General Chat / What Are You Listening To Right Now
31-March 03
Coaster Ed Offline
Lemon Yellow Black by Jets to Brazil.
Every song I've heard by these guys I've liked. I guess I should look into getting one of their CDs. -
mantis Offline
This Mess We're In
PJ Harvey feat. Thom Yorke
Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea -
KaiBueno Offline
I haven't listened to them in a while, but I have 2 albums from Jets To Brazil. Both are pretty cool from what I remember, "Lemon Yellow Black" being from Orange Rhyming Dictionary.Lemon Yellow Black by Jets to Brazil.
Every song I've heard by these guys I've liked. I guess I should look into getting one of their CDs.
The other one I have is Four Cornered Night...
I can't remember which I prefer, but I should listen to them soon and let ya know. Feel free to inquire further!
The Killers - "Mr. Brightside" - Hot Fuss (2004)
Bueno. -
Coaster Ed Offline
I don't really need to, I just need to have enough money to buy a CD along with the other 30 or so CDs I want. I'm pretty sure I'll like it. But if you did want to say more, we seem to have a lot of the same taste in music, so I would certainly make a note of it.Feel free to inquire further!
Funny how I condemn capitalism every chance I get and yet I still feel like I need to make money so I can fund my voracious appetite for books and CDs. They've got me over a barrel don't they, with their "bourgeoisie capitalist moneymaking schemes." (I had a friend who used to say that. Oh and that's officially the hardest word to spell. I had to look it up)
Oh yeah and...
So Says I by The Shins
Damn, another album I've got to have now. -
Drew Offline
Somebody Told me
The Killers
Hot Fuss
I'll be getting this CD when I go get Kill Bill Vol 2. This song is sweet! -
Caddie Gone Mad Offline
FUCCK YEAH.Surfing with the Alien
Joe Satriani
Joe Satriani
Is There Love In Space?
Wonderful album, as are all of his. -
DragonInferno Offline
Machinae Supremacy
Cool kinda progressive electronic metal stuff, but not really terribly electronic, because I never have really been a huge fan of straight up electronic bands.
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