Custom Scenery Exchange / Render8 Custom Scenery Thread
12-June 12
render8 Offline
Hey guys, I just wanted to give another bit of a preview of where I'm at. I'm actually so relieved I figured this peep animation out. I probably spent a few days alone bashing my head trying to figure out how the peeps are read in. You can also see the rotation of the cars are a lot different than what they were before only because in order for the peeps to be read into the game properly, the cars had to be rotated a very specific angle.
These peeps are just the temp place holders so when I start rendering out the different groups, they're already in place. Of course, that's also why they have the same colored shirts because they're all just copies. Every pair of riders have magenta and green shirts in the end renders so the game can keep track of the actual riders shirt colors.
This animation has been a real bitch to figure out and I think I just got really lucky figuring out the angles I needed. Essentially, for anyone who cares, the game only uses two peeps for the whole riders sequence. But because each group of riders has 24 frames, and there's 9 groups, the group I"m currently rendering has to stop on the first frame of the next group, then render those, so on and so forth. So, the two peeps I'm using have to stop on each group, starting at group 1, all the way to group 9, then after group 9, they end up back where group 1 started. So, 24 frames x 9 groups, for 216 frames of rider animations. Sounds baffling? It sure as hell was, especially when trying to figure this out lol. Anyhow, I'm well on my way to getting things done. So here's what I got so far. Not a huge difference, but more just to let you guys know I'm getting really close to finishing.
Even though this isn't the actual in-game animation, I did apply the correct palettes so this is a pretty good representation of what it'll look like ingame, minus the pink and magenta on everything.
render8 Offline
Hey everyone, I'm pleased to say the ride is complete and ready to release for further inspection. I really hope you guys like it and I would love to hear any honest opinions. If you guys could test it for me and let me know if you find anything wrong that maybe I missed, that would be awesome. I've tested this thing so many times already, but I'm getting kind of cross eyed anymore from looking at it lol. Here's some random shots to show what to expect.
Object Editor animation showing the peep cycle.
breakdance_object_editor.gif (1.19MB)
downloads: 21Scenario Editor showing the preview image.
scenario_editor_1.gif (17.3KB)
downloads: 27And a random ingame snip I made. Essentially an uncropped version of the preview image.
breakdance_ingame_1.gif (25.02KB)
downloads: 19I honestly have to say, after the experience of doing this, I have developed a much larger respect for those who have made custom rides in the past. Bad part is, this is a more simple ride, so I could only imagine what new coasters would entail. This has honestly been an awesome experience making this and really hope to do more rides now that I actually have a more solid grasp on this.
And here's the zipped DAT.
replaced with fixed version in first post
Thanks again to everyone for putting up with my constant posting of babbling and random pics.
Stoksy Offline
Really great stuff! I shall be using this in my MM entry if that's okay.
A part of me does wish that this could have been made 4x4 but I still think that it looks really good and will definitely be a ride that I try to implement in future parks that I make.
Many thanks for the time and effort that you put into this!
render8 Offline
Thank you so much Stoksy. Most definitely use it any way you like. It's always such a great feeling seeing others use your creations, so I'd definitely love to see if and how people use this in their parks. I agree about the 4x4 part. I think I could've gone a little more with the bells and whistles had I had more room, and with it being 3x3, it was a serious cram to fit all the cars in, but I just managed it.
You're most definitely welcome and I sincerely appreciate the feedback.
olddtfan51 Offline
Your ride works perfect the changes people suggested where the right ones. you are a great ride maker congrats.
5dave Offline
Really turned out great, just tested it ingame.
A few things I noticed though: I think there's a small error in the animation at some point - at the left side of the ride the car is jumping forward aprubtly. I could be wrong, though...!
The lights on the rotating platform are a matter of taste, I'm not really a fan of it, but it makes the ride more vivid I suppose.
Maybe you could name the rides differently (Breakdance by Render8 instead of starting with your name). I think it would be easier to find but that's just me.
