H2H6 / H2H6 General Topic
18-March 12
turbin3 Offline
So I was accurate after all..
After all you should better shut up because you didn't even participate. -
Liampie Offline
We don't need a horse. Nor doe we need a boat. All we need is our recipes and spatula-kit. -
BelgianGuy Offline
My god and I thought the dogs would've been part in a flame war, seems I was wrong, stop pointing fingers people, captain might be MIA but he is not building all 5parks... the person who has a clean slate can throw the first stone.. -
MikaRCT2 Offline
Why is it taking so long to post the last match.
pa·tience [pey-shuhns]
the quality of being patient, as the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of temper, irritation, or the like.
an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay: to have patience with a slow learner.
quiet, steady perseverance; even-tempered care; diligence: to work with patience. -
In:Cities Offline
No worries guys, the admins have a lot on their plate. It will be up when its up:] -
trav Offline
Here is my analysis for the season. Obviously this is all based on my opinion, but I don't think there would be much disagreement because the best parks have really shone above the rest. Please note, I am not bad mouthing any parks here, as the quality of every single park has been incredibly high I think, it's been one of the best H2H seasons I can remember (Granted I weren't really around for the first 2). The 'worst' parks are simply worse than the best parks of the season, but if they were to be sent in for an accolade, I don't think we've seen any finished parks this season that would score any less than a silver.
1. SoS
2. Tivoli
3. Disney
4. WoF
5. NinJong
1. Zombieland
2. Avatar
3. Terra Progressia
4. London Olympics
5. Busch Gardens
1. La Reve Parapluie
2. Lijiang
3. Monstrocity
4. Atlantean Ark
5. ColourFlood
1. Jerusalem
2. Concrete Jungle
3. Cars Land
4. Lost Samurai
5. Europa
1. Park Edda
2. Adventure Isle
3. The Classic
4. Hard Rock Park
5. Harry Potter
1. Atlantis
2. Frankenstein
3. Galaxy Geeland
4. Copper Creek
5. Pixar
Replacements' Schedule
Week 1 Vs Zombieland - Hurricanes either best park or 2nd best park
Week 2 Vs Park Edda - FG's best park
Week 3 Vs Lijiang - HK's either best park or 2nd best park
Week 4 Vs Atlantis - RD's either best park or 2nd best park
Week 5 Vs Jerusalem - LL'ers best park
Hurricanes' Schedule
Week 1 Vs SoS - Replacements best park. Got absolutely pounded
Week 2 Vs Pixar - Unfinished; RD's worst park
Week 3 Vs Harry Potter - Very Unfinished; FG's worst park
Week 4 Vs Europa - Very Unfinished; LL'ers worst park
Week 5 Vs ColourFlood - HK's worst park
HK's Schedule
Week 1 Vs Frankenstein - RD's either best or 2nd best park. Got absolutely pounded
Week 2 Vs Lost Samurai - Unfinished; LLers 2nd worst park
Week 3 Vs WoF - Replacements 2nd worst park
Week 4 Vs The Classic - FG's 2nd worst park
Week 5 Vs Busch Gardens - Canes' worst park
Week 1 Vs Adventure Isle - FG's 2nd best park (But still shit)
Week 2 Vs Monstrocity - HK's 2nd worst park
Week 3 Vs Copper Creek - RD's 2nd worst park
Week 4 Vs Terra Progressia - Hurricanes 2nd worst park
Week 5 Vs Disney - Replacements middle park
Week 1 Vs Atlantean Ark - HK's worst park
Week 2 Vs Olympics - Hurricanes worst park
Week 3 Vs Concrete Jungle - Unfinished
Week 4 Vs NinJong - Unfinished; Replacements worst park
Week 5 Vs HRP - FG's 2nd worst park
Week 1 Vs Cars Land - LLer's middle park
Week 2 Vs Tivoli - Replacement's 2nd best park
Week 3 Vs Avatar - Canes' either best park or 2nd best park
Week 4 Vs La Reve Parapluie - HK's either best park or 2nd best park
Week 5 Vs Galaxy Geeland - RD's middle park
I think it's interesting to note how difficult the Replacements' and the FG's seasons were, consistently coming up against either the best park or the second best park of the season from each team. Especially when you compare that to the seasons of the Canes, who came up against, what I personally believe, were the 4 worst parks of each team, all of which are unfinished/last minute. The park they lost to, the only one which doesn't look unfinished, beat them by a pretty big margin.
