(Archive) Advertising District / Nauticus
14-August 12
Hey guys, im trying to get back in the game since i havent been active in a while.
Nauticus is a project im working on right now.
The coaster is a Wave/water themed rollercoaster with an underwater experience.
It is not close to being finished yet.
Here are some screens, just let me know what you think! -
Scoop Offline
the layout is weak you need to look at real life examples of B&M Inverts. Real life inverts don't have airtime hills. I do however like the idea of the double station. -
A.S.Coasters Offline
I like the duel station, but they're too long. The layout seems somewhat weak (or short?). -
I guess i understand what you guys are saying about the layout. I just didnt have much inspiration. I know the track is short but that was my idea. And now i think about it, you are absolutly right about the Station; it is way too long. Any other tips or ideas? -
Ling Online
Just think about how it would feel to ride. You have a huge first drop, two towering inversions, then slam into a brake run, followed by more elongated hills over... not really anything. Just water. Compact is usually better and more realistic (within reason). Get creative with your layouts but take inspiration from real rides. The Batman clones, Nemesis, Nemesis Inferno, Montu, Raptor, and Alpengeist are all great examples of B&M inverts.
As for the station, having a chain lift at the end of your ride like that is a huge no-no. Just end the ride a few spaces higher. If the train is moving too slowly, fix your layout so that it is not. Lastly, pick a real theme and build it into the surroundings. Your theme is fine, but you have to convey it to us beyond telling us what it is supposed to be. -
i did some work on the layout. I added a norwegian loop.
Do you guys think this an improvement? -
Ruben Offline
the layout is weak nuff said.
Then again, so is this kids work, and if he gets even half the critique he gives you he'd probably start to cry, so please ignore his childish and unconstructive comment.
Ontopic. The layout still doesn't feel very interesting to me. My main problem with it is not that the elements you use aren't good, but they're all so stretched out, and the overall composition of the coaster just feels kinda uninspired. I'd suggest trying to make the transitions quicker, with less bits of ''filling''. For example, you have a small lift after the end brakes, and parralel to that there is a small bunny hop in front of those brakes. Both don't really add much to the ride, apart from extra meters. Why not take both out, and with that automatically make your braking & station sector way more compact? Same for for example the drop before the lifthill, it feels kinda awkward and doesn't really add anything ''new'' to the layout.
I'd lose that kind of stuff, and put in one or two more cool loop or helix elements instead. That should do the job I guess. -
After taking some of your advice, i removed the chain just before the station(which is changed) and i added more scenery. I personally thought the new helix was enough and i feel good about this layout. here you can see some progress.
The changed station, and different dropat the start
The removed chainhill -
Ruben Offline
You removed the chain and altered the drop after the station, which is a good thing, but I think you didn't quite get my point. The whole point of these suggested alterations is that the ride should be more compact to be more appealing/realistic. That does not really happen when you just replace the parts you scrapped with straight track.
It's your stuff, of course, and this coaster is quite far on the way, so don't know if messing around with it even more would do any good. However, I'd suggest really trying to keep in mind that coasters, especially this type, are usually a lot more compact than this. Next time you might wanna get those long straight sections, small bunnyhops, straight bits on top of those bunny hops etc. out and replace them by more exciting stuff.
Something completely different: I love the supports on that coaster. Looks pretty good to me. -
Scoop Offline
Then again, so is this kids work, and if he gets even half the critique he gives you he'd probably start to cry, so please ignore his childish and unconstructive comment.
Ontopic. The layout still doesn't feel very interesting to me. My main problem with it is not that the elements you use aren't good, but they're all so stretched out, and the overall composition of the coaster just feels kinda uninspired. I'd suggest trying to make the transitions quicker, with less bits of ''filling''. For example, you have a small lift after the end brakes, and parralel to that there is a small bunny hop in front of those brakes. Both don't really add much to the ride, apart from extra meters. Why not take both out, and with that automatically make your braking & station sector way more compact? Same for for example the drop before the lifthill, it feels kinda awkward and doesn't really add anything ''new'' to the layout.
I'd lose that kind of stuff, and put in one or two more cool loop or helix elements instead. That should do the job I guess.
Hey guess what Im not the only one who said it was a weak layout you said it yourself yes I couldv'e said more about it on how to improve it but I left that one for someone with more experience. And isn't bashing on someone else a little childish. just saying. -
Thanks for the comment, it really helps. I know the RC is to streched to be very realistic but i was trying something different and they dont need to be compact to actualy be enjoyable/buildable. I think it looks a lot better now. And i am way to far in progress to change the layout anymore. And thanks, supports have always been one of my few good skills within RCT. -
Hey guess what Im not the only one who said it was a weak layout you said it yourself yes I couldv'e said more about it on how to improve it but I left that one for someone with more experience. And isn't telling bashing on someone else a little childish just saying.
