H2H6 / Rate the H2H6 parks!
10-August 12
Six Frags Offline
Note; My list isn't final yet as I made it really quickly, and, I may be a bit biased
(I also edited in % of what players build on a park when there's an unequal distribution)
1 Disney's American Waterfront - Pacificoaster
2 Le Rêve Parapluie - AvanineCommuter/Turtle/Wicksteed
3 Sea of Sagas - Fisch(58%)/Dimi(41%)/trav(1%)
4 The Siege of Jerusalem - pierrot(90%)/Louis!(9%)/djbrace1234(1%)
5 Rowling Versus Tolkien - Kumba/Six Frags
6 Tivoli Gardens - 5dave/Jonny93/nin
7 Worlds Of Fun - Cocoa(62%)/trav(35%)/That Guy(3%)
8 Galaxy Geeland - dr dirt/Maverix/prodigy
9 Frankenstein BelgianGuy/K0NG
10 Neverland - 5dave/Cocoa/Dimi
11 Lijiang - Liampie/Pacificoaster/Sulakke
12 Monstrocity - FK+Coastermind(40%)/Turtle(40%)/Camcorder22(20%)
13 London 2012 Olympic Village - Six Frags(90%)/Comet(5%)/JDP(5%)
14 Avatar - wheres_walto(60%)/Levis(21%)/In:Cities(19%)
15 Corsair Veredian - Turtle(47%)/Liampie(46%)/Steve(7%)
16 Zombieland - Kumba(60%)/Goliath123(20%)/In:Cities(20%)
17 Atlantis Resort - Cena(34%)/BelgianGuy(33%)/RCTNW(33%)
18 New Fantasyland - trav(40%)/nin(30%)/Ruben(30%)
19 Mythos - J K(75%)/wheres_walto(25%)
20 Terra Progressia - J K(42%)/Kumba(34%)/Comet(24%)
21 Parque Warner - nin(91%)/Fisch(9%)
22 The Classic - Fizzix(88%)/XCars(12%)
23 Park Edda - robbie92(65%)/Magnus(33%)/Coupon(2%)
24 The Lost Samurai - Gwazi(70%)/Louis!(15%)/Ride6(15%)
25 Pixar Animation Studios - Cena(80%)/Tolsimir(15%)/ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt(5%)
26 Busch Gardens: The New World - In:Cities(70%)/FredD(25%)/JDP(5%)
27 Kim Jong Il's Present To His People - ivo(49%)/Jonny93(47%)/Fisch(4%)
28 Concrete Jungle - Pierrot(65%)/Milo(25%)
29 Copper Creek - Roomie(85%)/Maverix(15%)
30 Adventure Isle - Casimir/Colorado-Fan/disneylandian192
31 Cars Land - Airtime/Loopy
32 The Atlantean Ark - chapelz(45%)/Liampie(45%)/Wicksteed(10%)
33 Pebbles In The Sky - Roomie(95%)/BelgianGuy(5%)
34 ColorFlood - FK+Coastermind(90%)/Steve(10%)
35 Hard Rock Park - turbin3(34%)/Colorado-Fan(33%)/Coupon(33%)
36 The Adventures of Harry Potter - disneylhand(50%)/turbin3(50%)
37 Europa - Airtime(45%)/SSSammy(45%)/RCTCA(10%)
Here's my player ranking too;
1 Pacificoaster
2 Turtle
3 Liampie
4 Cocoa
5 Dimi
6 5dave
7 AvanineCommuter
8 Jonny92
9 Pierrot
10 BelgianGuy
11 Wicksteed
12 Six Frags ()
13 Kumba
14 nin
15 J K
16 FK+Coastermind
17 wheres_walto
18 In:Cities
19 Fisch
20 trav
21 Cena
22 K0NG
23 Fizzix
24 Loopy
25 Gwazi
26 prodigy
27 Maverix
28 Roomie
29 dr dirt
30 robbie92
32 Camcorder22
33 Sulakke
34 Ruben
35 Comet
36 ivo
37 chapelz
38 Airtime
39 Colorado-Fan
40 Casimir
41 Milo
42 Louis!
43 Magnus
44 turbin3
45 disneylandian192
46 Goliath123
47 disneylhand
48 FredD
49 Levis
50 Tolsimir
51 JDP
52 Steve
53 Ride6
54 SSSammy
55 XCars
57 ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt
58 That Guy
59 Coupon
60 djbrace1234
For the player ranking I tried to mix up the seed number and % done on (winning) parks..
