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  • ThunderCat%s's Photo

    Thundercat, I second that, He's taking 4 A Levels and 5 AS's, which is just ridiculous

    Yes, but he is taking General Studies, and hardly any universities accept that, so thats a bit of a waster A level! I did 5 AS levels this year, i am doing 3 of those for A2, and i am taking up an extra AS, so in the end, i will have 3 A2's and 3 AS's. I need as many points as I can!!


    Freedom Call - Ages of Power
  • Blind Guardian%s's Photo
    Emperor - Thus spake the Nightspirit
  • cg?%s's Photo

    Speaking of which, a music channel over here, The Amp played the video for Mashing On The Motorway.
    Yes, I'm just as shocked as you are.

    Why is that so shocking? Mashing On The Motorway is the album's worst track and the only one with a real, honest-to-god, rap on it. Hence: its the only track that appeals to a particular radio format.

    All the tracks on his album have been worn out like crazy on the kind of radio CMJ polls, but mainstream can't touch it.


    Because none of the tracks fit into clearly defined formats, except Mashing On The Motorway. Sadly, though - America still hasn't caught on. Oh, well...

    I was listening to the Fruit Bats - Bit Of Wind, from an MP3 I download off of Sub But now I'm not.
  • JFK%s's Photo

    Why is that so shocking?

    Because, worste song or not, it was still DJ Shadow. On music television. That's just wrong, man.
  • cg?%s's Photo

    Because, worste song or not, it was still DJ Shadow. On music television. That's just wrong, man.

    That isn't wrong, at all. Music Television is at a loss for not playing DJ Shadow, he makes great videos. And I saw his Six Days video on both MTV2 and MMUSA in low-rotation, when I had cable.

    All I haven't seen him on are the major video networks here in the USA (MTV, VH1, BET and CMT - although the last actually has a good reason in its defense, obviously).
  • Jellybones%s's Photo
    I heard "You Can't Go Home Again" on mainstream radio a couple times.

    Haven't seen his videos, though. MTV2 is alright and Muchmusic is pretty good, but I get neither one. So, I never watch music videos.

    I have an idea, though. Maybe it could make the RIAA useful for something. Run a service that you can pick and choose what videos you'd like and put a few on DVD. Like a professional mix CD. Computer files are too big and ain't worth shit. If I could order a DVD with, say, ten videos of my choosing on it over the internet, I would be happy. Isn't that a super idea? Of course, it would probably be way overpriced. But hey.
  • Tony%s's Photo
    Dancemania SPEED G! Hehehehe! Right now it's on CJ Crew feat. Fellany - I Want It That Way :D
  • Nitrous Oxide%s's Photo
    Anal Cunt - Kill All The Fags!
  • penguinBOB%s's Photo
    Magic Chicken!--Aquabats
  • Sandman%s's Photo
    God Is I by Ill Niño
  • Vert%s's Photo

    Anal Cunt - Kill All The Fags!

    If you're looking for gay bashers, try Audio Two, that some of the most notorious you'll find.
  • JFK%s's Photo
    I've heard of "Anal Cunt" before. They have wacky covers. I feel like listening to them from the name alone.
    *Runs to AllMusic Guide*

    Holy shit, these song titles are sheer genius.
    "The internet is gay"
    "You're Pregnant, So I Kicked You in the Stomach,"
    "I Snuck a Retard into a Sperm Bank"
    "Limp Bizkit Thinks They're Black, But They're Really Just Gay"

    Fucking hysterical.

    Kirii was right. Grindcore kicks ass.
  • Caddie Gone Mad%s's Photo

    Magic Chicken!--Aquabats

    The Aquabats are some crazy dudes. Yet, they rule.

    Medium Unwell- Mad Caddies
  • Vert%s's Photo
    Girl Talk by TLC
  • ThunderCat%s's Photo
    Circle II Circle - Watching in silence
  • Sandman%s's Photo
    (Sic) by Slipknot
  • Themeparkmaster%s's Photo
    "Master of Murder" by Deeds of Flesh.
  • Blind Guardian%s's Photo
    Ephel Duath - The Passage

    Black Metal with Jazz. Cool. Trumpets rule. ???
  • ThunderCat%s's Photo
    Jesus Christ Superstar - Gethsemane
  • penguinBOB%s's Photo
    What Would You Do--Issly Brothers and R Kelly


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