H2H6 / H2H6 Player Rankings
21-March 12
Kumba Online
I know... was close to keeping it to myself, but that's not my rankings, it's in the order everyone signed-up, starting with the captains.
I just figured id give the other captains an aid so they would have hopes they could be as good as me -
wheres_walto Offline
That's really cool Darren. These were really tough to put together. I'm not an expert on everyone's style and skills (particularly LL as I've never played) so I just tried my best:
1. robbie92 by RCT2 & NCSO
2. RRP by RCT2
3. 5dave by RCT2 & NCSO
4. K0NG by RCT2
5. Six Frags by RCT2
6. Kumba by ALL
7. Cena by RCT2
8. nin by RCT2
9. Prodigy by RCT2
10. Levis by RCT2 & NCSO
11. J K by RCT2
12. Liam by RCT2 & LL
13. Roomie by ALL
14. fr3ak by RCT2
15. Turtle by RCT2 & LL
16. Dimi by ALL
17. Steve by RCT2
18. Louis! by RCT2 & LL
19. Magnus by RCT2
20. Colorado-Fan by RCT2
21. turbin3 by RCT2 & NCSO
22. Pierrot by LL
23. Pacificoaster by RCT2
24. SSSammy by ALL
25. Cocoa by RCT2 & LL
26. That_Guy by RCT2
27. Casimir by RCT2
28. Fisch by RCT2 & NCSO
29. Comet by RCT2
30. Loopy by ALL
31. JDP by RCT2 & NCSO
32. Camcorder22 by RCT2
33. BelgianGuy by RCT2
34. Tolsimir by RCT2
35. Goliath123 by RCT2
36. disneylandian192 by RCT2
37. Wheres_Walto by RCT2
38. In:Cities by RCT2
39. Gwazi by ALL
40. trav by RCT2
41. AvanineCommuter by RCT2 & NCSO
42. RCTCA by LL
43. Coupon by RCT2 & NCSO
44. Brent by RCT2 & NCSO
45. RMM by LL
46. djbrace1234 by ALL
47. FredD by RCT2
48. Faas by RCT2 & NCSO
49. Nokia by RCT2 & NCSO
50. Wanted by RCT2 & LL
51. Airtime by LL
52. Marino by RCT2
53. JJ by LL
54. jaguarkid140 by RCT2
55. Scotlands_Finest by RCT2
56. T.N.T. by ALL
57. MCI by RCT2 & NCSO
58. highroll3r by RCT2 & NCSO
59. Corkscrewy by NCSO
60. CCI by RCT2 & NCSO
61. musicman by LL & ONLY
62. Wicksteed by ALL
63. rct2isboss by NCSO
64. tdub96 by RCT2 & NCSO
65. Xtreme97 by RCT2 & NCSO
66. CoasterCreator9 by NCSO
67. GigaG by LL
68. Super by G
69. JJayMForce by RCT2 & NCSO
70. SupraSix by RCT2 & NCSO
72. molemaster43 by RCT2 & NCSO
73. XCars by RCT2
74. Psi by RCT2 & NCSO
75. Funkeymon by NCSO
76. CoasterForce by RCT2
77. Whitehawk by RCT2 & NCSO
78. 10ryansmith by RCT2 & NCSO
79. Angroc by RCT2 & NCSO
80. Dark_Horse by RCT2 & NCSO -
Wanted Offline
Trying to make an order out of these guys
Six Frags
is fucking impossible. -
Jaguar Offline
1. robbie92 by RCT2 & NCSO
I think that is a little high, even for Robbie92. In my opinion he may be a great parkmaker but members such as Levis and Kumba are a bit better in my opinion.80. Dark_Horse by RCT2 & NCSO
That's a bit low for DH. I know he may not be the best player, but I'm sure there are lots of newbs and such that would rank lower. -
Dark_Horse Offline
Really wheres_walto? and thanks jaguarkid140. Personally I would put me in the last round. Prob around 48-54. -
Fisch Offline
funny to see how differently everybody thinks about the players.
I disagree with that list though.
Loopy and BelgianGuy should both be way further up for sure in my opinion. -
wheres_walto Offline
The rankings are in a click and drag format, so I was pretty haphazard about the lower tier players. Nothing personal D_H -
Whitehawk Offline
Haha I rather deserve to be at the bottom of the list. I've watched and played for a long time, but only been building for the last 8-10 months or so. And none of that has really been NE-worthy. But, definitely hoping I get in to this H2H somehow. I do a lot better once I know what I want to build. -
Camcorder22 Offline
A cool feature that might help facilitate rankings would be linking the names to the parkmaker pages. -
robbie92 Offline
I think that is a little high, even for Robbie92. In my opinion he may be a great parkmaker but members such as Levis and Kumba are a bit better in my opinion.
