H2H6 / H2H6 General Topic
18-March 12
Maverix Offline
Still laugh every time I view this topic and scroll down past this.Rollercoaster Tycoon
Can also be a hat -
K0NG Offline
You interpreted Turtle's annoyance at Cena being a fucktard as something you suggested he (Cena) do, which wasn't what he (Turtle) was saying at all. Just that it has been pissing everyone off, there was nothing connecting it to you in any way.
Are you fucking kidding me? That entire post was directed towards me. It was addressed to me. All I said was that no one "has" Cena do anything in response to the entire thing.
I'm pretty sure that Turtle was referring me somehow misinterpreting Dr Knowswhatshittasteslike's post. Which would have been virtually impossible to do.
Whatever. -
Dr_Dude Offline
I'd tell you how incorrect every bit of your statement is there, but you still wouldn't get it.
i.e. you couldn't. -
Dark_Horse Offline
This thread is so full of......
I don't always start flame wars on the internet, but when I do...it usually blows up in my face.
/scene -
nin Offline
..and that's why it lost the round!Agreed, I mean who would have thought you built on spiderman. Oh wait, you didn't!
highroll3r Offline
fuck the paper, snakes, haters and traitors,
i cease to have writters block in these lands where no one shakes hands,
stand side by side not head to head this is vital,
say noting but the truth like a deciple,
if my rcting is as cooked as my scripts you are shorly fucked!!! -
K0NG Offline
See...I was willing to just let it go. But, noooooooooooi.e. you couldn't.
Ok, for starters, I referred to "a German person" as "Mein Fuhrer", not "Hitler". "Mein Fuhrer" translates literally to "My Leader" (or, via the Dictionary.com translator, "My Guide").
Casimir, ever the hero of the stupid, decided...whether or not the remark I made had anything the fuck to do with him at all...to pretend to be offended by what I said. Which resulted in an exchange that can be viewed, in it's entirety, here: http://www.nedesigns...ristmas-story/.
The basis on which I "defended" myself is there, in all of it's wondrous glory, for you to peruse before formulating your next idiotic reply.
If you can somehow come to the conclusion after reading that...that, A: There was anything to "defend" in the first place, B: I "gave him shit" for anything other than just being the stupid fuck that he is, or C: that I'm truly an "imbecile"...
1. Informal . a dunce; blockhead; dolt.
2. Psychology . (no longer in technical use; considered offensive) a person of the second order in a former and discarded classification of mental retardation, above the level of idiocy, having a mental age of seven or eight years and an intelligence quotient of 25 to 50.
...you might want to find a t-shirt that says "I'm with Stupid (and, I know what shit tastes like)" that features an arrow pointing upwards towards your empty fucking head...stuff it up your ass, and come back with something more substantial next time. -
highroll3r Offline
kong your the widest whome with this bitching?. to let it go is to not reply, even my grammer can portray that!!! jokes!!! -
Whitehawk Offline
Oh wait, I made my point already.blah blah I'm so fucking cool and such a badass everyone respect me and my ability to make a total ass of myself, I am clearly superior and also I have a plan so fuck you guys, you might as well give up. Did I mention I am clearly a superior human being? Also, you all suck. Also I'm clearly right, always. Oh by the way, I have an excuse for EVERYTHING, so don't bother trying to pin ANYTHING on me, as I am simply MADE of excuses. Also, insult insult insult, because I get lots of sex and you are clearly a homosexual.
Cocoa Offline
I think this is seriously verging on an appropriate time to ban, or at least apply duct tape. JUST STOP FUCKING MAKING EXCUSES FOR EVERY SINGLE THING, no one gives a damn. (@kong- and don't you reply to this, I don't want to hear it)
well, obviously not.See...I was willing to just let it go. But, nooooooooooo
also, highroller, I don't think I have understood a single one of your posts recently. Did you forget how to write in english? -
ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt Offline
Lets just draw a line in the sand now man, _________________ Theres the line end of. -
K0NG Offline
I can tell the future through GIFs... Bow.
You're gonna be a gay cowboy?
To each his/her own, I guess.
Edit: do any of you fuckwads know that if you'd just stop adoring me so much and shut the fuck up...that I might just do the same? Other than the adoring part...that's on you.
I kinda like how you all have this love/hate thing going with me.
It makes my dick hard.
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