(Archive) Advertising District / Faastopia
08-December 12
Faas Offline
After the dissapointment by the owner of Fun Island, Mr. Tiny Kox that his park did not win a prize in the annual amusement park survey, he expanded his franchise by starting Fun Valley. He plans to make this park bigger than Fun Island, hoping next contest he will win a prize.
This coaster is called Mambo, it is the main ride of the area themed after Africa. -
Faas Offline
I asked Mr. Kox and this is what he said:
"It's indeed based on coasters like Kumali, but I wanted the ending to be a bit longer." -
5dave Offline
He must be very successful at erections eeehm elections. I mean elections.
The park looks quite nice, although you don't see much on that tiny (scnr) screen.
The colors are nice though.
"MFG" -
Fizzix Offline
Love it, Faas. Looking forward to this, I loved Fun Island.
By the way, John Boehner belongs in this conversation. -
Corkscrewy Offline
Funny really cause normally politicians are giant dicks.
funny, that sounds right up your alley
-Josh -
Liampie Offline
Great choice of words.alley
Faas, the screen looks the same as your other work. Texture and colour wise it's an unorganized mess. Expecially the paths and fences are all over the place... -
ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt Offline
And on that note i would like to introduce a politician. Mr Reckless. No joke ... If you vote for a man with a name like that you deserve everything you get. Im liking what i see faas good to see you added a viewing platform at the CR.Texture and colour wise it's an unorganized mess. Expecially the paths and fences are all over the place...
Faas Offline
Can someone please tell me what the fuck is going on? Am I screwed?
Sometimes when I'm building this white things are flickering like so:
And than when I want to build something shit like this happens:
Usually followed by an error trapper. -
Liampie Offline
I have the same glitch in Cedar Flags. Possible got something to do with custom banners. Do you use them?
Second glitch I've seen two times before. A reinstall fixes it...
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