General Chat / Free KONG and CENA

  • Version1%s's Photo
    Yeah, I might be a pretty new user and I maybe get hated even more for this post, but the way I see it it's like this: Kong and NE are like a Hollywood couple without the happy end. Kong wants to be a respected part of the community, but doesn't fit in and the community wants Kong to be a part of it, but isn't fit for him either.
    I've been in this forum for few months, but for me the side seems to be not only about coasters but also about the Kong controversy, which can't be good. A forum should be first thought of a place of sharing common interests, with ultimately friendly users (I know, my criticism isn't the nicest, but that's just me being a little bit harsh and I mean it well). I never saw anyone in a forum walk on the line to be a real asshole like Kong, and reading this topic, I think he might be on the wrong side.

    Kong won't get happy with the community and the community won't get happy with him. So he has to shut up and quietly releases parks or leave NE, one Way or the other.
  • K0NG%s's Photo

    What I don't understand is how your real life persona would even be linked to a very unknown website, that it would so much as even be relevant to your business. It seems like you're saying that whoever you do business with, knows that you're 'kong on nedesigns, a site for a game?', I'd understand if this was some more relevant part of the internet, but seriously who would care or take anything on here seriously, if they even knew of it's existence. You've just confused me even more that's all, granted none of it matters now, just peculiar to me xD

    As I've mentioned before, I got "back" into RCT around 2006 when I found the plethora of custom objects available and began using RCT as a platform to show potential and existing clients a different kind of "blueprint" for jobs I was doing. Because of that, quite a few former clients, as well as numerous friends and family members are quite aware of this, and other (though mostly defunct) RCT websites. Add to that, that IRL my friends actually do call me K0NG.....well, I hope you get the picture.

    With the caveat that we know the guy writing it is an asshole, at least through emotionless medium that is plain text, I thought his message was downright congenial.

    This is hopefully the last time I ever have to stand up for KONG. FML.

    In favor of Posix, he's dealt with an unbelievable amount of bullshit over the feelings of two random strangers on a bullshit website about a 12 year-old game with a dwindling fan base that he runs in his spare time, even though that means he rarely gets to play it. And as I've already said, KONG is an asshole, deserves the reputation, and knows it. He could have worded the email better. Much better. Much, much, much better. It's really not the point though--posix is fucking exhausted with dealing with this shit storm over nothing and a poorly worded email that comes off as arrogant and defiant was enough for him to assume that KONG was continuing to be an asshole, even when I really don't think that was his intent at all. Can you really blame him for assuming that, KONG? After all of this, and all of your comments?

    First of all, it was a PM sent here, at this site. After exhausting all other options I had to communicate with posix personally regarding this matter, and with,IMO, time being of essence...I opted to send a PM here. I used "Accolade Panel" as the title in the hope that he would actually read the PM in the first place (I've mentioned that I got absolutely no response from him trying other methods...including posix immediately "leaving" any previous PM messages involving me without even reading them) and mentioned the "lawsuit" in order to get his attention. It worked perfectly....until posix made the decision to take it all public instead of simply replying privately.

    Posix, I've been shaking my head for what you have had to deal with. It's not acceptable and I'm tired of being someone that doesn't speak up for the people that are getting shit.

    The problem with this post is that I'm actually one that IS standing up for the people that are getting shit. With me being one of them. One of the reasons that I decided to not continue with this whole ordeal earlier is that there was SO much wrong with posix' initial response in this thread that it would have 1). taken forever to address every false or misleading statement he made and 2). most likely received the tl;dr reaction from the people it would have been intended for because of that.

    Judging by what I've read in the posts here...the majority of people replying seem to see posix as this generous, heroic, kind hearted, peace loving soul that cares for everyone and everything RCT/NE related. Because that's the persona he's created for himself since becoming admin. You haven't seen, until this topic, the spiteful, hate-spewing, holier-than-thou, "I'm NEVER wrong" person that I , and others have dealt with any time he wasn't getting his ass kissed or being praised for being the second coming of Christ himself. All the way back to things he told me (and others) about how Curtis refused to respond to him for months at a time regarding things that needed to be done with the site and what he thought of him for that.....up to how he dealt with the whole Cena situation and resulting maelstrom that he, himself, helped create. He wasn't "asshole of the year" three years running for nothing.

    I hate to be someone to continue this conversation further as I'd happily just let it die so we can just get on with RCT, what we are actually here for, but the fact is that this was said:

    I'd like to point out that you are not just threatening the admins of the site, but you are threatening the entire community by iniating a lawsuit against the site.

    I know that a lot of people come here to view great RCT and celebrate a game that is over 10 years old. This site itself is 10 years old and holds a place in many people's hearts, no matter how many people say that 'this is just a game', this community makes the game so much more than just that.

    I understand that things have been said, I personally don't know what, but taking action against the site is taking it too far.

    By threatening the site with a lawsuit for libel there is the possibility that the site will end up disappearing for good, after a fantastic 10 years, and that would be all down to you. NE would be no longer and I know a great deal of people wouldn't be too happy about that, regardless of whether this is 'just a game' or not.

    There was to be no monetary compensation or punitive action sought. The "suit" was simply a legal demand for certain defamatory statements to be "immediately and permanently deleted from the specified posted, public document followed by a posted, public retraction of said statements as being baseless and speculative in nature with malice being the sole purpose of the author". No more, no less.

    First of all, the "lawsuit", as previously stated, was an "I'm out of options, I have no other choice" tool that I could, no matter how reluctantly, use to have the libelous statements removed if all other methods failed. Including "the site you represent" was necessary to establish that posix is, as an administrator, fully capable of performing the requested tasks without needing further authorization. And, I'll reiterate that it was only my initial response to what I'd read. By saying, in the PM to posix "But, If you'll post that what you said was in error, (maybe you were just pissed,'s your choice) I'll put 'em in the shredder immediately." and "Let's just try to co-exist somewhat peacefully, ok? " I'd think it was clear that I had no intention of bringing any kind of lawsuit to fruition.

    Bottom line is....all I wanted was for the libelous statements to be removed so that anyone that hadn't read them,couldn't...and for posix to state that he had absolutely no knowledge of any of it being factual. I didn't even ask for any kind of apology. All he had to do...or more to the point, should have done....was to take 30 seconds to edit his post and say "oops".

    That's the last comment I have any desire to make regarding this whole situation. Feel free to continue spewing venom towards me for being a part of this whole mess. It's your prerogative. But, like BG mentioned......if posix got annoyed with something any one of you did or said, and, in anger, posted something like "I realize that (insert your name) must be feeling remorse from recently cheating on his girl/boyfriend multiple times, but that should be no reason for........" in a public forum that your girl/boyfriend not only had access to, but had previously visited.....well, like MA said, you'd be pissed too.
  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo
    You really just don't get that if you had said "Hey, it bothers me that you're talking about my personal life on here and I'm worried about the professional implications your comments might cause. Could you please remove that section of your post?" this would all be over. Instead, we have 7 pages of bullshit and disillusioned members. I agree with you that you're right in asking the statements to come down, but you lose all of your moral high ground with your inability to not create a shit show out of it all.
  • Liampie%s's Photo

    I had no intention of bringing any kind of lawsuit to fruition.

    So it was (nearly) an accident. You're an accident.
  • K0NG%s's Photo
    ^^ You really just don't get that I tried that...numerous times and through numerous avenues. I got no reply to any of them.

    And Laim, that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
  • geewhzz%s's Photo


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