General Chat / What Are You Listening To Right Now
31-March 03
Jellybones Offline
I demand all future posts in this topic have this level of analysis.Iambic 9 Poetry
You know, Spoonie reckons [ ]Pusher, along with AFX and everyone else who dares to use the heresy that is a drum-machine is "unemotional". Can you say faggot, for me?
I'm telling you, Autechre ruined electronica for everyone.
You know, I got this album back when it was released (I couldn't resist Jenkinson's sexy face), and forgot about it. HOW STUPID I WAS. Upon relistening, these past few weeks, it's awesome. Not as good as Music Is One Rotted Note (AKA: Miles Davis Gets Owned), but damned fucking good just the same.
But how about that Music Is One Rotted Note (AKA: John Coltrane Gets His Dumb Black Ass Handed To Him), though, man. Many levels of awesome, that.
A post that says "song title - artist name" is useless and stupid.
Be like Git, America. -
Annie Reckson Offline
Good post, that. Spoonie.I demand all future posts in this topic have this level of analysis.
A post that says "song title - artist name" is useless and stupid.
Be like Git, America.
It all starts with the analytical posts, then it leads to paedophelia, APD, and soon we're all too busy trying to f--- with the other person's mind to listen to music anymore.
Artist : Slut
Track : Easy to Love
Gotta love those German bands. -
Jellybones Offline
Right now I'm listening to the too-long jam at the end of Truckers Atlas by Modest Mouse because I've been listening to The Lonesome Crowded West on constant repeat for a few days since I just realized that it's my favorite Modest Mouse album even though I've had it for a while. -
aerosmithrule Offline
In a darkly Blood red lit room I am now listening to Seether / Amy Lee- Broken. Also it is 12:15 at night.. -
mantis Offline
Track five off IV. Can't remember what it's called. The 'ooh-yeah ooh-yeah ooh-yeah' one.
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