H2H6 / H2H6 Round Robin Analysis + Playoff Predictions
20-July 12
Wanted Offline
Dun dun dun... round robin is complete! Although the revoLLutionists and the Flying Germans were unfortunately unable to grind it out and make it to the playoffs, they still produced several quality parks!
Four very different teams are heading into the playoffs now. Who will win? Only time will tell.
Will it be...?
Fourth Place after RR - The Replacements (nin, Ruben, and trav are all unable to build in the semifinal match)
nin [2 parks - Tivoli Gardens (win) and New Fantasyland (loss)] - Unable to work with trav, Ruben, Jonny93, or 5dave in the playoffs
5dave [1 park - Tivoli Gardens (win)] - Unable to work with Jonny93 or nin in the playoffs
Ruben [1 park - New Fantasyland (loss)] - Unable to work with trav or nin in the playoffs
Cocoa [1 park - Worlds of Fun (loss)] - Unable to work with trav or That_Guy in the playoffs
Dimi [1 park - Sea of Sagas (win)] - Unable to work with Fisch or trav in the playoffs
Fisch [2 parks - Sea of Sagas (win) and Kim Jong Il (loss)] - Unable to work with Dimi, trav, Jonny93, or ivo in the playoffs
That_Guy [1 park - Worlds of Fun (loss)] - Unable to work with trav, or Cocoa in the playoffs
Jonny93 [2 parks - Tivoli Gardens (win) and Kim Jong Il(loss)] - Unable to work with nin, 5dave, Fisch, or ivo in the playoffs
trav [3 parks - Sea of Sagas (win) and Worlds of Fun (loss) and New Fantasyland (loss)] - Unable to build in playoffs (3 park max)
ivo [1 park - Kim Jong Il (loss)] - Unable to work with Jonny93 or Fisch in the playoffs
The Replacements - 2 Wins in RR
Round 1 - Sea of Sagas (Fisch, Dimi, Trav)
The Replacements shocked everyone with their week one park. Sea of Sagas had it all...awesome rides, coasters, landscaping, themeing, and architecture. One or two of these builders will surely have an impact on the playoffs.
Round 2 - Tivoli Gardens (nin, 5dave, Jonny93)
Another really strong park from The Replacements. Brilliant planning, themeing, and architecture won it for them here. 5dave or nin will likely make an appearance in the playoffs. Maybe Jonny93 will shock us...
Or will it be...?
Third Place after RR - Hurricanes (In:Cities, JDP, and FredD are all unable to build in the semifinal match)
Kumba [2 parks - Zombieland (loss) and Terra Progressia (win)] - Unable to work with Goliath123, In:Cities, J K, or Comet in the playoffs
J K [1 park - Terra Progressia (win)] Unable to work with Kumba or Comet in the playoffs
FredD [1 park - Busch Gardens The New World (loss)] Unable to work with In:Cities or JDP in the playoffs
Six Frags [1 park - London 2012 Olympics (win)] - Unable to work with Comet or JDP in the playoffs
wheres_walto [1 park - Avatar (win)] - Unable to work with Levis or In:Cities in the playoffs
Levis [1 park - Avatar (win)] - Unable to work with wheres_walto or In:Cities in the playoffs
In:Cities [3 parks - Zombieland (loss) and Avatar (win) and Busch Gardens The New World (win)] - Unable to build in the playoffs (3 park max)
JDP [2 parks - London 2012 Olympics (win) and Busch Gardens The New World (loss)] - Unable to work with Six Frags, Comet, In:Cities, or FredD in the playoffs
Comet [2 parks - London 2012 Olympics (win) and Terra Progressia (win)] - Unable to work with Six Frags, JDP, J K, or Kumba
Goliath123 [1 park - Zombieland (loss)] - Unable to work with Kumba or In:Cities in the playoffs
Hurricanes - 3 Wins in RR
Round 2 - London 2012 Olympics (Six Frags, Comet, JDP)
A brilliant idea executed nicely won it for the Canes in this round. The architecture and pathing was really pleasant. Frags will probably appear in the playoffs, and Comet/JDP may be silent killers in the playoffs as well.
Round 3 - Avatar (wheres_walto, Levis, In:Cities)
I'm sure this park took everyone by surprise when it came out. The coasters, themeing, and overall park were top notch. Walto, Levis, and In:cities really blew us away here. I'm sure Walto and Levis will appear in the playoffs.
