Releases / H2H6 - RR R5 M1: Hurricanes VS Heaven's Kitchen
30-June 12
posix Offline
Voting Closed
Heaven's Kitchen beat HurricanesBusch Gardens: The New World was made by In:Cities, FredD and JDP. ColorFlood was made by FK+Coastermind and Steve.
Hurricanes vote count: 10
Voters: Fisch, Wanted, CoolCody, trav, Arjan v l, 5dave, rct2isboss, Airtime, K0NG, rozycoon
Heaven's Kitchen vote count: 14
Voters: Louis!, RCTMASTA, Fizzix, olddtfan51, Cocoa, MikaRCT2, Lowenaldo, Jonny93, Twitch, Tolsimir, Ruben, Xtreme97, CrazyBlack, BC(rct2) -
trav Offline
Did Steve just disappear off the face of the Rct Earth or something? Only 10% of a park in the round robin... -
Fizzix Offline
Definitely didn't see Steve in there at all. It was pretty easy for me to see who built the 'Canes park, though.
It is a real shame to see a match with 24 votes, not to mention the Kitchen-RevoLLutionists' match. Seems to me that some members can't be bothered to dl and vote in a Round if it's not a mind blowing matchup. -
Camcorder22 Offline
Turtle summed it up better than I did. Its fairly obvious that this isn't the best matchup of the contest, I really see no reason to go out of your way and point that out. Sure of course you're allowed to have an opinion, speak your mind, whatever, but maybe consider whether what you're saying is contributing to the community and its productivity and morale, or whether you're just posting it for the sake of having an opinion. And no, this isn't the only time its happened, nor is it the worst post, sorry if it seems like I was singling you out BC. -
BC(rct2) Offline
Only 24 votes? What a shame...
It's a shame because they (Heavens Kitchen, Reservoir Dogs, Flying Germans, etc) are doing their best to show us something good, original and creative on RCT2, witch is difficult and takes time of your live, and only 24 persons voted on this? Ok, this can be (or not) the worst matchup but they did this to know what you think about the parks, they wanna win with more than 100 votes, not with for example 10 votes or less, just saying!
no problems bro...sorry if it seems like I was singling you out BC.
trav Offline
Camcorder, you haven't voted in a single matchup, nor have you even posted any actual opinions of any of the parks, the only time you've commented in matchup topics is to join in an argument or try and be condescending towards those who are arguing.
I don't think you're in a position to judge the 'productivity and morale' of the community, and I think you should realise that by being active and not voting or leaving opinions, you're being much more damaging to the community's morale. -
FK+Coastermind Offline
hey, wait, everyone stop fighting, i won, okay, just talk about nice things.....
trav Offline
I'm talking about Camcorder, not you BC, hence why the first word in my post was Camcorder. -
disneylandian192 Offline
I don't know how I missed voting on this, but this was an interesting matchup to be sure. I liked the Canes park, but it was clearly a last minute effort with nothing that truly stood out. Colorflood was hard to judge, I really didn't have much to compare it to outside of modern art, which I know even less about. What I did know is that the longer I stared at it the more I loved it. This park was original and just damn cool, definitely would've gotten my vote. H2H is always about being outrageous and different, this park was definitely it. Nice job FK and Steve! -
BC(rct2) Offline
god! I tough that Camcorder was an English expression...hahaha, sorry about that, I'm on fire tonightI'm talking about Camcorder, not you BC, hence why the first word in my post was Camcorder.
MCI Offline
Cant you close the voting when I´m actually ready for it?
Havent got time yet to produce the recap, sorry for my delay... -
Camcorder22 Offline
Camcorder, you haven't voted in a single matchup, nor have you even posted any actual opinions of any of the parks, the only time you've commented in matchup topics is to join in an argument or try and be condescending towards those who are arguing.
I don't think you're in a position to judge the 'productivity and morale' of the community, and I think you should realise that by being active and not voting or leaving opinions, you're being much more damaging to the community's morale.
I understand I've been a bit lazy with my voting/commenting (typical "real world" excuses) and will make an effort to contribute more in the semi's/finals. Its a problem that's just come to light to me recently and I suppose I am just as much a part of it as everyone else. However I don't see how my point is any less valid though because I'm "not any position" to bring it up. Sorry, but it just seems sort of unnecessary to go through someone's post history to try to frame them as a hypocrite, and its exactly the kind of shit I'm talking about that we don't need more of. Maybe we can both agree to stop bullshitting and focus more on building parks/constructively posting? Yeah?
