H2H6 / H2H6 General Topic
18-March 12
Cena Offline
We have already taken care of this backstage. I won't play anymore in round 1 and Kong and Belgianguy won't play in round 2.
Now I'm just happy he didn't posted the entire schedule... -
Ride6 Offline
I know I haven't been active too much of late, but I'll try to contribute to this as a spectator.
If any high-profile players drop out before making anything for their team I'm down to come in as a replacement player as well.
(LL might be possible but I don't currently have it up and running).
Ride6 -
Cena Offline
No captain can replace a player unless a player drops out, where they will choose a player off the Replacement List. (2) No player from the community will be allowed to join the replacement list after sign-ups.
Louis! Offline
That rule was replaced before Sign-Ups closed (which started the contest and locked in the rules) with this:Sign Ups are now closed. Anyone signing up from now onwards will be placed on the reseverves list without the opportunity to be drafted.
Cena Offline
Louis, why the fuck didn't you update the Rules and Regulations topic then? I mean, thats supposed to be the rules that everyone has to play with. And now you show up with a quote from a different topic/page saying the offical rule doesn't count anymore?
Then you could also now make a rule to get rid of the annoying anomity rule. I mean, everyone will easily recognize, Kongs, BG's, or my building style in a park that is released by the Reservoir Dogs. Whatever round we go.
Anyway. Next time update the Rules topic then as well, since I copied it straight from there, up to here. -
Cena Offline
Why the fuck do you always have to make yourself present in a discusion between me and someone else. Do you have some kind of weird obsession for me? Thats fucking creepy. Now please go build something fucking amazing in that H2H park of yours. -
Gwazi Offline
I think people overestimate others' abilities to recognize a person's style in an anonymous park. Most parks last H2H were complete surprises to most people. Only those with particularly unique styles (such as Kumba, for example) were recognizable. I know for a fact both parks I built in completely astonished people--I remember someone thinking that my section in World Showcase was built by robbie.
I agree with SSSammy though, let's all calm our tits and have a good time. -
Marino Offline
And I thought we were supposed to enjoy this contest... My bad!
In all seriousness: contain your frustration and have fun. The latter should be the sole reason why you signed up after all. -
In:Cities Offline
I personally don't think a single person here will recognize the sections I build in these parks. -
robbie92 Offline
You'll recognize my stuff in the two seconds you can see before being blinded by the sheer awesomeness emanating from your computer screen. -
Steve Offline
You'll recognize my stuff in the two seconds you can see before being blinded by the sheer awesomeness emanating from your computer screen.
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