H2H6 / H2H6 General Topic
18-March 12
Cena Offline
Oh my god, I can't believe a small joke can set off this much ire. Interesting...
You should do that more often. Would be fun to have a new discussion with a different subject. -
chorkiel Offline
Cena, he didn't say who was gonna kick the asses. He just stated that those asses are gonna be kicked.
It's like when I say:
A tornado is gonna hit.
I never said where the tornado is gonna hit, just because I say it you could assume it'll be in the Netherlands. But if you place it in the context of the people to who I'm saying it you can take it like their place is gonna get hit by a tornado. -
K0NG Offline
First of all, I couldn't care less what anyone says...there's absolutely no reason for any team to be DQ'd for saying anything in these forums. It's all speculation. Even if it turns out to be correct, at the time it's said, it's just smack.
That being said, chorkles, what robbie posted would be akin to you saying " A tornado is gonna hit, but I'm not leaving until it takes out my next door neighbors house". Which would lead pretty much anyone that read your statement to the conclusion that the tornado was, indeed, in the Netherlands.
Louis...I didn't " Outright write down our schedule". Trust me, our schedule is more complex than what I posted. I merely threw some "wonder" of my own into the mix. As in: "here's what's coming at you...now, try and stop it. I wonder if you can?".
My only issue is (and, you all know me well enough to know that it just might happen) whether or not to just do exactly what I said we'd do and leave it up to you to DQ two awesome parks for talking smack. You can't "reveal" the creators of something that's yet to be created. I know that, you know that. I know that, in a court of law, I'd rip your argument to shreds. Unfortunately, I also know the "judge" in this court, his biases and his tendencies.
So, I guess we'll all just have to wait and see what happens.
EDIT: Other than the fact that there are several loopholes in this particular rule, I'd imagine it's purpose would be to ensure fair, unbiased voting. Which cannot be achieved unless the teams in any particular match are also not revealed. People have already shown that there's going to be biased voting based on the competing teams alone. -
K0NG Offline
That's exactly what we're doing, douchebag. There were no rules broken. Only someone's interpretation of a rule. -
Six Frags Offline
Hey, that's actually a great idea! I say, discuss it in the captains loungeWhich cannot be achieved unless the teams in any particular match are also not revealed. People have already shown that there's going to be biased voting based on the competing teams alone.
Turtle Offline
KONG, i'm sorry. I don't want to see anyone DQed, honestly. Hopefully you know me well enough by now to know that I just love seeing good RCT. Personal bias doesn't come into it, if someone releases awesome work, i'll enjoy it, regardless of who builds it. That's why i've stayed out of this topic until now, despite drafting a few replies, before thinking better of it and walking away.
That being said, you DID post your schedule (whether it was true or not, but i'm inclined to think it probably was), which DOES violate the rules we've had since H2H started. That of not knowing who builds on which park before the voting is closed. This is the only way to stop biased voting for teams, as usually the teams consist of many different characters, and no one dislikes all ten.
I think it was a mistake, and a little contrition at the time from you would probably have set it all to rights, and we all would have moved on. But the trash talking aspect, coupled with your complete inability to back down from a situation, escalated it into what it currently is.
Now, honestly, having Cena flying around this topic like an angry team bodyguard isn't helping, either. Demanding retribution, retaliation, rule changing, etc., it is a little ridiculous. I've called both Liam and Cena on the dutch bitching before, and I will again, i'm sure. But what robbie posted is COMPLETELY different from what you posted, and you know it. Cena misinterpreted it, I think we can all see that.
I hope this whole thing hasn't fucked up your schedule too much, honestly, because I think your team could create some serious parks, and I really want to see them. Good luck with it. -
Cena Offline
I really want the anomynous park voting, without team names, that would make it even more fun to 'guess' the teams and creators. -
Gwazi Offline
Eh, that wouldn't really help us much though since we are kind of identifiable simply by the game we play. -
robbie92 Offline
Why fix what isn't broken? H2H's gone one since the beginning of NE, and the voting process worked out fine for all 5 other seasons. I don't see why it has to change now to accommodate the concerns of one particular team. -
ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt Offline
If there was anonymous voting then that would be the fairest thing ever, As turtle said people just want to see good rct work and he doesn't take any grudges or whatever into account when voting, But that doesn't mean other people don't aswell. So for as something so simple as maybe having posix know who's park is who and the rest of the voters not having a clue who's park is which when they vote and have posix announce the winner and who's park it was and who participated in the building of the park ?
Edit: Just because it ain't broke doesnt mean you can't improve it to be even fairer than it is now. -
robbie92 Offline
But it wasn't ever "unfair" before. The reason why people may vote against your team at the moment is because you guys keep calling for rule changes and restructuring, and calling out how "unfair" the rules feel to you all, and frankly, it's getting annoying.
Maybe if you guys could encourage people to like you more, you won't need to worry about team anonymity. H2H is a game about appealing to the community, so you might as well start playing. -
ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt Offline
Well there you go robbie, you just said. the reason why people might vote against us is because people think we are moaning and not for the quality of the work produced ? Anonymous vote would be perfect. And me moaning this is the first thing i have said about this arguement since it began a week ago. -
robbie92 Offline
If the people like your park more, they will vote for your park. It's always worked that way. But you guys aren't doing the rest of your team any favors by being annoying to the rest of the community, and the last thing you want is to be on the community's bad side. -
Cena Offline
Well Robbie, it was Louis who started changing the rules around, I repeat;
From the Offical Rules & RegulationsNo captain can replace a player unless a player drops out, where they will choose a player off the Replacement List. (2) No player from the community will be allowed to join the replacement list after sign-ups.
Why was this rule changed then? I mean, Sulakke joined the Replacementlist, after Liam knew he had an dropout, so he could pick Sulakke.
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