H2H6 / H2H6 Post-Draft Breakdown
08-April 12
Milo Offline
H2H6 is officially underway and the teams are fully formed, busy building their parks for the coming rounds. With significant interest during the signups, the drafting process and who ended up on what team was sure to be interesting to watch. Discussions of an all LL team and a high quality pool of players meant this was not going to be an easy draft for the captains.
Overall it went smoothly though, and it seemed everyone was pretty satisfied with what they got, with the exception being those who weren't drafted. For the first time in H2H history absolutely no trades were made and the drafted teams remained the same up to the creation of the team forums. The only roster changes that can happen now are if somebody drops out and a replacement from the Reserves List is picked.
Below is a breakdown of the final teams, including some pros, cons and potential big pairings to watch out for. I'd say barring unforseen circumstances, every team has the ability to produce some pretty kickass work so hopefully everybody stays active and motivated. As usual it's all based on my opinion so here we go:
The Replacements
Team Nin
Rookie captain, nin, certainly has something to prove this H2H. He's a solid member of the community but he's had his leadership abilities under fire since he threw his hat into the "potential captains" ring. Overall the draft went pretty smoothly for him and his team appears to be one of the most consistent of the bunch.
First off, the good news. Every player on the roster has a solid rct background and has shown a lot of good work in the past and even the newer members, such as That_Guy, already have pretty refined styles. The cohesion between the players is good which means pairings shouldn't be too hard to figure out.
Now the bad news. Besides having simliar styles, a common theme of this team is massive potential but not much productivity. With the possible exception of 5dave, who could be a potential MVP if he has the time commitment, there have been a lot of fantastic screens that didn't lead to a finished product from these guys. That's not to say they haven't proven themselves in the past, or aren't capable of finishing anything in the future but if they don't buckle down and get building, unfinished parks from these guys could become a disappointing reality. However, if they stay active, the level of detail and immersive themes these guys are capable of could be a force to be reckoned with.
Big Pairings
5dave and (insert any team member here)- seriously, I'm having a hard time coming up with a "best" pairing for this team. I suppose 5dave, Cocoa and nin would be pretty amazing, given the right idea.
ivo and That_Guy- a bit of a change of speed here but with the possible guidance of a third team member this pairing of dark horses could produce something pretty special
Reservoir Dogs
Team K0NG
As soon as he picked geewhzz as his first round pick I knew we were going to see a strong team from K0NG; something similar to the Whzz Kids of H2H5. Tolsimir is also a former Whzz Kid but K0NG also drafted BelgianGuy and prodigy, both being acitive and skilled players during the past couple years. Cena will provide some valuable game and hacking knowledge and dr_dirt, Nokia and Scotlands_Finest round out the roster. As a bonus, K0NG picked up Roomie in an oppertunistic grab and might be the only team to produce an LL park aside from the RevoLLutionists. The only weaknesses I can see are some potential activity problems from the lower end players but the skill level is definately formidable throughout the roster. Bottom seed Scotlands_Finest seems to have honed his skills to an impressive level in a short amount of time.
After the Whzz Kid's unfortunate end to the H2H5 season with a finals forfeit, K0NG has been chomping at the bit to redeem it in another H2H. I think it's safe to say that K0NG might want the championship more than Kumba, which is sure to result in some intense competition. People are commenting that too many chiefs and not enough indians could result in some issues within the team but I don't put too much stock in that theory. I think K0NG will lead his team efficiently.
Big Pairings
K0NG and geewhzz- since Belmont Shores this is a combination that everyone hopes will make a repeat appearance this H2H
Roomie and geewhzz- possibly an LL pairing? I'd say there's about a 75% chance this will happen despite the discussion on the forums
Flying Germans
Team Magnus
Too put it bluntly, I just can't get that excited about this team. Magnus is certainly a capable player and experienced captain. He got two great draft picks with robbie and disneylhand, who could both be MVP contenders. Colorado-Fan was a bit of a surprising early draft but he was followed by Casimir and turbin3, all skilled German players (I think) which is pretty funny. Magnus forged ahead with a plan and went for disneylandian92, Coupon, Fizzix and XCars. Arguably, he got some of the weaker later picks of the draft. That's not to say these guys aren't capable but they haven't quite proven themselves yet and maybe H2H will be the place for them to really break out. We've already seen some improved screens from Coupon and I'm certainly not opposed to giving some up and coming players a chance to compete.