I'll probably mix up my list tho, as I made it rather quick..edit; Something went wrong with the links, I'll fix it asap -
trav Offline
3 Sea of Sagas - Fisch(58%)/Dimi(41%)/trav(1%)
11 Worlds Of Fun - Cocoa(62%)/trav(35%)/That Guy(3%)
25 New Fantasyland - trav(40%)/nin(30%)/Ruben(30%)35 trav
Why so lowwww
I'll edit this with my rankings when I find the ones I did for Round Robin and edit them. -
Six Frags Offline
I made the list really quick, I'll edit it later with more accurate standings..Why so lowwww
I'll edit this with my rankings when I find the ones I did for Round Robin and edit them.
I probably rated you too low though, I must admit.. -
Camcorder22 Offline
1 Le Rêve Parapluie
2 Disney's American Waterfront
3 Lijiang
4 Sea of Sagas
5 The Siege of Jerusalem
6 Corsair Veredian
7 Neverland
8 Rowling Versus Tolkien
9 Avatar
10 Frankenstein
11 Galaxy Geeland
12 Tivoli Gardens
13 Monstrocity
14 London 2012 Olympic Village
15 Zombieland
16 Worlds Of Fun
17 Park Edda
18 Terra Progressia
19 Atlantis Resort
20 Pixar Animation Studios
21 Mythos
22 New Fantasyland
23 Cars Land
24 The Classic
25 Parque Warner
26 Pebbles In The Sky
27 Concrete Jungle
28 The Atlantean Ark
29 Copper Creek
30 Adventure Isle
31 ColorFlood
32 The Lost Samurai
33 Kim Jong Il's Present To His People
34 Busch Gardens: The New World
35 The Adventures of Harry Potter
36 Hard Rock Park
37 Europa
Perhaps I'll do players too later. -
wheres_walto Offline
1. Disney's American Waterfront (Heaven's Kitchen)
2. Le Reve Parapluie (Heaven's Kitchen)
3. The Siege of Jerusalem (RevoLLutionists) only LL park I really liked..
4. Lijiang (Heaven's Kitchen)
5. Frankenstein (Reservoir Dogs)
6. Sea of Sagas (Replacements)
7. Corsair Veredian (Heaven's Kitchen)
8. Terra Progressia (Hurricanes)
9. Atlantis Resort (Reservoir Dogs)
10. Rowling vs. Tolkien (Hurricanes)
11. Avatar (Hurricanes)
12. Worlds of Fun (Replacements)
13. Monstrocity (Heaven's Kitchen)
14. Tivoli Gardens (Replacements)
15. Galaxy Geeland (Reservoir Dogs)
16. Park Edda (Flying Germans)
17. Zombieland (Hurricanes)
18. Parque Warner (Replacements)
19. New Fantasyland (Replacements)
20. Neverland (Replacements)
21. London 2012 (Hurricanes)
22. Mythos (Hurricanes)
23. Pixar Animation Studios (Reservoir Dogs)
24. The Classic (Flying Germans)
25. Busch Gardens (Hurricanes)
26. Adventure Isle (Flying Germans)
27. Atlantean Ark (Heaven's Kitchen)
28. Adventures of Harry Potter (Flying Germans)
29. Kim Jong Ivo (Replacements)
30. Colorflood (Heaven's Kitchen)
31. Hard Rock Park (Flying Germans)
32. Karma's a Bitch (Reservoir Dogs)
Sorry Team LL, I other than Siege I don't have a clue where to rank your guys' parks relative to RCT2 parks. -
J K Offline
Sorry canes, I got two wins for my team this season. All I can do is build when my whole team won't give feedback on any off my stuff and hope for the best. I know we lost in the semi's but don't abandon a park.
Pissed off is not the right word when two of your team mates rank your park low when I don't see much feedback in our topic. -
Cocoa Offline
wow, thanks for ranking me #5, even if it was just a quick list...
what someone should do is make a program that places random parks in matchups against each other and we can click which wins. the system record wins/losses and figures out which one is ultimately the best.
