H2H6 / H2H6 General Topic
18-March 12
CoasterCreator9 Offline
I still have plenty of cheese in case anyone wants it with all this whine.
I wonder if the same amount of effort taken to create these seemingly pointless and inconsiderate arguments will be put into the entry parks? I sure hope so. Looking through past H2H parks and seeing all the brilliance displayed certainly makes me hope so.
This happens most H2H's. -
K0NG Offline
You might just be building one soon if shit doesn't change real fucking quickly. Get your game ready to roll.May needs to get here now, I can't wait to see all these parks...
These "pointless and inconsiderate arguments"...much to posix' dismay, are actually what fuels a good amount of said brilliance.I wonder if the same amount of effort taken to create these seemingly pointless and inconsiderate arguments will be put into the entry parks? I sure hope so. Looking through past H2H parks and seeing all the brilliance displayed certainly makes me hope so.
And Casimir...any fucking time, any fucking place. You're a sketchy, whiny little cunt that needs some sense beat into it. I'm tired of your shit.
Just make sure you have insurance. You'll need it. -
K0NG Offline
It wasn't a threat...it was a response to this:Okay, can we get away from actual threats now, that's going far too far.
How about you come over and make me shut up then?
Like I stated before....I'm just tired of his shit. That's all. -
trav Offline
Yeah you both threatened each other. I'm saying there's no need for things to go that far. -
posix Offline
Two further replacements today.
revoLLutionists: RMM is freeing his place and Louis! has picked Ride6 to fill it.
Heaven's Kitchen: highroll3r leaves. Liampie has picked Camcorder22 for him. -
Liampie Offline
Sad to see RMM go. I hope Ride6 can contribute some nice LL, haven't seen that from him in a while. Hopefully he can get LL working at all...
Sad about HR as well, I was looking forward to what he could come up with. Fortunately the replacements list still has a lot of talented players to choose from. Welcome to the Kitchen, Cam. -
Liampie Offline
Doesn't matter, SF. That's an old rule, pre-H2H5 I think? Anyway I think Ride6 for RMM and Cam for Highroll3r are fair replacements. I'd say the drop outs are at least even in quality to the replacements. -
chorkiel Offline
Liam did you choose this name just for the sake of the puns and saying things like 'welcome to the kitchen' ? -
Wanted Offline
Doesn't matter, SF. That's an old rule, pre-H2H5 I think? Anyway I think Ride6 for RMM and Cam for Highroll3r are fair replacements. I'd say the drop outs are at least even in quality to the replacements.
Can't tell if this is serious or not. -
Louis! Offline
I don't see how Ride6 for RMM can be seen as unfair. I'd say they were both equally skilled.
It was a shame to see RMM goI had a lot of faith in him, BUT I'm sure Ride6 will be just as good
Welcome aboard Ride6
Liampie Offline
Can't tell if this is serious or not.
Entirely serious. Why do you disagree? (I assume you do) -
Wanted Offline
Well you know better, so I must not know Highroll3r's skill level.
Anyway, it doesn't matter! I am happy to see the changes, but sad to see the players drop out -
Louis! Offline
Had I not had to secure the likes of SSSammy or Gwazi, RMM would have been my #2 pick.
The way I picked my team doesn't necessarily mean where I would place them skillwise.
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