H2H6 / Time to Stir the Pot!
02-July 12
robbie92 Offline
Even if there's been plenty of disappointment this season, the overall standard of quality has dramatically risen. Last season's best parks would probably only be considered fairly good this time around. Everyone's still doing a fantastic job. -
Wanted Offline
Last season's best parks would probably only be considered fairly good this time around.
Idk Robb, Belmont Shores, Lenox Mall, Calypso Quay, Roman Vice, Worlds of Tim Burton would still be considered amazing in this H2H -
Comet Offline
Yeah robbie I thought about that when looking through the London Olympic topic. People really didn't rave about it too much but that would've been ground breaking last H2H. The standard has definitely increased quite a bit -
chorkiel Offline
Not sure if this counts as stirring the pot
but I just did some counting.
Players that haven't taken part in a matchup:
Ruben (replacements)
prodigy (reservoir dogs)
dr dirt (reservoir dogs)
Steve (heaven's kitchen)
djbrace1234 (revoLLutionists)
FredD (hurricanes)
Take a special look at djbrace1234, him being a rct2 builder would mean the revoLLutionists will send in an rct2 park against the replacements OR djbrace will start playing LL. Quite interesting imo.
Also nice, a list of players that have played 2 matches already; (just for those interested)
Jonny93, Fisch and trav (for the replacements)
Cena and Belgianguy (for the reservoir dogs)
Liampie, Turtle and Wicksteed (for heaven's kitchen)
Airtime (for the RevoLLutionists)
Kumba Comet and In:Cities (for the hurricanes)
Now you might be wondering, and the flying germans? Well they have all taken part in only 1 matchup. Making it the ultimate surprise what they will come up the last week, because I hope they'll release something finished and to the qualities they are capable of to show they didn't fuck the whole season up. -
Kumba Online
Nice analysis!
This is the stir the pot topic, so let me try doing that by saying... I don't want to take part in another H2H like this...
I don't like the following rules:
- Parkmakers can't build in back to back match-ups
- Parkmakers can't build with the same parkmaker twice
- Parkmakers can only build 3x
- Only 3 parkmakers per park
I know historically it's always been like this, but I would LOVE to see this become a real team contest. This is basically just teams that play 3 on 3.
I want to see parks where everyone on a team can pitch in. I hate looking at our schedule and having almost 0 room to adjust match-ups and move people around.
I tried to talk Posix and the captains into removing all the building restrictions for the playoffs/finals except the building back to back rule. Could have every player on the team chip in on the most important parks of the season.
So yeah I hate all these limits even if I am pretty good at working with them. Please open it up a little in H2H7... -
Fizzix Offline
Well seeing as H2H has always been this way, wouldn't it be easier to do a different contest this way? I agree that a contest where the whole team participates on every park is an awesome idea, I just don't think H2H is the place for it.
I think Heaven's Kitchen has been the strongest. Each week, I've seen immense improvement from the last week's park.
Can't wait to see what's in store for this Round.
Lijang, Parapluie, Sea of Sagas, Atlantis.
I think the most surprising players have been trav and In:Cities. Both have stepped up their game and commitment to their teams, byt building on many parks. Great job guys! -
Liampie Offline
I tried to talk Posix and the captains into removing all the building restrictions for the playoffs/finals except the building back to back rule. Could have every player on the team chip in on the most important parks of the season.
I am open to revisiting the rules to allow for a more flexible schedule, but fact is that you were requesting changes while the contest was already running. Hope you still enjoy this H2H.
I think the current rules are good because they force people to be active. If you're out of motivation or you're just an asshole, there's not a team of 9 members who can take over the park. Allowing more people to work on a park tempts people to put less effort into the parks. I know I wouldn't have worked so hard if there where so many backups. Also, the rule that no two players can go twice together creates diversity and triggers creativity. The only rule that I personally could change is the rule that a player can't go in two consecutive rounds, and maybe I'd increase the maximum number of parks per player to 4. That alone would allow for MUCH more flexibility.
I'm saying this as a member, not as an admin, by the way. -
posix Offline
What Liam said. Kumba, we could've reconsidered the rules had you approached us when we had just published the rules. Not while all captains had already planned out their schedules and people started working accordingly. Of course I understand that these issues don't really become clear until things are happening, so I ask you to keep your thoughts and bring them forth during the pre-season of a potential H2H7. The rules are primarily designed so that everyone in the team will get to play and "less skilled" players are not discriminated against.
chorkiel, that's a killer analysis and I just bookmarked it. Thanks a lot. -
Milo Offline
I have to admit it's been a weird H2H. The quality is certainly there but I don't know if it's just the way certain matches ended up or what but it hasn't been a great H2H to watch.
I actually like the idea of coming up with a different team oriented contest, something new. I'm thinking teams of 3-5 people, 10 teams, 2 divisions. 2 separate brackets for a regular season, 4 matches and then an inter divisional playoffs?
I realize that seems kinda cliquish and that might turn some people off but the idea is that the teams are smaller groups of people that are collaborating. There wouldn't be as many (if any) rules regarding who could build and when, it would just be what your team can get turned in. -
Kumba Online
You started the rules topic the day contest was announced. The captains forum was not even up till a week later...
Whatever, this contest is close to over, but I think we need to consider changes in the future. -
Fisch Offline
I think Heaven's Kitchen has been the strongest. Each week, I've seen immense improvement from the last week's park.
Can't wait to see what's in store for this Round.
Lijang, Parapluie, Sea of Sagas, Atlantis.
It should say LiJang, Parapluie, Monstrocity, Atlantis -
In:Cities Offline
Milo thats a fantastic idea. If somebody starts a contest like that, I would be down in a heartbeat. Even if its soon after H2H ends. Being in a small team like that with a more selective group of people would be fantastic. -
Milo Offline
Milo thats a fantastic idea. If somebody starts a contest like that, I would be down in a heartbeat. Even if its soon after H2H ends. Being in a small team like that with a more selective group of people would be fantastic.
I think it could work pretty well although there are still a few kinks to work out and obviously it would be very susceptible to unfinished stuff if even 1 person is inactive on a team but I think it could be better for motivation if people are working with a small group.
Give me a PM if you want to discuss it some more. -
Maverix Offline
I think it's a good idea, but I think that you would have to keep the map size smaller so that you can 1) keep people motivated and 2) keep the contest moving fast as I don't think that people can churn out H2H sized parks every two weeks.
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