H2H6 / H2H6 General Topic
18-March 12
Liampie Offline
Well you know better, so I must not know Highroll3r's skill level.
Few players exceed Highroll3r at making residential architecture.And he's very good with realistic landscaping and rides, proving that realism isn't always about concrete and swampy plains.
He was my steal of the draft. I hoped.
Camcorder is totally different in style, but he undeniably has some great skills as well. Highroll3r dropping out doesn't feel like a loss, except for some wasted time. Thank god for this fantastic replacement list. -
CoasterCreator9 Offline
Out of the May 7th parks, I'm most excited to view The Replacements V the Hurricanes.
Also excited for the June 18th revoLLutionists V Hurricanes and Reservoir Dogs V Replacements. -
geewhzz Offline
since a certain someone likes to make passive aggressive threats in public, i figured i would just post this here instead of telling him personally.
i hereby withdraw myself from this contest. i'm finished with this site and game. if the admins would like to get together and decide who wants to take over the hosting of the website, contact me personally via email, i won't be visiting here anymore, nor will i renew hosting, so don't wait too long.
goodbye, and goodluck to all of you, but there are much more important things than this game and website. it took me a while to learn that, but eventually all of you most likely will at some point. -
Kumba Offline
Well first I want to say thanks for everything you have done for NE Curtis. You created the greatest feature the site has ever had, the NE Database. If you are not enjoying the site or RCT anymore and have felt that way for a while I see the need for you to leave.
I don't really want to go back to an admin role with NE, but if none of the current admins can pick-up the hosting I guess I could do that again.
Good luck with whatever you move on to. I am sad to see you go. -
Roomie Offline
Well Curtis you know how I feel. Yourself and K0ng clearly have things to sort out and as Kumba said if you feel you need to leave then go for it. you've done more for this site than anyone. But it all honesty I hope you change your mind. -
Wanted Offline
Well, that's the most depressing thing I've ever read on the site
Miss you Gee :/ Hope you come back -
Gwazi Offline
My respect for you just shot up, geewhzz, and that's truly saying something.
NE has always been a hobby for me. RCT is a game. That is it. And when it isn't fun, stop playing. As you say, there are tons of more important things in life. That's why I have been on hiatus for so long, and why I continue to be much less active than before even after I returned. I completely see your stance there, and only wish others (who will not be named) saw it as well.
The greatness of H2H doesn't stem from the competition itself. It stems from the fact that the structure of the contest brings people together who otherwise wouldn't necessarily build with each other to create amazing, new creations. It is fun and significant because of the productivity and quality increase that happens as a result. In the end, it's not about who wins and loses. It's about how awesome the parks are. And if people spend all their time bitching at each other, then that won't come to fruition.
It's truly disheartening for me to see the admins (one of which is my own Captain) put SO much work into organizing this contest, only to see the childish banter that has occupied the past 20 pages or so of this topic. A little friendly trash talk is okay, but once people are actually getting angry then that's where the line is drawn. It's a fucking game, people. Go play it. The revoLLutionists sure are (as you might be able to tell from our lack of participation in any of this truly immature shit-talking), so I hope the rest of you are too, because I really want to see some good work. Every single person in this contest can produce it.
I have tried to stay largely out of this topic because I don't want to get myself involved where I don't belong, but I've had enough as well. If I didn't love my team, the challenge H2H presents, and the game LL itself, I would be tempted to do the same as you, geewhzz.
Thanks again for everything you've done for this site, and for me specifically through the years. You have made a truly legendary impact at NE, and although I can't speak for you, I would hope that that would provide you some satisfaction to look back on when you reflect on your time here. You'll be sorely missed.
Cue another immature post talking about how I'm wrong, how it's more than a game, how I'm a pussy or don't like vagina, how my team is going to get its ass kicked, etc etc. Yeah yeah yeah, I've heard it all before. It's like listening to a broken record. -
Roomie Offline
What the hell has been going on in the Reservoir Dog team forum?
Strangely there is nothing at all on this there. -
nin Offline
I hope we keep in touch, gee. You were always one of my absolute favorites here and I hope we can at least remain friends, even if it's outside the world of RCT. -
Steve Offline
Likewise. Hope all is well, dude. I'm sure we haven't seen the last of you even if you say so; everyone comes back eventually.I hope we keep in touch, gee. You were always one of my absolute favorites here and I hope we can at least remain friends, even if it's outside the world of RCT.
Comet Offline
Honestly I feel the complete opposite as Gwazi. I just kinda lost all respect, or however much respect you could have for someone over an internet forum, for gee and I kind of hope that post was a joke or some elaborate plan from the Reservoir Dogs to distract us
Really tho, if you're serious with the whole 'there's more to life than this game and soon all of you guys will realize that' bullshit, you're right, except most of us realized that before we even joined the site. I seriously can't believe how outside of your mind some of you guys are when you handle these situations that occur here -
Gwazi Offline
I understand why you would disagree with me in terms of losing/gaining respect for gee, Comet.
However, when you say "most of us realized that before we even joined the site," I have to disagree based on what I've seen in this topic. Either many of you didn't realize it, or you've lost that realization since joining. Because someone who realized that wouldn't waste all their time talking shit, complaining about rules, trying to find loopholes, etc.
I tried to stay as much out of this as I could--as I said, I don't belong in this thread--but gee's post hit that nerve. People here need a reality check. They might claim they get off the forum and there's no steam off their back. But the anonymity of the internet isn't finite. You do something on this site, that sticks with you whether you admit it or not.
meh, I have a paper to write. -
Comet Offline
I don't know I just assumed that people talked shit in this topic during their free time then left their computer and went on with their day. I never actually considered that what was going on here with complaining about the rules and loopholes effected people's actual lives and happiness, but maybe it does? Or at least in gee's case I guess -
Gwazi Offline
When it gets on a personal level (ex. Cena being pissed at Liampie), I can't imagine it not at least subconsciously affecting a person's life outside of RCT. Friendly trash talking would fit in with what you believe, but from what I've read it sounds like people are legitimately getting angry at each other and are actually starting to hold grudges/vendettas. Maybe I'm wrong. You could be entirely right, Comet, in which case I should be ignored haha. I just wanted to point out that gee wasn't the only one fed up with it. I am too, and I'm sure there are more. I don't mean to start another argument or anything, so if that's where it's going I'll go ahead and concede defeat.
But yeah, gee's certainly one example of how all this is actually affecting people.
Dammit I have a paper to write why did I refresh the page hahaha -
robbie92 Offline
Dammit I have a paper to write why did I refresh the page hahaha
Hear hear. Same thing for me. I guess this is personally affecting my real life in that I'm eschewing sleep to finish this paper, and this topic is only making this worse. -
Comet Offline
There's just something about getting a 'fuck you' directed towards me over the internet that makes it a little bit easier to shrug off than a 'fuck you' to my face. And I feel like that applies to all the shit talking and complaining that goes on here, it's just not that hard for me to ignore
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