially, if you like good Country Rock... you can download it free, and legally, a lot of places...
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