I think my main problem with this team is that I just don't see anything too crazy coming from them. Most of their parks will play it safe and be grounded firmly into reality and perhaps that's a strategy that might prove to do more for them than I'm giving Magnus credit for. This year's Flying Germans might be one of the more stable teams, but I don't know if I see them making it to the finals. There's certainly potential for some good pairings, just not as many as some of the other teams seem capable of fielding and somehow this team feels weaker than the sum of its parts.
Big Pairings
Magnus Casimir and Colorado-Fan- Could lead to another Park Asterix or perhaps something even better?
robbie92 and disneylhand- These two together could be pretty amazing
Team Louis!
Big Pairings
Loopy and pierrot- A big LL name mixed with a big up and coming LL name? Definitely yes
Louis! and Airtime - the resident brits in cahoots will certainly be able to work well together due to being roommates
Team Liampie
I was in the process of writing about how awesome it was for Steve and Turtle to end up on the same team but then I remembered that in H2H5 the Minutemen also had these two on the roster so it's not exactly a new thing. Lightning can strike the same place twice apparently, although the Minutemen floundered a bit during the regular season last time so perhaps there's a bit of a curse to putting so much awesome on one team. Aside from that, Liampie has put together quite the mixed bag. If the NE Design Contest was any indication of up and coming talent, he certainly got the cream of the crop in Pacificoaster and AvanineCommuter for his 3rd and 4th picks. Older names Wicksteed, chapelz and FK+Coastermind mixed with newer guys highroll3r and Sephiroth round out the roster.
There are many potential pairings with this team but the quality level could go up and down from week to week. If Liampie plays the schedule intelligently, this team has a shot at going far. Activity is yet another wild card factor though and once again it's up and down depending on who you're looking at. Hopefully Liampie can get the pairings hammered out and these guys can actively produce some quality work at a steady pace.
Big Pairings
Turtle and Steve- Liam might not want to blow this early so hopefully they get to the playoffs so we can see this park happen, and that should give them enough time to finish it
Wicksteed and chapelz- another dark horse pairing I'd like to see, their approaches aren't exactly alike but they both have a natural style that could mix well
Team Kumba
Ultimately winning the last two H2H seasons by forfeit, it's still easy to say Kumba has led the Hurricanes in the most successful dynasty of H2H history, staying productive and competitive despite the level of competition. As reigning champion, Kumba was going to have a hard time this draft due to having last pick of the first round. Yet somehow he managed to get more big names on his roster than anyone, snagging J K, RRP, Six Frags and Levis. Wheres_walto was a suprising early pick that Kumba seems to be banking on and with In:Cities, JDP, Comet and Goliath123 finishing off the roster, there's not a weak name to be found.
I'd say this is a slightly better version of Liampie's team, a very mixed group of players but with more heavy hitters I think Kumba comes out on top. He claims to draft for trades and he certainly was holding many cards but since no trades happened I suppose he's comfortable with what he's got. This team is a virtual Swiss Army Knife, they've got solid ideas, productive players, master hackers, realistic builders, semi realism and crazy fantasy. The pairings might be a bit of a toss up for Kumba to try to get the most out of his team but I see the Hurricanes going strong yet again and possibly getting a three-peat. We might even be talkin' minimum eight-peat.
Big Pairings
Kumba and J K- they're the staple Hurricanes and these guys together is almost a sure win formula
Levis and In:Cities- Leo is a bit of a odd man out on this team style wise but I believe him and In:Cities should be able to produce some off the wall crazy stuff. -
J K Offline
Real great read, It's seems the odds would be stacked against us winning the whole thing a third time around but I know every single park is up to scratch to hopefully prove this right. -
chorkiel Offline
I didn't only enjoy reading, I agreed completely with nearly everything stated!
Great read! -
Liampie Offline
#01 nin
#02 5dave
#03 Fr3ak
#04 Cocoa
#05 Dimi
#06 Fisch
#07 That_Guy
#08 Jonny93
#09 trav
#10 ivo
I think this is my favourite team. The weakest players are probably That Guy, trav and jonny93, and I think they are both awesome. Every player is strong, and nin appears to me as a competent captain. I expect warm atmospheric themed parks from this team, realism and semi-realism. I hope 5Dave and Fr3ak can make some substantial contributions, as they’re two of my favourite players in the whole competition. Ivo has proven to be one of the most creative players in the community right now (and I’m not saying that because of his expressionist stuff) and he told me that he was willing to do a more ‘traditional’ park again. Remember The Testament?
Some good pairs:
- 5Dave and Cocoa. Would love to see this.
- 5Dave and Fisch
- Dimi and Fisch
- Dimi and That Guy. Their styles blend really well I reckon.