I'll rank each park individually now, and what score I would give them if they were sent in for an accolade, just cos I'm bored and have nothing else to do. I doubt anyone is still reading this so it doesn't really matter:
1. La Reve Parapluie - 95%
2. Lijiang - 90%
3. Jerusalem - 90%
4. SoS - 90%
5. Tivoli - 85%
6. Zombieland - 80%
7. Avatar - 80%
8. Atlantis - 80%
9. Frankenstein - 80%
10. Disney New Fantasyland - 80%
11. Terra Progressia - 75%
12. Park Edda - 75%
13. Galaxy Geeland - 75%
14. Monstrocity - 75%
15. Cars Land - 75%
16. WoF - 75%
17. Copper Creek - 75%
18. Concrete Jungle - 75%
19. Adventure Isle - 70%
20. Lost Samurai - 70%
21. Pixar - 65% ---------------- Final RDs park
22. London Olympics - 65%
23. The Classic - 65%
24. Atlantean Ark - 60%
25. NinJong - 50% ------------------ Final Replacements park
26. Busch Gardens - 50% ---------------- Final Hurricanes park
27. Hard Rock Park - 40%
28. Harry Potter - 40% --------------- Final FGs park
29. Colourflood - 35% --------------- Final HK park
30. Europa - 20% ---------------- Final LLers park
Total Percentages:
Replacements - 380% (76% average)
RDs - 375% (75% average)
HK - 355% (71% average)
Canes - 350% (70% average)
LLers - 330% (66% average)
FGs - 290% (58% average)
I've tried to be as unbiased as possible, but I genuinely believe my team produced the best content on average. However, RDs had all of their parks at the highest consistent quality, with their worst park being 15% above any other worst park, largely due to the others being unfinished. If we go by my rankings, we see Atlantean Ark as the 'worst' finished park, but which is still a silver (I'm not counting Colourflood as finished as I just don't get it and it doesn't look finished to me)! So when we think about it... we've had 24 parks of at least silver quality released in the past 10 weeks, which is just insane. We can also see from the % averages above that, again all this is according to my personal rankings, almost every team produced silver work that is closer to the Gold borderline than the Bronze borderline. I feel sorry for the FGs for having such a shit season, but I don't think their average would be nearly as low if they had finished more parks, so you can't blame me for ranking them so low, as I don't think many people would hugely disagree with my rankings.
MVP contenders (Each team has a player):
1. In:Cities
If this guy isn't crowned MVP I'd be surprised. He's gone 3 times in 5 weeks, and each time he's produced some pretty good quality work, lending his hand to the 2 top Canes parks and then having to almost take on their week 5 park completely solo (At this point I'm just assuming it's him because it looks a lot like his work, not 100% sure if it actually is)
2. Pierrot
Jerusalem and Concrete Jungle, had Concrete Jungle been finished, it would have placed much higher I think, and for producing two of the best LL parks this season, one of them being the best piece of LL in a long time, you deserve a spot on this list. Sadly, we won't be seeing anymore H2H from him as the LLers are out.
3. Jonny
He worked his arse off on both Tivoli and NinJong, producing some of the most atmospheric architecture I've seen in a long time on both of them, and even managed to grab a gold mid season! This guy is gonna be big if he carries on at the rate he is doing. He's gone twice, which means that he could possibly build something in the Semis/Finals, let's see if anything happens there.
4. BelgianGuy
He's stepped up his game this H2H it seems, playing part in the RDs top two parks of the season so far, let's see if he steps up to the plate in the later stages as I higher doubt that he wouldn't be going in the later matches after producing such solid work in the season.
5. Wicksteed/Liampie/Turtle
I can't decide which to choose here. All have been twice, and have the possibility to go again in the semis/finals. Both Wicksteed and Liam worked on Atlantean Ark, Turtle on Monstrocity and then all worked on either of the top two parks of the season. Wicksteed is a huge surprise, especially if he came up with the concept of La Reve Parapluie, the most original concept for a park in a long time. Liam is up here because he's just produced the beautiful architecture we've come to expect of him, and produced such a strong team that graced us with the top two parks of the season so far. Added Turtle onto this cos I forgot he'd worked on Monstrocity. The fact that 3 people are up for this team shows how closely knit they are and that Liam really has been a fantastic captain.
6. Robbie/Fizzix
Again I can't decide which to choose here. Robbie produced the best work of the FGs we've seen, but the park was let down by the other builder who produced very sub-par work in my opinion. Fizzix is just a huge surprise who produced the only properly finished park of the FGs season, and for that alone he has to place on the list.
Of course, there are still 2 parks left for everything to change.
Really, well done to everyone who's participated thus far, it's been a great season.
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