H2H6 / H2H6 General Topic
18-March 12
Gwazi Offline
That's a valid point, but some people take these things more personally, especially those who know each other outside of this site. -
In:Cities Offline
Oh boy. Just worry about the contest and BUILD things as opposed to worrying about drama. I personally could care less who drops out or quits or whatever. I'm not going to be all butt hurt about other people's issues.
Just focus on your parks, build awesome things, and actually ENJOY the contest. This topic needs to be closed in my opinion. -
Gwazi Offline
^ That's exactly what I've been arguing for. That's why I hadn't stepped in till now, that's why I'm trying to make my point and get out. You are much more successful than I. haha (When I meant to stop drama I accidentally incited more, aren't I the greatest orator?) I'm signing out now, In:Cities accomplished my task for me. -
nin Offline
I just wanted to point out to you Gwazi that I've suffered from chronic "fuck nin" syndrome for going on a month now. You've certainly have had a part in all of this. -
Gwazi Offline
Glad you see it that way Comet, I could see how others would see otherwise. It's arbitrary. ^_^
@nin - *teehee*
Fuck I really need to get my paper finished. I got most of the research done and the introduction written but you guys are just too distracting. -
Fr3ak Offline
Very sad news. You were one of the builders I always looked up to and I couldn't wait to see what you'd do during H2H. -
Six Frags Offline
Wow, I think we can officially call kong the "RCT website killer". I mean first RCT Space and now NE.. I had a feeling once you became a captain shit like this could be happening..
Anyway, I agree what has been said previously about gee, you're the person who probably gave this site more than about anyone else in the past.. I still hope you reconsider and decide to hang on after things have cooled down.. -
Roomie Offline
Six Frags dont stir things.... And don't be overly dramatic.
This wasn't entirely K0ngs fault there's more to it and I can't say I'm that surprised to see Gee go. (sad but not surprised)
It's certainly not the end of NE. -
Liampie Offline
In all honesty, I didn't expect any more RCT work from you anyway, geewhzz. I knew you lost interest. However, somehwere there was a little piece of hope that H2H might spark your interest again. Very sad it did the opposite. I don't want to judge you are anyone right now, so I'll just thank you for what you've done for my hobby. Good luck in life, and I hope that one day, when the dust has settled, you might comeback to the site to enjoy RCT again. In a healthy way, that is. -
Gwazi Offline
Just thought I would mention that I'm about halfway done with my paper, and the second half is already outline. Woo! (Woo?) -
trav Offline
Thankyou for being one of the best things to ever happen to this site Gee. Sad to see you go. -
Cocoa Offline
Throwing in my thanks to gee. Your work was always inspirational and you've done a lot for this site. Hope you come back occasionally and check on us
Kong... what have you done? -
Fisch Offline
Though it's sad to see you leave I do think you should think a little more about what you said there.
First of all thanks for everything you've done and thanks for paying for this site.
Now to your statement:goodbye, and goodluck to all of you, but there are much more important things than this game and website. it took me a while to learn that, but eventually all of you most likely will at some point.
I think the majority here sees rct as a hobbie and everybody should know that there's obviously more important things in life than hobbies/video games. The way that you put it though to me it sounds as if you're telling us to stop being nerds and start having a life and therefore we should all sooner or later abandon this website.
That's how I interpreted your statement and it kind of upsets me as I believe a lot of people on here are far from being nerds. Infact I'm pretty sure there's a lot of popular guys or "pretty boys" around here as well as there's people who are probably more introverted. Just because we're registered on a website for a video game about rollercoasters doesn't mean anyone here is a nerd at all and your statement rather makes me think that you were someone who took this game too seriously for quite a while.
I see this website as a place where I can share what I can do with my creativity. We're all artists in a way and we use rct as a tool for our art. This website therefore is a giant exhibition of the work the greatest rct artists have produced and it keeps on growing. I really don't feel like I'm playing rct. It's not even a game the way we use it. It's more like I'm drawing rct. I use my mind to envision a composition of nature, architecture, and colors and all of us are constantly training our creativity.
That is what this website means to me...nothing more, nothing less. Just that. And I'm sorry for you if this website has kept your personal life quiet for too long but it hasn't done the same for me, so surely I wouldn't blame the site for it. Everybody is responsible himself for choosing what his priorities are or were. That's kind of why I think you should calm down a little and rethink your statement. -
trav Offline
That's not me, it's ridiculously photogenic guy! I'm not allowed to post my picture on here anymore because it just overloads the server with hotness.
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