Round 4 - Terra Progressia (J K, Kumba, Comet)
This park really came alive (haha). It had really cool coasters and themeing. The idea is damn cool, and it was executed nicely. J K and Kumba will VERY likely appear in the playoffs.
Maybe the real winners are...?
Second Place after RR - Heaven's Kitchen (Steve and FK+Coastermind are all unable to build in the semifinal match)
Liampie [2 parks - Atlantean Ark (loss) and Lijang (win)] - Unable to work with Chapelz, Wicksteed, Pacificoaster, or Sulakke in the playoffs
Turtle [2 parks - Montrocity (win) and Le Rêve Parapluie (win)] - Unable to work with FK+Coastermind, Camcorder22, AvanineCommuter, or Wicksteed in the playoffs
Steve [1 park - ColorFlood (win)] - Unable to work with FK+Coastermind in the playoffs
Pacificoaster [1 park - Lijang (win)] - Unable to work with Liampie or Sulakke in the playoffs
AvanineCommuter [1 park - Le Rêve Parapluie (win)] - Unable to work with Wicksteed or Turtle in the playoffs
Wicksteed [2 parks - Atlantean Ark (loss) and Le Rêve Parapluie (win)] - Unable to work with Chapelz, Wicksteed, Turtle, or AvanineCommuter in the playoffs
Chapelz [1 park - Atlantean Ark (loss)] - Unable to work with Liampie or Wicksteed in the playoffs
Camcorder22 [1 park - Monstrocity (win)] - Unable to work with FK+Coastermind or Turtle in the playoffs
FK+Coastermind [2 parks - Monstrocity (win) and ColorFlood (win)] - Unable to work with Camcorder22, Turtle, or Steve in the playoffs
Sulakke [1 park - Lijang (win)] - Unable to work with Liampie or Pacificoaster in the playoffs
Heaven's Kitchen - 4 Wins in RR
Round 2 - Monstrocity (FK+Coastermind, Camcorder22, Turtle)
Really awesome ideas in this park and they were executed brilliantly. Unique coaster layouts combined with great planning made this a great park. One or two of these guys will likely impact the playoffs in the great way.
Round 3 - Lijang (Liampie, Pacificoaster, Sulakke)
Another park with great ideas in it. These three executed these ideas nearly flawlessly. An amazing atmosphere combined with sick layouts and brilliant interaction made this a park to remember. Can't wait to see one of two of these guys continue to tear it up in the playoffs.
Round 4 - Le Rêve Parapluie (AvanineCommuter, Turtle, Wicksteed)
Once again, the Kitchen comes up with more awesome ideas. They managed to create one of the greatest "fantasy" (and h2h in general) parks of all time. Amazing architecture and coasters blew us all away. One or two of these guys better show us something great in the playoffs (laughs).
Round 5 - ColorFlood (FK+Coastermind, Steve)
It was a weird one...but still pretty awesome and fun to look at. I'm sure this isn't the last we've seen of one of them, potentially both of them....
Or could this final team win it...?
First Place after RR - Reservoir Dogs (dr dirt, Maverix, and Prodigy are all unable to build in the semifinal match)
K0NG [1 park - Frankenstein (win)] - Unable to work with BelgianGuy in the playoffs
RCTNW [1 park - Atlantis Resort (win)] - Unable to work with Cena or BelgianGuy in the playoffs
BelgianGuy - [2 parks - Frankenstein (win) and Atlantis Resort (win)] - Unable to work with K0NG, Cena, or RCTNW in the playoffs
Prodigy [1 park - Galaxy Geeland (win)] - Unable to work with dr dirt or Maverix in the playoffs
Cena [2 parks - Pixar Animation Studios (loss) and Atlantis Resort (win)] - Unable to work with Tolsimir, Scotlands_Finest, BelgianGuy, or RCTNW in the playoffs
Roomie [1 park - Copper Creek (win)] - Unable to work with Maverix in the playoffs
Tolsimir [1 park - Pixar Animation Studios (loss)] - Unable to work with Cena or Scotlands_Finest in the playoffs
dr dirt [1 park - Galaxy Geeland (win)] - Unable to work with Prodigy or Maverix in the playoffs
Maverix [2 parks - Copper Creek (win) and Galaxy Geeland (win)] - Unable to work with Roomie, Prodigy, or dr dirt in the playoffs
Scotlands_Finest [1 park - Pixar Animation Studios (win)] - Unable to work with Cena or Tolsimir in the playoffs
Reservoir Dogs - 4 Wins in RR
Round 1 - Frankenstein (K0NG, BelgianGuy)
Whoa. Black and white? Check. Giant Castle? Check. GIANT coaster? Check. Win? Check. Really awesome idea and execution here. Surely neither of these builders are done, are they? (laughs)
Round 3 - Copper Creek (Roomie, Maverix)
A LL park from one of the non-LL teams beats the all-LL team!? Blaphemy. Regardless, really sick park with PEEPS! Maybe one of them will appear in the playoffs...