1. Disney's American Waterfront
2. La Reve Parupluie
3. Sea of Sagas
4. Siege of Jerusalem
5. Lijiang
6. Tivoli Gardens
7. Avatar
8. Neverland
9. Corsair Veridian
10. Worlds of Fun
11. Zombieland (this park really gets no love, but it was really good)
12. Cars Land
13. Frankenstein
14. Rowling Vs. Tolkein
15. Galaxy Gleeland
16. New Fantasyland
17. London 2012
18. Atlantis Resort
19. Monstrocity
20. Terra Progressia
21. Concrete Jungle
22. Pixar
23. Mythos
24. Parque Warner
25. Pebbles in the Sky
26. Park Edda
27. Copper Creek
28. The Classic
29. Adventure Isle
30. Kim Jong Il
31. Atlantean Ark
32. Colorflood
33. Lost Samurai
34. Hard Rock Park
34. Busch Gardens
35. Harry Potter
36. Europa
I feel like I'm missing one... haha whatever -
Six Frags Offline
I wouldn't say I rated your parks low, as this season has so many awesome parks it's hard to choose which is "better". Better is subjective anyway as you would rate your own parks probably higher than I would, as you build usually what (style) you like.Sorry canes, I got two wins for my team this season. All I can do is build when my whole team won't give feedback on any off my stuff and hope for the best. I know we lost in the semi's but don't abandon a park.
Pissed off is not the right word when two of your team mates rank your park low when I don't see much feedback in our topic.
I also don't think it's fair to accuse me of not giving feedback as I was one of the few who gave you tons of feedback: I even gave screenshot feedback which no-one on our team did.
Like I said, don't take it the wrong way I didn't gave your park not as high of a rating you would, as other parks were amazing as well..
Oh, and I combined a few factors for the player ratings:
-Seed number::Wins/losses::Percentage of building on a park::Personal preference. My list isn't final tho as I made it really quick, and it's just my opinion..
Oh, and cocoa, you were one of the best "H2H rookies", and belong in the same category as PC and AC imo.. Really love your style! -
Wanted Offline
I'll do a top 10 because it gets fuzzy past there...
1. Le Rêve Parapluie
2. Disney's American Waterfront
3. Lijang
4. Sea of Sagas
5. Siege of Jerusalem
6. Monstrocity
7. Park Edda
8. Tivoli Gardens
9. Corsair Veridian
10. Frankenstein
Basically...a very good year for RCT!
Corsair Veridian may be higher up on that list in a couple weeks. Too soon to say. -
Pacificoaster Offline
1. Disney's American Waterfront (Is that conceited?)
2. Le Rêve Parapluie
3. Lijiang
4. Tivoli Gardens
5. Frankenstein
6. Corsair Veredian
7. The Siege of Jerusalem
8. New Fantasyland
9. Sea of Sagas
10. Park Edda -
pierrot Offline
it seems too late though.
1. Lijiang / Frankenstein *
2. Le Rêve Parapluie
3. Disney's American Waterfront
4. The Siege of Jerusalem
5. Park Edda
6. Sea of Sagas
7. Corsair Veredian
based on strong theme, coaster design. -
Ruben Offline
Too late? Never too late.
My top 10 ranking, all clearly awesome parks:
1. Lijiang
2. La rêve parapluie
3. Sea of Sagas
4. Disney's American Waterfront
5. Tivoli
6. Corsair Veredian
7. Avatar
8. Monstrocity
9. Siege of Jerusalem
10. Neverland
After these there's quite a gap, from awesome to the very enjoyable parks such as Zombieland, Busch Gardens, New Fantasyland etc.
After parks like those there's another gap, and then come the unfinished parks, or those that I thought could've been better executed.
I think it's clear to say from my top 10 that I had 2 favorite teams. Good thing I was in one of them. -
Pacificoaster Offline
At least four of our team's parks in everyone's top ten?
Long live Heaven's Kitchen. -
Sulakke Offline
1. Corsair Veredian
2. Sea of Sagas
3. Disney's American Waterfront
4. Lijiang
5. Le Rêve Parapluie
6. Avatar
7. Neverland
8. London 2012 Olympic Village
9. Zombieland
10. Atlantis Resort
I've never been abled to open Siege of Jerusalem, but I'm pretty sure it would made my list too. The ellipsis mean that there is a big gap in quality between those parks. -
Liampie Offline
I haven't had the opportunity to make a list myself, but Monstrocity could very well possible make my top 10. I love it.
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