- Fr3ak and Ivo. Sounds awkward maybe, but I think they can make incredible things together.
#01 K0NG
#02 geewhzz
#03 BelgianGuy
#04 prodigy
#05 Cena
#06 Roomie
#07 Tolsimir
#08 dr dirt
#09 Nokia
#10 Scotlands_Finest
A good team with again no weak players, but it looks unreliable to me. K0NG and Cena are unpredictable, and I’m not sure how productive geewhzz, Tolsimir and dr dirt are (my three favourite players on this team. Please don’t disappoint!). I also feel sorry for Roomie being the only LL’er on the team. Roomie has done some good RCT2 before, but I’d like to see some LL of course. Hopefully another player can join him. I think Cena and K0NG would be excellent LL’ers! Maybe they’ll surprise us like Geewhzz did in H2H5?
Good pairs:
- K0NG and Geewhzz. No explanation needed.
- dr dirt and Tolsimir. Clean and refined styles, both very creative players.
#01 Magnus
#02 robbie92
#03 disneylhand
#04 Colorado-Fan
#05 Casimir
#06 turbin3
#07 disneylandian192
#08 Coupon
#09 Fizzix
#10 XCars
The weakest team in my opinion, but still good of course. Robbie can turn every park into gold, Magnus magically finishes parks when you think you’re never going to make the deadline and occasionally builds the best wooden coaster ever. The rest of the team consists of mostly realism players, but with the potential to make atmospheric theme parks. (Magnus, please don’t do generic parks!) Personally I wouldn’t have drafted XCars as there were much better players still available, but I’m looking forward to see you prove me wrong.No offense, XCars. I’d just rather see FredD, CoasterForce, Camcorder, JJMForce, proest, Ruben or some other great talents. Prove me wrong! This team feels kindred so I hope you guys do well!
Good pairs:
- Robbie and Coupon, if they do a theme.
- Robbie and Disneylandian.
- Robbie and Magnus
- Colorado-Fan and Disneylandian
- Colorado-Fan and Magnus
#01 Louis!
#02 Loopy
#03 SSSammy
#04 Gwazi
#05 RMM
#06 Milo
#07 Pierrot
#08 Airtime
#09 musicman
Another team I sympathise with! An all-LL team, and not even a weak team. I like every player on the team. The weakest players appear to be musicman and RCTCA, but I have the feeling I just haven’t seen RCTCA on full force yet and I’ve always believed in musicman as a LL promise. He’s great with layouts in my opinion. RMM and Loopy are the strongest players on the team in my opinion. I just hope they don’t go overboard with codex. Goes for every player, actually. In other words, I hope your parks look like LL and have some LL charm.
Good pairs:
- Louis and Airtime
- Loopy and Gwazi
- Pierrot and Airtime
- RMM and Loopy (please!)
- RMM and Gwazi
#01 Liampie
#02 Turtle
#03 Steve
#04 Pacificoaster
#05 AvanineCommuter
#06 Wicksteed
#07 chapelz
#08 highroll3r
#09 FK+Coastermind
#10 Sephiroth
Personally I don’t understand the complaints about my team being unreliable and uncohesive. All players are active and the possible combinations of players are almost endless. I got a good schedule right now but I had to make a lot of sacrifices. Holy shit, so many sexy combinations!
Some examples of good pairs:
- Liampie and Steve
- Liampie and highroll3r
- Liampie and chapelz
- Steve and Pacificoaster
- Wicksteed and Turtle
- Wicksteed and chapelz
- AvanineCommuter and Turtle
Maybe I used some of these. Maybe I didn’t. All I can say is... expect the unexpected!
#01 Kumba
#02 J K
#03 RRP
#04 Six Frags
#05 wheres_walto
#06 Levis
#07 In:Cities
#08 JDP
#09 Comet
#10 Goliath123
Another strong team, in my opinion the strongest only second to Nin. Kumba, J K, RRP, wow! Kumba is a great captain, his team’s parks are always finished and full of ideas. I hope Kumba will build like he did in Dimensions and Roman Vice again, J K can find the time and motivation to really get into the game again, RRP will be paired with someone productive, Six Frags won’t do rushed parks and Levis will build something with good aesthetics. If all of this comes true, the Hurricanes are probably the front runners for the title right now.
Good pairs:
- Kumba and In:Cities
- Levis and In:Cities
- JDP and Comet
- Six Frags and Comet
- RRP and J K???
