Custom Scenery Exchange / Render8 Custom Scenery Thread
12-June 12
render8 Offline
^ Yes, the individual cars rotate. Basically the whole group of 3 cars rotate 360, then each car also rotates 360, at least in the RCT2 ride they do. In real life though, the whole group rotates, but the individual cars do swing rotate back and forth. I think I might try that instead of each car going a full 360 as well as the group.
Here's a video of what I partly used for reference if you'd like to see the rough cycle of a real break dance.
render8 Offline
After thinking of what inthemanual said about the car rotations, I went back and did a little randomizing on the car rotations. It's kind of obvious the sequence repeats itself, but I tried to do a better combination of full rotation to floating back and forth. A little abrupt in some spots, but unfortunately, I only have 24 frames to play with so I gotta make the rotations get back to their original starting points by the end or it jumps a lot. Probably doesn't make sense explaining it.
inthemanual Offline
Love it. It's not too noticeable that it repeats, because it seems that each car is doing different rotations.
render8 Offline
^Thanks so much and I'm glad I followed your idea. Gives it a little more variation.
I also started a second version of this idea to see if anyone thinks this one is better than the first. I'm keeping the project files for both versions just in case I need to go back to the other. I personally like this one better, with the sign in the middle, but again, that's just me.
Sorry to keep spamming the custom scenery exchange with these random clips. I just think I'm on a roll right now, and this really helps me keep going just to be able to show even the slightest bit of progress as I make it. Thanks guys for all the input on this project. It truly means a lot, even though I know I probably get annoying with all these posts in here.
Stoksy Offline
This is great! Obviously a little unfortunate that you couldn't get it work on a 4x4 grid so it looks a little small but still really cool. Haven't seen a new ride in so long it's great to see people like you 'filling in the gaps' so to speak so that we have an even larger selection of rides to choose from.
Keep us updated.
render8 Offline
Alright guys, I'm gettin' pretty excited about the progress I'm making and couldn't resist the urge to show where I'm at right now. Some changes I made since the last preview are I rescaled the cars to properly fit two peeps per car, side by side. I also got the first two peeps in and lap restraints on all the cars. I also added in some little bits and bobs while playing around.
I spent time carefully making sure I tried to get the peep models scaled and looking as close as possible to the ones in the game. That's probably the closest I think I'm gonna get. I used in game screen shots and layered my peeps over them to try and get the best sizes.
So here it is again. this time with two peeps in, wearing the yellow shirts in case they're a bit hard to spot.
I also decided to have some fun and have the one with hands up in the air, which you probably can't tell, but I know it's there lol.
Also, the sprite sheet just so you can see the breakdown a bit better frame by frame.
Just put together a quick build to test in-game. I did have to go back and rework the timing o nthe animation as I found out it was going to fast on the actual in-game test. I think this seems a descent speed.
So now, I just need to go back, add in the rest of the peeps to the other cars and start rendering out the peep frames. Hope you guys like so far.
render8 Offline
^Thanks so much JJ, and a sincere thank you to everyone else on these boards for all the support. I'm gonna be honest, but in the last two years I've been on these boards, I've really come a long way and I credit everyone who has commented and picked my stuff apart, and without you guys, I don't think I'd be this far. I know I'm constantly showing stuff, and I guess in a way, that's how I've always been. Just makes me feel a little more a part of the community I guess and possibly try and get others to join in the fun eventually.
Seriously though, I want to thank everyone here for all the words of encouragement and opening my eyes to all my mistakes and flaws along the way. Without you guys, it would be hard to stay motivated.
inthemanual Offline
I don't like the sign in the center. I think it makes it look tacky, and less RCT like. Maybe release a version with and a version without it?
render8 Offline
^ That's actually been brought up to me before and I actually have plans of doing that. I figured once I get one finished, the other version should be fairly straightforward as well to finish. I just kind of shifted my sights a bit in the middle of everything to focus on this one, and I pretty well have everything all figured out now, so I'll do the other version also once I get this one done.
Liampie Offline
I don't like the sign either... The more generic the ride is, the more useful it is for the community. The checkered floor doesn't bother me in the same way, but the ride could do without. Perhaps it's a little too detailed anyway. At least the version with larger squares looks a little better in my opinion. The animation however is great, good job. The peeps disappear in the in-game screen, but I suppose that's still under construction.
For the centre ornament I propose a diamond like this one, like the three stacked balls also a common centre piece and in my opinion more generic and therefore more useful.
Looking forward to seeing the next version! This looks like the best custom ride in years, you're definitely onto something. -
5dave Offline
I agree with everything Liampie said.
Maybe the checker could be replaced with another plain color (Alternate color scheme 3 maybe?)
Really great work - love how this turned out!
render8 Offline
Thanks for the good honest feedback guys. @Liampie - I really never gave thought to a diamond in the center. That does seem like it would be a little more generic than the overly flashy sign. I think I'll experiment with that idea here soon, just to see how it would look. you're definitely right about the peeps disappearing. It's all in the timing of the peep animation, and right now, that's the one thing I'm seriously struggling with. I tried following Earls documents on how to make the peep animations, but there were some things he didn't really touch on that I have questions about on how to make them seamlessly go around on the ride and how to determine which riders are which. It is really baffling for me trying to figure out how the game reads the animations so when they do get on the ride, they show up fine with their correct shirt colors, but after a certain point in the animation, they start jumping from car to car.
I think I'll take you up on the idea of ditching the checker idea too and go for a little bit more generic colored.
@5dave - I really wish it was possible to do a 3rd color scheme. I'm not sure if that's possible though for the twist rides, at least from what I could see. having only two colors to play with makes things a little challenging so I have to think carefully which parts to color ahead of time.
Thanks again guys, and I'll post back again once I make some more progress here.
render8 Offline
Ok guys, a little bit of a step back in progress here, but I wanted to see if this diamond would work ok. I haven't textured it yet. Just feeling out the size and rotations of it first. I also did a big rework to the layout of the cars to make them a little more evenly spaced. Something before was bugging me about them. I slowed things down just a tich but not a bunch. I also removed the checker patterns as well.
The ride itself won't exactly be this slow ingame, but I didn't want it going so fast you couldn't see the peeps either.
Austin55 Offline
Whoa wish I'd peeked into this thread a while ago. That's awesome. I like the slower speed.
render8 Offline
^^^ Yeah, I don't know what was up with that. I think it was just the lighting giving the illusion it was jittering because the animation itself is actually smooth. Now that I've textured it, it's more seamless and no jitters.
^^ Thanks so much Coupon. Appreciate it.
^ Thanks Austin. I'm more for the slightly slower speed myself to be honest.
So, I did one more animation build and think I'm going to settle on this design now. I could probably keep reworking and tweaking until I turn to dust on this, and I think I want to avoid cluttering the ride itself. I really need to get this peep animation thing figured out now because it is seriously driving me crazy trying to figure out how the rider animations are read in.
So here's the build right now.
Hope you guys like this one. I just don't think I can get anymore generic than this without ruining it, I think.
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