Those are the things I noticed, otherwise really great work! Glad you're doing this for the community!
render8 Offline
Thanks so much 5dave for taking the time to give it a go for me and posting back. I sincerely appreciate the good eye for details. I'm gonna be honest but I have no idea how I even missed that little jump in the animation. I really feel bad for missing that because now the more I watch it, the more obvious it is to me.
Thanks for the idea on labeling as well. The only reason I put my name in the beginning of the ride name was more for my personal use because it makes it easier for me to track where my objects and stuff are in the scenario editor when I'm testing things. I've done that for all my scenery objects because after a while of making so many things, I can just scroll down to the R's and find my stuff quicker. I think that was all just a matter of being a habit. I will make changes to that as well.
I wonder if anyone else can chime in about the platform lights too because I haven't heard any opinions on that other than you. I have no issues removing them if more people think it would look better without them. I just thought originally they helped make the ride a little more lively.
I know this ride is far from being perfect, and I'm more proud of myself at the moment for the fact I actually followed through and finished it. It took a lot of discipline just to stay on track lol.
Thanks again for the feedback on this. The more I can get, the more it helps me to pay more attention to the finer details in the long run.
olddtfan51 Offline
I like the lights I think it makes the ride stand out. As for the jitter mi completely missed that. I don't if its an easy fix but you could try and then rerelease it.
render8 Offline
Just an update on a new take of the ride. I'm sure not everyone's cup of tea, but I went back, completely smoothed out the jittering, and one thing kind of lead to another I suppose. It was really fun working on this again, so I figured with all the work involved with rebuilding the animation, might as well have some fun with it. Maybe too much fun lol.
I'll look into doing another version with the diamond in the center as well, now that I have the animation better.
Liampie Offline
Do you think it's possible to have a slightly smaller diamond? Great job so far anyway. Definitely the best custom ride in a LONG time. From the screen it seems on par with the best AE rides. -
render8 Offline
Do you think it's possible to have a slightly smaller diamond? Great job so far anyway. Definitely the best custom ride in a LONG time. From the screen it seems on par with the best AE rides.
Thanks so much Liampie for the compliment on the ride. I seriously do appreciate it, even though I have no intentions of even trying to compete with AE's best rides. He definitely has this business mastered.
As far as the diamond goes, I can most definitely scale it to any size that would be appropriate. If you think smaller would possibly fit better, I can definitely see what I can pull off. I was actually kind of wondering that myself when I first did this size.
render8 Offline
Finished up the new version of the ride and will be adding it to the first post of this thread once I get the DAT zipped. I threw together a roughly 3 minute video showing the ride ingame for anyone curious instead of doing an animated GIF. I know the video quality isn't the best and I was recording this out of a virtual machine. I think it pretty well gives the rough idea of how it runs in the game though.
Chocotopian Offline
That looks excellent and perfectly in-keeping with the original game. Fantastic work.
render8 Offline
Thanks you two. I really appreciate your time out for letting me know what you think of it.
I got the ride uploaded to the first post now and hopefully before too much longer, I can get back to finishing up the diamond version.
olddtfan51 Offline
The ride is great I think you nailed it. Sure some will say its too flashy but its the type you would find at festivals and fairs. its in keeping with what the ride is. I think even amazing earl would be impressed.
render8 Offline
Just wanted to take a moment and show a rework of the diamond version of this ride. I'm mostly wanting to get some opinions of the diamond size before I go through the work of animating the riders. I know it was mentioned to scale it down slightly smaller, but I was wondering if this diamond size is too small or if this would work just right. I also plan to recolor the base. I just don't have the green applied yet.
Also, I decided to take up an older project I did some time back with the glowing lamps. This time though, I decided just to use one of the in game lamps. I know my attempt before was kind of shite, so I'm hoping this one looks a bit better and would fit in more parks.
The lamp is 1/2 tile as I thought that would be the most flexible way to do it. That way, it would stay centered to the tiles, but still allow other 1/4 tile objects to be used around it.
Sorry I've been slacking on fixing up this ride, but it's something I want to get done soon before it gets away from me.
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