Best team ranking:
1) Nin
2) Kumba
3) Liampie
3) K0NG
5) Magnus
6) Louis
But really, anything can happen. Every match will be hard-fought.
Personal sympathy ranking:
1) Liampie (no, really?)
2) Magnus (kindred!)
3) Louis (I want LL to do well)
4) Nin (I expect similar styles, which makes us both partners and rivals)
5) Kumba (a little bit of envy, I admit it. I want a new champion! Preferably with as little thrash talk as possible.)
6) K0NG (A team with some egos and potential rioters. Egos deserve to lose, fights could be entertaining. I’m looking forward to K0NG disagreeing with a match outcome, asking for new rules, Cena echoing K0NG’s opinion with awkwardly placed swearing, Prodigy agreeing with K0NG but being more polite, Geewhzz and BelgianGuy shaking their heads of disapproval, Roomie writing long peptalks to the community and Scotlands_Finest introducing new ways of swearing and cursing.) -
Six Frags Offline
I just hope people will vote based on the quality in the parks, and not on history or if they want a new team winning.5) Kumba (a little bit of envy, I admit it. I want a new champion!
Liampie Offline
I just hope people will vote based on the quality in the parks, and not on history or if they want a new team winning.
I agree. If the Hurricanes make a superior park, they deserve to win. They weren't the most sympathetic team in H2H5, but they rightfully won. Kumba's occasional arrogance was justified in the end. -
Fisch Offline
[...] Hurricanes [...] They weren't the most sympathetic team in H2H5, but they rightfully won.
nah just kidding, I remember myself kind of ticking off in one of the topics. I'm sure nobody is voting based on history of the competition. But, and I'm not talking about myself here, I just think that in general people might tend to voting for a team that they find more sympathetic when the decision is very close.
Anyway, as I said it's an excellent analysis. -
wheres_walto Offline
Is it possible to vote hold votes on parks without knowing even the teams that built it? -
Cena Offline
Just to make clear Liam. I am not going LL this season. Haven't played that game in 7 years. What the rest will bring, you just have to wait.
About your team, good combo's:
Turtle AND Steve -
Louis! Offline
I just hope people will vote based on the quality in the parks, and not on history or if they want a new team winning.
And I just hope people will vote based on the quality of parks, and not on whether the game is RCT2 or LL.
People will vote how they want to vote. If it's for a reason not based on the quality of the two parks, that's their problem. -
prodigy Offline
Personal sympathy ranking:
1) Liampie (no, really?)
6) K0NG (A team with some egos and potential rioters. Egos deserve to lose, fights could be entertaining. I’m looking forward to K0NG disagreeing with a match outcome, asking for new rules, Cena echoing K0NG’s opinion with awkwardly placed swearing, Prodigy agreeing with K0NG but being more polite, Geewhzz and BelgianGuy shaking their heads of disapproval, Roomie writing long peptalks to the community and Scotlands_Finest introducing new ways of swearing and cursing.)
Liam, i really feel sorry for everyone in your team to have you as captain. Stop that shit talk and fuckin start to play RCT. I mean we all know you'll loose this, but now you're in, live with it... -
Cena Offline
#01 nin
#02 5dave
#03 Fr3ak
#04 Cocoa
#05 Dimi
#06 Fisch
#07 That_Guy
#08 Jonny93
#09 trav
#10 ivo
This a good team to use for themed RCT2 parks, that are between very-realistic and somewhat semi-realistic. They have potential to win a few matches if they go for the themed parks with a realistic feel. The thing that holds this team down for me, is that don't have any good hackers. The only one that knows some tricks, is Fr3ak. If his knowledge of the technical side is used by the entire team, this team has a very big chance of getting into the finals with a 3-2/4-1 score (I don't see them winning every round like the WhzzKids did last season).
Possible pairings:
Jonny93 & Fr3ak & Fisch (3 german players that share a lot of similarities in style)
5Dave & Nin (Probably being used in the playoffs I bet)
Cocoa & ivo (Both have a lot of creativity and color usage in their styles, if they go for a semi-realistic park, this could turn out quite a surprise)
#01 K0NG
#02 geewhzz
#03 BelgianGuy
#04 prodigy
#05 Cena
#06 Roomie
#07 Tolsimir
#08 dr dirt
#09 Nokia
#10 Scotlands_Finest
A team that by everyone is doubted if they can stay as one unit, and produce amazing parks. I only have thing to add, just wait and see what the Reservoir Dogs can do.