JJ Offline
1. Roomie by ALL
2. Kumba by ALL
3. Loopy by ALL
4. RRP by RCT2
5. Steve by RCT2
6. Turtle by RCT2 & LL
7. J K by RCT2
8. Louis! by RCT2 & LL
9. 5dave by RCT2 & NCSO
10. Levis by RCT2 & NCSO
11. fr3ak by RCT2
12. BelgianGuy by RCT2
13. Liam by RCT2 & LL
14. Magnus by RCT2
15. K0NG by RCT2
16. robbie92 by RCT2 & NCSO
17. nin by RCT2
18. Six Frags by RCT2
19. Dimi by ALL
20. Pierrot by LL
21. ivo by RCT2
22. CoasterForce by RCT2
23. Fisch by RCT2 & NCSO
24. Tolsimir by RCT2
25. Cena by RCT2
26. Airtime by LL
27. In:Cities by RCT2
28. RMM by LL
29. Pacificoaster by RCT2
30. SSSammy by ALL
31. Wheres_Walto by RCT2
32. trav by RCT2
33. Prodigy by RCT2
34. Marino by RCT2
35. Colorado-Fan by RCT2
36. Casimir by RCT2
37. Comet by RCT2
38. turbin3 by RCT2 & NCSO
39. Brent by RCT2 & NCSO
40. Cocoa by RCT2 & LL
41. Faas by RCT2 & NCSO
42. FredD by RCT2
43. Gwazi by ALL
44. disneylandian192 by RCT2
45. Camcorder22 by RCT2
46. JDP by RCT2 & NCSO
47. RCTCA by LL
48. AvanineCommuter by RCT2 & NCSO
49. Wicksteed by ALL
50. Coupon by RCT2 & NCSO
51. JJ by LL
52. Nokia by RCT2 & NCSO
53. Wanted by RCT2 & LL
54. Scotlands_Finest by RCT2
55. MCI by RCT2 & NCSO
56. Whitehawk by RCT2 & NCSO
57. That_Guy by RCT2
58. XCars by RCT2
59. JJayMForce by RCT2 & NCSO
60. djbrace1234 by ALL
61. CCI by RCT2 & NCSO
62. Psi by RCT2 & NCSO
63. Angroc by RCT2 & NCSO
64. Goliath123 by RCT2
65. tdub96 by RCT2 & NCSO
66. highroll3r by RCT2 & NCSO
67. SupraSix by RCT2 & NCSO
68. jaguarkid140 by RCT2
69. musicman by LL & ONLY
70. CoasterCreator9 by NCSO
71. Xtreme97 by RCT2 & NCSO
72. Corkscrewy by NCSO
73. Funkeymon by NCSO
74. GigaG by LL
75. 10ryansmith by RCT2 & NCSO
76. Dark_Horse by RCT2 & NCSO
78. rct2isboss by NCSO
79. T.N.T. by ALL
80. molemaster43 by RCT2 & NCSO
81. Super by G
Honestly? The last three are just there cos I couldn't find anything to base my views off. And 55 + is pretty much random, I couldn't really compare them to each other as that would take forever getting to know their work, the others I know they're style and what I like already so the others were a little easier to line up. -
Kumba Online
I would not be up for all that. It's just my way of making it easy to shift around the names on the sign-up. It's just the old spotlight sorter with some coding touch-ups... tho to have it just right Deano would need to work some magic, that's why in the text column it's saying by RCT2 & LL rather than just the name or plays RCT2 & LL. -
highroll3r Offline
wow i didnt know i was so shit! ill ave to bring some new screens over soon!1hahahha, im hiding my current form so to speak! -
Levis Offline
Robbie did you call your hit squad already to make him cold?
well thanks jag. I think in a contest like this there are certain aspects of builder which are more important then normal.
for example some people are great at creating very large structures but to make them work there needs to be a lot of empty room around it. that doesn't work in a h2h.
In h2h you need to have people who know how to build with a WOW factor! -
funkeymon Offline
I know that I'm not on the standards of the site, but I didn't feel like I'm that bad.
I respect people's opinion on me though. I might show some more work, as I haven't really shown that much. Sadly, I don't have a lot to show... Oh well.
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