Hurricanes, what you had was enjoyable, some nice architecture at the entrance and the parade concept was fun. I also liked that you included some "slum" areas that, while not the most aesthetically pleasing or cohesive looking buildings by nature, give the park a much more real feel. I think the idea would've faired better on a larger map though. One thing this H2H has shown is that "concept" parks seem to fair better in this format than chain parks or parks with multiple themed areas. I would've loved to see a Macchu Picchu area or some mountainous ruin type of theme of that nature, but obviously the map wasn't big enough for that sort of thing.
In terms of our park, I'll admit I was dubious at the beginning when FK brought up the theme because the last floating park in H2H did not fair well in voting, but he ended up doing a great job on this. It takes a very different building mentality than that of traditional parks to use objects for purely aesthetic purposes like he did. I think the key to "getting" this is in the end there is no secret message or concept (Or is there???), I just really enjoy looking at the vibrant colors and forms and how he used objects to represent something abstract. Hopefully this opens the door to future RCT experimentation of this nature.
In:Cities Offline
Thank you to all who voted, and to those who enjoyed the park. We really worked hard on this, just unfortunately couldn't meet the deadline:/
For any of you who are curious as to who did what:
JDP - The layout to Inti. A couple supports on Inti.
FredD - The Rio area. Parade/carnival/Toucan ride/ Favela. Flamingo exhibit.
In:Cities - Peru[Theming/Sky Tower/Aviary/ Inti queue/ Llamas/ Unfinished splash boats] Amazonia[River rapids/ Anaconda exhibit/ X-Cursions/ Monkeys/ food bus/ Jaguar exhibit/ Unfinished kids play area & slides. Rio[ Christ redeemer statue, Tapirs, Bumper cars.
I really hate that we had to release the park in this state. I am not one to make excuses, but we really had some unfortunate situations that set us back.
Obviously having to rush to come up with a concept and park late in the season due to RRP's departure was a hurdle, but we got things up and running fairly quickly. Originally we were going to do a realistic SheiKra recreation, on par with the Kumba rec. But we had to consider the timeframe, as well as the game's limitations when it came to the grid and real life diagonal track sections. So we went with doing a small portion of a South American Busch Gardens theme. Divided into three sections: Peru, Amazon, and Rio.
JDP made the layout, then disappeared from that point on. He did periodically pop in from time to time promising to build and do the hacks for us, but was too busy with real life. We were originally going to have him do a water splash hack for Inti, but that never happened.
FredD came on pretty strong and got the Rio carnival section mapped out fairly quickly. Progress was going great between him and I, but with about a week to go his laptop crashed and wasn't able to build. Leaving me to take over the entire project.
It was difficult to try and fit build time in with my work schedule. Not to mention my girlfriend getting pissed at me for coming home every night and working on the park haha. I had to wake up super early and stay up super late just to get some build time. I managed to chip away at it pretty steadily, but the deadline still loomed. My family was having me join them on a roadtrip up to Boston for vacation the weekend of the deadline, so I was planning on bringing my laptop and a power inverter so I could do the remainder of the building on the road. I ended up forgetting my laptop entirely, but luckily I brought my external harddrive which had all my rct2 files. I managed to get RCT2 installed on my sisters boyfriends laptop on the night before the deadline though, and tried as hard as I could to finish the park.
I worked almost up until the deadline trying to finish up certain areas, but due to my style of "build first/add detail later", nearly everything ended up looking unfinished. I had so many ideas planned for the Peru area, but in the end it looked empty:/
Not to mention the floating dive machine in the middle of the park.
That being said, I am extremely thankful to have had the opportunity to participate in my first H2H. I have had an absolute blast working with each and every one of my teammates, and cannot wait to see the rest of what my team has in store:]
FK-Coastermind and Mister Stephen, congratulations on building an awesome park. Regardless of what people say, I thought it was fantastic. Very enjoyable to watch!
-Josh -
leonidas Offline
How the hell did I miss this..
Colorflood is the most beautiful thing I've seen in a very long time. I'm sorry to say this, but the other park is not even slightly of the same quality.
It reminds me somehow of the work of Joan Miro. I'm afraid I still don't really get the conceptual part, but only from an aesthetic point of view, it is absolutely fantastic, to such an extend that it makes me feel like most "normal" parks are just stupid child's play compared to this (same feeling I had when 'Taboo' came out).
I have this huge collection of art images found on google etc. The overview of this park was immediately saved when I saw it. The very sight is already breathtaking. The color, the lines, such a fragile balance. This belongs in a museum.
Great job people! -
disneylhand Offline
I'm somewhat shocked that dive machine layout is by JDP. I would have expected something much more refined judging by his presence on these forums.
-disneylhand -
MCI Offline
H2H6 Round5 Match1 Recap
A bit late and a bit short. Sorry about that, but I haven´t had a chance to do the recording over the last few days and only a limited amount of time today
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