Round 4 - Atlantis Resort (Cena, BelgianGuy, RCTNW)
Really cool idea for a H2H park. The hotel is nice. The coaster has an awesome layout. The underwater sections were fun to look at. Some cool hacks here too. Really nice park. One or two of these guys may make an appearance in the playoffs...heehee
Round 5 - Galaxy Geeland (dr dirt, Prodigy, and Maverix)
A really fun park that deserves a lot of praise. It had a nice atmosphere going on, and some really unique layouts. I'm sure one or two of these guys will make an appearance in the playoffs.
PS: Red = unable to build in the playoffs
Blue = undefeated in h2h6
Playoff Predictions
The semifinal round in H2H history has always brought some AMAZING matches and parks. H2H3 semifinals brought us Aviara Cove, Eternal Springs City, and Artesian Well Waterworks. H2H4 semifinals gave us Mars Colony Eurolai, Alice in Wonderland, and Disney's Shadowland(one of the most beloved parks of all time). H2H5 semifinals shocked us with Roman Vice, Southport Pleasure Beach, and Lenox Mall(...whoa...) What will the h2h6 semifinals bring us? Who knows? I think we can all guarantee it will be something special.
Semi Final 1: Reservoir Dogs v The Replacements
Quiiiiite the interesting match we have here folks. dr dirt, Maverix, and Prodigy are unable to build for Reservoir Dogs, and nin, Ruben, and Trav are unable to build for The Replacements. Who are we going to see? WHAT are we going to see? The playoffs always bring out dazzling and unexpected masterpieces. Superstars K0NG and 5dave have only worked on 1 park this season. Will they go in the semis? Maybe Cena or BelgianGuy can pull something together again? Perhaps Fisch, who surprised everyone with his brilliant work in Sea of Sagas, can produce a winning semis park? Only time will tell. I'm excited.
Semi Final 2: Heaven's Kitchen v Hurricanes
They are playing each other again!? Laaaame. Just kidding. They played each other last round when nothing was on the line...about to get REAL interesting. Steve and FK+Coastermind are unable to build for Heaven's Kitchen, and In:Cities, JDP, and FredD are unable to build for Hurricanes. Kumba has a preeeeeetttty good team record in the playoffs. Will they continue their reign of terror? (laughs) Or will Heaven's Kitchen fry them to pieces? Will it be Kumba or J K leading the charge in the semifinal? Maybe a new ringleader has emerged under Kumba's flag? Who's gonna be thrown out of the kitchen? (laughs) Will Turtle continue his domination? What about Liampie? Avanine? Pacificoaster? This is going to be a great match and we are ALL looking forward to it.
My personal predictions
I can see this going either way in both matchups.
I think The Replacements win with an amazing park by 5dave, or Reservoir Dogs win with something unique by K0NG or Roomie.
I think Heaven's Kitchen win with a crazy fantasy park by Liam+Turtle/Avanine, or Hurricanes win with something epic by Kumba/J K+Six Frags.
My GUT feeling says Heaven's Kitchen wins the whole thing. Lijang and Le Rêve Parapluie were my favorite RR parks and I think that was only a taste (lol) of what they can put together in the kitchen.
!!!HYPE!!! -
Turtle Offline
That's an excellent review, man! Some really interesting stats and ideas.
I think the line ups for the semi and final match ups from each team will be -
Dogs - Kong + Tolsimir, Belgian Guy + Prodigy + S_F.
Hurricanes - JK + SF (+ Levis), Kumba + ww.
Replacements - Fisch + Cocoa, 5dave + anyone really.
I'm most excited for parks from Fisch, 5dave, JK and Kong.
I can see the Replacements beating the Dogs in a real chalk and cheese match up. -
Wanted Offline
That's an excellent review, man! Some really interesting stats and ideas.