I'm not going to give you guys inside information about my team. Sorry
#01 Magnus
#02 robbie92
#03 disneylhand
#04 Colorado-Fan
#05 Casimir
#06 turbin3
#07 disneylandian192
#08 Coupon
#09 Fizzix
#10 XCars
Magnus basically has a team that consists of 3 layers of players, Awesome - Good - Talent. I think that if they used one awesome player, and one or 2 players from the Good/Talent catogory, I think they can produce great stuff. Robbie probably has to go atleast twice in RR to get them to the playoffs. But I'm looking forward to his stuff since everyone thinks he gonna be a candidate for MVP.
Robbie - Disneylandian - Disneylhand - Casimir (These four could build the most awesome mini-Disney park ever! however since we only can have 3 players on a team, I think Disneylhand will be put to use in a different park)
Colorado-Fan & Turbin3 (Both players in the Good catogory for me, however, if they have a good idea and enough inspiration, they both are very dangerous and any team should watch out for that)
Magnus & Robbie - With a good theme, an amazing duo that should be used in the playoffs when they make it.
#01 Louis!
#02 Loopy
#03 SSSammy
#04 Gwazi
#05 RMM
#06 Milo
#07 Pierrot
#08 Airtime
#09 musicman
An all LL players based team. This could out to be amazing idea, or a really stupid one. They will go up to RCT2 parks, and we always have seen that it has its advantages/disavantages when it comes down to RCT2 vs RCTLL. I hope for them that it turns out to have advantages when it comes down to the votes. I hope that they make it into the playoffs because then Louis has proved that is idea was a good one.
- Louis & Airtime. (Definately a pair, they live together, recently did a Europe tour, so they definately have loads of inspiration to use, I wonder if they can finish in time since they don't have the timezone advantage other pairs could have).
- Gwazi & Loopy (The strongest team I can form out of these guys, really looking forward to this matchup if it happens)
- Pierrot & Sssammy (Both have that clean-enjoyable look I personally enjoy, let Pierrot do the hacking and Sammy do the theming and we have got a winner here)
#01 Liampie
#02 Turtle
#03 Steve
#04 Pacificoaster
#05 AvanineCommuter
#06 Wicksteed
#07 chapelz
#08 highroll3r
#09 FK+Coastermind
#10 Sephiroth
Now, let's be honest. I don't like Liampie, and I would love to see him fail as a captain this Head2Head. So my opinion on this is defined a coloured one. However, my main two concerns with this team, is innovation and activity. I have worked with 4 of these guys, in the past Head2Head, so I know what they are capable of. Liampie probably needs to go atleast twice in Round Robin and use Steve and Turtle (seperate) as well, to get a playoff ticket. I know that Steve is a lazy player and that means he should go into RR4/RR5. Turtle is a good semi-realistic player. Chapelz is a good coordinater and FK+Coastermind has an endless amount of creativity. So I don't count them out yet, but I wouldn't put my money on them for the championship.
- Liampie & Steve & Pacificoaster (They should be able to do a fun mini themed park, uniques things in this park make or break it)
- Steve and Turtle (if given them enough time, this can turn out to be amazing, should be used in semi-final or final if they make it to there)
- FK+Coastermind & AvanineCommuter (excellent fantasy styled duo, if Kumba & Levis don't team up in the Hurrincanes team, this could be the best Fantasy park we will be seeing this season).
#01 Kumba
#02 J K
#03 RRP
#04 Six Frags
#05 wheres_walto
#06 Levis
#07 In:Cities
#08 JDP
#09 Comet
#10 Goliath123
A team that can be described the same as Magnus one: (Awesome-Good-Talent). Darren has a championship to defend and if he makes it to the finals, I would love to see them being tested to the ultimate level by an awesome park if they can beat it, since last season they won by forfeit. They have one odd-guy in this team, and that's Levis. A player who likes to build whatever the fuck is on his mind, without any limits. However since I know Levis in reallife as well, I am concerned about his activity. Same goes for Six Frags. I hope RRP doesn't loose motivation/intrest in a park. The team is very good and well rounded, they have the people for the objects, the hacks, the layouts. Everything is there, now the task for Darren to use the players in the right combinations to make it to the playoffs.
Levis & Kumba (everyone wants to see this I think!)
JK & RRP (Should be a no-brainer, for the playoffs)
SF & Goliath123 (everyone noticed how Goliath copied the brilliants parts from SF his spotlight into his own park, so they cleary have the same style, if they are paired together, I would add one very active player to them though)
Best team ranking:
1) Kumba
2) nin
3) Louis
4) Liampie
5) Magnus
* I don't put my own team in here since I don't think thats fair *
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