Related Games / Theme Park Studio

  • Xtreme97%s's Photo
    New coaster simulation game being released in 2013.
  • Scoop%s's Photo
    RCT4 here we come lol
  • Mattk48%s's Photo
    That looks intense. If this game is a great as it looks, would NE adapt and provide spotlights and contest ect. for the new game as well.
  • Casimir%s's Photo
    I want this in my life.
  • RCT2day%s's Photo
    ^^Personally, I doubt it. RCT3 or NoLimits never had any awards here so why this new game?

    Still, it looks pretty good and much more user friendly than NL. If my old computer can take it, I would buy it.
  • Mattk48%s's Photo
    ^ I get what your saying, but Rct3 sucks. I don't know much about no limits but i don't think you can build flat rides
  • Dark_Horse%s's Photo
    So it's basically RCT3 with a NoLimits Coaster Creator. Hm, seems cool. Wonder how well it will run.
  • chorkiel%s's Photo
    Mattk, no. Just no.
  • Mattk48%s's Photo
    oh well
  • Corkscrewy%s's Photo
    It looks like it'll be a lot easier than NL too. The only thing I want to know is how the buildings are going to work. Are they going to be prefab buildings or do we get a shit load of pieces to theme to our hearts content. Either way, this looks like it'll be awesome. I especially love how the trees move in the wind. Really adds life to the whole thing.

  • RCTNW%s's Photo
    "Theme Park Studio is a suite of tools that allow players to design, build, and experience stunning amusement parks."

    This sounds so promising. If the above statement is true, I hope NE can be apart of it.
  • Goliath123%s's Photo
    imagine if everyone just stopped playing rct and posted this in the dump chorkiel, then what would happen?
  • Milo%s's Photo
    It looks good, I like the ability to really delve into coaster design and the quality looks really good. A day/night cycle is always a plus.

    That said, the UI leaves a bit to be desired, right now it has less charm than an Office program. I suppose it's still in development but somehow I think this will feel a lot more like a theme park modeling tool and less like an actual "game". It's not a huge problem, because that's how we play rct but some of the "fun" of playing roller coaster software just gets lost in the realistic 3D graphics. The thing rct always did well was mesh good theme park simulation with great game design and some of the best rct parks don't stray too far from the "game" aspects of rct. There's a reason why people always want peeps in parks now, it's nice to create a good looking model but it's even better to have it be a functional model and put it to the test within the game universe.

    I'm also not too keen on the whole "sharing things for a cut of royalties" mentioned in the link. I'm not feeling microtransactions in my roller coaster game. Imagine if that was in rct (and imagine how much money Toon would have :lol:).
  • bdawgtk1982%s's Photo
    I don't know if any of you have ever played "Ultimate Ride", but they look like they will be pretty much identical. I feel like it will be a big let down if it ends up anything like that game. =[ Hopefully I am wrong though! Does it not look really similar?
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    The transitions still seem jerky to me. I don't think this will ever take over, doesn't look like the scenery will be any good and won't offer the same flexibility that RCT offers.
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Don't expect too much, I'm 99% sure this is a shit game. Don't spend your money on it because the fun won't last longer than a few days. For coaster designing, No Limits is the best. For theme park designing, RCT2 and LL are (arguably!) the best.
  • chorkiel%s's Photo

    'Goliath123', on 10 Dec 2012 - 12:09 AM, said:

    imagine if everyone just stopped playing rct and posted this in the dump chorkiel, then what would happen?

    That's why everyone is constantly showing off their cool NL creations. The program looks cool but NE didn't make the transition to RCT3. Being an rct-community, switching to another game would be weird.

    +Everything Liam said.
  • AK Koaster%s's Photo
    I don't think the dump could ever have anything but RCT or RCT2 in it. If a separate one was started for this new game, so be it, there is already one for NL/Newton, but it doesn't get nearly as much publicity. Besides, it isn't specifically stated, but I'm sensing that with the coaster construction and landscaping being set up as so much a part of the game, the scenery won't be emphasized to the extent it is in RCT2 (or 3, but I could never get used to that scenery menu anyway)

    Either way, I REALLY WANT THAT GAME. It seems like it's a compromise between the graphics of RCT3 and the nice building system of NL/Newton
  • gir%s's Photo

    'Liampie', on 10 Dec 2012 - 12:47 PM, said:

    I'm 99% sure this is a shit game.

  • In:Cities%s's Photo
    Don't know why you guys are excited about this. It looks terrible!


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