H2H6 / H2H6 General Topic
18-March 12
Louis! Offline
The Curryhanes have changed their name to Heaven's Kitchen. This was planned all along as a joke between me and Liampie, unfortunately Liam doesn't wish to continue the whole season with a joke name and thus the real name is now in force.
Wanted Offline
Louis, Posix, or Gee - I think it would be extremely helpful to make a third topic in the headline of the H2H6 section with a central location of team names, players, and the schedule. Right now I have to dig to page 22 or something to find the schedule. Put the post containing the schedule and the post containing logos, team names, and players into a single thread and lock it at the top of this forum. -
FK+Coastermind Offline
Dido to wanted, this topic has gained so much shit, it would be nice to have an easily accessible info page with teams and schedules and such.
FK -
Louis! Offline
Taken right off the front page, it's all there, no digging needed. Click the link and it will magically transport you to the information you need:We had planned it all along...
H2H6 TABLE OF CONTENTSThis topic will be used for all H2H6 announcements. This first post will be updated with links to the anouncements in this topic as they are posted so that it may be used as a table of contents.
(1) Rules & Regulations -- (120318
Rules & Regulations for H2H6 can be found here. Please make sure you have read them before signing up to take part.(2) Sign Ups -- (120318
All the information regarding Sign Ups for H2H6 can be found further down in this topic here. Please read the accompanying post before replying to sign up.(3) Match Schedule -- (120321
All the information regarding the Match Schedule for H2H6 can be found further down in this topic here.(4) Captain Recruitment -- (120325
The H2H6 Captains have been announced. More information can be found here.(5) The Draft -- (120327
The draft will be held on 28 Mar. Find all details here.(6) Team Roster -- (120328
The team roster is available here.(7) End of Trading Period & Opening of Team Forums -- (120331
The Match Rota and Team Forums announcement can be found here. -
posix Offline
Sephiroth has decided to drop out of the contest and freed up his spot in the Heaven's Kitchen team. Liampie has chosen Sulakke from the replacement list who was added to his team.
Liampie Offline
Bittersweet, but I'm mostly excited right now because Sulakke will bring new ingredients to The Kitchen!
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