Cant you go somewhere else to argue your bad commenting skills? -
In:Cities Offline
Megamindy, this looks fantastic. Keep going with this direction:]
I personally love how large and imposing the layout is, and the support work is top notch. Please continue! -
Megamindy, this looks fantastic. Keep going with this direction:]
I personally love how large and imposing the layout is, and the support work is top notch. Please continue!
Finally someone who understands me -
Ling Online
I will say your supporting style is great, however a few things still strike me as weak/awkward. The barrel roll leading right into the MCBR is just strange, maybe place it atop the preceding camel back, then dive and come back up into the MCBR? I also wouldn't be afraid to shorten that long 45* angled section going under the water - the more steep sections you use, the smoother the drop will look. I also feel that the end of the ride should cut closer to the lift/station, perhaps even diagonally. You could fit a helix and maybe a corkscrew or something in at the end before the brake run. The little "hops" up one space just before the final brakes don't look very characteristic of this coaster style either, so I would try and find a way to simply finish (out of a helix or inversion) at the appropriate level. -
Ruben Offline
Hey guess what Im not the only one who said it was a weak layout you said it yourself yes I couldv'e said more about it on how to improve it but I left that one for someone with more experience. And isn't bashing on someone else a little childish. just saying.
1. I didn't bluntly say it was ''weak''.
2. I've given an explanation of why I didn't like it.
3. I gave suggestions to improve it.
4. I've actually got some skill/experience to back me up.
5. I care for critique people have on my work, and usually use it to improve, so I've shown my understanding of the concept of constructive criticism. Hence if Í say something like this about a layout it's not just whiney crap. You haven't shown this ability, hence any kind of critique from your side ís just whiney crap, especially if it's written in that current tone of yours.
6. I'm not constantly being a little b*tch about everyone and everything on NE.
7. Sómeone needs to tell you to stop bitching, and as you don't listen to pacifi telling you to I'll do it as well. That's not childish, it's necessary to keep the atmosphere on this site enjoyable.
8. Apparently I'm able to depict my opinion in a more coherent, friendly and constructive manner in what is my second language than you are in your first language. Maybe that says something about your attitude and respect towards other forum members?
So really, I'm gonna support pacificoaster on this one from now on. Step up your game, tone your voice down, or please get the hell out. You've irritated and even pissed off dozens of members on multiple occasions the last couple of weeks, so whatever you think you're doing clearly isn't working. Really dude, the whole world is nót against you. It's just that you gotta give some love to get some love. Try it, be friendly, be attentionate, and you might just make a friend or two at NE.
Ontopic. Megamindy, as I said it's your build of course. I'm quite interested in what you're going for: Realism, semi-realism, fantasy? That has a lot of effect on what is a ''good'' layout. Also as you said you've put too much time and effort in this layout to make any major alterations, so you probably shouldn't. It's just that íf you're aiming for realism I'd keep these things in mind a next time, also seeing other players (see Ling's post) back me up in a lot of my points. The stretched out style just feels a bit awkward, but for semi-realism with some fantasy input it'd be fine I guess... -
Scoop Offline
sorry I wasn't trying to have an attitude on that first post. Also for some reason It just feels like people are being rude on here which is why I post like that. I will try and get rid of the habbit though. Because trust me at my level of non-expertise the last thing I want is to get on someones bad side. -
Ruben Offline
Then try giving some more thought to your posts and how they come across in the future before posting them, 'key? No use in posting comments that really don't help the builder in any way... Hope you see that too.The reason some people come across as being rude is because they get frustrated with the fact they're just trying to help, don't see you using that to improve, but dó see you posting like you did in your first couple of posts in this topic. It just comes across as very agressive. A simple thank you and just using some of the suggestions and see how they work out every now and then will change a lot of members' attitutes towards you in no-time. Trust me, try it.
So, let's all go back to Megamindy's impressive support work and slightly more debated coaster layout instead?
Oh and Megamindy, small tip for the next time. You might wanna use support blockers (''invisible'' objects basically) instead of flowerbeds in the future. They are a lot nicer to work with, especially during landscaping/altering landscapes later on in the process. Just a small practicality tip. -
Arjan v l Offline
Supports look good, no need for improving on that.
The layout.. as far as i can see for now, it's not good.
If you're going for a big layout, then try to get as much interaction with paths ,landscape, other rides etc. as you can. -
Ling Online
You haven't really done anything to earn anyone's respect here, mrbuckeye - that's the problem. You're still struggling with the spelling and grammar thing, and if you want to establish yourself in terms of critique you have to go above and beyond the casual glance and quick one-line recommendation. Don't nitpick, but be specific and eloquent. Also, generally posting less and playing more is better.
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