H2H6 / H2H6 Speculation Topic.
19-March 12
5dave Offline
Haha even more funny is, that my first version of the logo looked similar to that. LOL!
'MFG' -
BelgianGuy Offline
I lol'ed.
It worked didn't it, I mean it's funnier when you hold the lash yourself instead of being whipped but still it pays off! -
K0NG Offline
^Great quote. In proper context....an AMAZING quote.
The rest of you will get this someday. -
SupraSix Offline
I just read through this whole topic... TIME WELL SPENT. So many large (and deserved.. mostly) ego's going at it will be awesome. Plus I get a good laugh every time I log on. -
Liampie Offline
Who would have thought this? Reservoir Dogs risk two disqualifications already! And Round Robin is still one month away.This is why I voted for this team as 'most unreliable'.
Louis! Offline
Yeah K0NG, I hope you realise that if Cena is building on your Round 1 park, and if Round 2 involves you or BelgianGuy you have just informed everyone who has built on these parks before the close of the vote. Which will result in disqualification.
I hope to god that you were just messing around. -
BelgianGuy Offline
don't you guys read your own rules, it can't be in the PARK the rules said, said nothing of telling in the forums... -
JJ Offline
don't you guys read your own rules, it can't be in the PARK the rules said, said nothing of telling in the forums...
It's more like the park can't be linked to the creators. -
BelgianGuy Offline
I haven't seen that being in there specifaclly, it's a gray-zone issue and being taken way too seriously... -
Cena Offline
Therefore I think a public poll would be the best solution for this. See the General topic about what I said there. -
J K Offline
What! A public poll because members of your team haven't read the rules properly? Don't be so dramatic. I worry considering you entered H2h last year with the same set of rules. -
Ruben Offline
^ Its obvious not stated clearly in the rules, thats a fact.
Taken from the rules & regulations topic:(4) All parks must be submitted to the submission database before their respective deadline (11:59PM UTC -11). This is the only instance when the creator's names can and must be revealed.
It's obviously stated clearly in the rules, that's a fact.
Having that said, I speculate there'll be 2 options:
-K0ng's team is going to be humble, has to let go of its gigantic ego and has quite a chance.
-K0ng's team is going to continue acting the way they did today, and will be disqualified.
I hope it's the first one, 'cause I wanna see cool parks and a fair game. Next to that I don't believe you haven't a single chance of changing your set-up, it might not be optimal but you have enough quality in the team to deal with this. By the way: there's no shame in admitting you were wrong, y'know guys?
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