I think the line ups for the semi and final match ups from each team will be -
Dogs - Kong + Tolsimir, Belgian Guy + Prodigy + S_F.
Hurricanes - JK + SF (+ Levis), Kumba + ww.
Replacements - Fisch + Cocoa, 5dave + anyone really.
I'm most excited for parks from Fisch, 5dave, JK and Kong.
I can see the Replacements beating the Dogs in a real chalk and cheese match up.
Thanks bro.
Interesting that you put 5dave as the finals park. I would think 5dave would build the semis and nin would build the finals park. But hey, I'm a scrub, what do I know? -
Fisch Offline
Sounds pretty accurate to me!or Hurricanes win the 3rd place matchup vs the Dogs with something epic
fixed -
chorkiel Offline
Reservoir Dogs:
dr dirt, maverix and prodigy won't be playing for the dogs in the semis. K0NG will play in the final so I expect BG to be put out, alongside anyone really..
Their finals park will consist out of K0NG, prodigy and maybe another builder.
The Replacements:
First of, anything is possible with the replacements. I could see anyone build alongside anyone really. Some players I think will play are 5Dave (of course..), That Guy, nin and Cocoa.
Heaven's Kitchen:
I bet Liam was sure he would go through anyway and their (possible) finals park will consist out of Steve, Turtle and Liam. Okay, maybe not Turtle and Turtle will be put in their semi's park. But Steve will play the finals and I think Liam will as well. They'll surprise us for sure.
I think J K will build in their possible finals park. I don't really know what they're gonna put out, but I know that it'll be good.
For the matchups:
RD - RP:
I predict that the RP's bad luck will strike them once again and the RD put out a H2H history lesson. The RP's park will be one of the greater parks of their season but again not good enough.
HK - HC:
I predict that the HK will once again from the HC. They will put out something à la 'parapluie'. Which will not shutout the hurricanes but shove some dirt in their mouth.
That would mean the finals:
And this can be one of the best finals ever. No predictions for this because the unthinkable will happen.
RP - HC: (third place finals)
I think that the RP's will win this one. Not too much more because I don't know ;p. -
Camcorder22 Offline
Good review, really pumped to see what happens as there's still a lot of exciting potential parkmaker combos. I'd love to see a Levis+Kumba park, or SixFrags+J_K (even if both these combos will lose to us
). 5dave+Fisch and any combo of K0ng, Roomie, and RCTNW would also be interesting. As for our team...I hope your bodies are ready.
1. Heaven's Kitchen
2. Reservoir Dogs
3. Hurricanes
4. Replacements -
Cocoa Offline
Its fascinating to see what other people think about your team.
I'm just gonna predict who's 'leading' each park.
Reservoir Dogs: K0NG leads the semi-finals park, and Belgianguy/ Cena lead the finals park.
Heaven's Kitchen: Liampie leads the semis, and Turtle/ Pacificoaster lead the finals
Hurricanes: JK leads the semis, Kumba leads the finals
Just going based on a combination of gut instinct, how they acted last season, and what I think would be their most strategic lineups. You need a really good park to get to the finals, and so I think a lot of emphasis will be put on the semi parks. -
Xeccah Offline
When it comes to reliability and consistency, I'd have to choose between RD and HC, but probably has two La Reve's up their sleeve, and if they do, its a high possibility they'll win.
All the team's big guns have not been used until the very end, so I am expecting 4 awesome matches! -
J K Offline
I'm expecting some awesome work from K0NG, Belgian Guy, Roomie. Nin, Jonny93, 5Dave, Cocoa, Turtle, Liam and Steve as well as whoever goes in our team. It seems like it's gonna be a tough few rounds full of amazing parks! -
AvanineCommuter Offline
It's funny reading these predictions, as I'm pretty sure we know what the real outcome will be... -
AvanineCommuter Offline
If K0NG loses the semi-finals park he may just die.
So nin, are you willing to kill K0NG? -
K0NG Offline
So nin, are you willing to kill K0NG?
Being willing and being able are two entirely different things.
3:06 -
trav Offline
I thought he'd just gotten the name of 3OH!3 wrong
His trash talk is getting a bit repetitive now though, you'd have thought going so long without any posting rights, he'd have been able to come up with something new and original. -
wheres_walto Offline
I thought he was just getting 3:16 wrong cause his new picture is Stone Cold Steve Austin.
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