General Chat / What Are You Listening To Right Now
31-March 03
sloB Offline
shelter from the storm
blood on the tracks
probably my favorite dylan track. fucking classic. -
cg? Offline
I'm listening to "A whale in Lake Ontario", by Isobella, from their new album, that I don't know the name of... anyways, they're a local band here in Tampa... Dif Juz, Slowdive, etc, sort of stuff... maybe a bit like My Bloody Valentine... sort of... can hear some stuff here: -
Micool Offline
This kid knows what's up. I only hope you're dancing.Yeah - Usher
And ytf aren't you guys listening to Holiday music. What's wrong with you. I've got some Manheim Steamroller on right now, dude are those guys good. -
REspawn Offline
The Splendour Of A Thousand Swords Gleaming Beneath The Blazon Of The Hyperborean Empire (Part: III)
Atlantis Ascendant
That really is the song title. Great true metal. -
Rage Offline
Hang 'Em High
My Chemical Romance my opinion, this song is their finest piece of work up to now. -
mantis Offline
^ BRILLIANT! Oh how I love the Stripes at their most frenetic
Bloc Party have three tracks up for download on their website - they're my kinda band!
Hum of pc. -
Janus Offline
Yeah, The White Stripes are really really good at times.
Thanks for telling me about the Bloc Party mp3's
Well That Was Easy - Franz Ferdinand
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