H2H6 / H2H6 General Topic
18-March 12
Wanted Offline
Just wanted to correct myself here : For some reason, I thought RCTNW said he wouldn't be available until late June, not April haha my mistake. RCTNW is the right pick. -
K0NG Offline
By the sounds of this, I don't think he will have much time to build. I think Maverix would have been a better replacement simply because H2H requires time and Maverix is constantly pumping out work.
Don't you think I got in contact with James to verify his availability before
I decided on him as a replacement? -
posix Offline
Another replacement on the Reservoir Dogs Team: Nokia has decided to leave the contest and K0NG has picked Maverix for him.
Liampie Offline
I was quite looking forward to Nokia's work, but Maverix is a very fine replacement. And I'm very glad Maverix is on board now! -
chorkiel Offline
Too bad nokia :c
I'm not familiair with your work but you were dedicated enough to change the avatar ;p -
Turtle Offline
Bit sad to see all these dropouts... Very close to deadlines too, hard on the teams. Hopefully it doesn't affect any teams too much, and we still get to see awesome parks. Best of luck all!- -
K0NG Offline
^^ We're all dedicated enough to change our avatars. Some of us were just a little slow
about getting the pictures for them -
Fizzix Offline
Well I guess this puts an end to the controversy surrounding RCTNW's pick before Mav. lol
KONG, why don't Tolsimir and Prod have theirs up yet? -
K0NG Offline
Like I said....some were slow to get the pics to me and I did them all at once.Well I guess this puts an end to the controversy surrounding RCTNW's pick before Mav. lol
KONG, why don't Tolsimir and Prod have theirs up yet?
Theirs should be up any time...I just finished them.....I've been too busy building
kick ass RCT and dealing with defectors lately.
BTW, I love some of you guys' avatars...imitation is indeed the most sincere form of flattery. -
Dr_Dude Offline
Yes, imitation and mockery are the same thing. 1984 was a fantastic tribute to Soviet Russia, Mark Twain was racist, and Apocalypse Now is a rare Hollywood endorsement of the Vietnam War. -
Nokia Offline
I was quite looking forward to Nokia's work,
no fear, I'm almost finished with something -
Dr_Dude Offline
Good point, all my worth can be attributed to this hobby forum. Excuse me, I need to go shrivel away.No points, no parks and a taste for feces. You matter.....how?
K0NG Offline
It's a good point because I'm referring to your worth ON this "hobby forum".
And, unless his name is "Doogie Dude", I'd say he's a little young to have a degree
of any kind. -
Dr_Dude Offline
Yes, because satire has everything to do with RCT.
The only trick in your bag is elitist ad hominem.
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