H2H6 / H2H6 General Topic
18-March 12
FredD Offline
NOOOO! I was looking forward to your work. You seem to work fast according to Movie World Marseille's topic. Don't retreat because you feel you're not good enough or whatever. Besides, H2H6 wouldn't be the same without a communist involved.
Lol I don't see the value of being a commu for a rct competition. But OK, I reconsider. If the captain can take account with availability then I'll think it can work. Sign me back in please. -
Louis! Offline
Match Schedule
We have confirmed the match deadlines and can now announce the match shedule.
We have a slight change from previous seasons, so please make sure you read and understand the schedule fully.This season will feature a 5th Place Playoff alongside the Semi Finals. Much like the 3rd Place Playoff the two teams not going forward will face each other to decide their final position.
The match schedule is as follows:
[7th April] Team Forums Open & H2H6 Season Officially Starts
[7th May] Week 1 Deadline
[21st May] Week 2 Deadline
[4th 5th June] Week 3 Deadline (prolonged due to site's downtime)
[18th June] Week 4 Deadline
[2nd July] Week 5 Deadline
[23rd July] Semi Finals Deadline & 5th Place Playoff Deadline 5th Place match cancelled.
[6th August] Grand Final Deadline & 3rd Place Playoff Deadline
This schedule is final and will not change. The captains and draft details will be announced when the sign ups close. Please continue to use this topic to sign up.
Liampie Offline
Of course. No one expects you to be 100% available during a four month period.Lol I don't see the value of being a commu for a rct competition. But OK, I reconsider. If the captain can take account with availability then I'll think it can work. Sign me back in please.
Well, I was waiting to reply to this topic because of a few things:
1) I am a slow builder.
2) I am not on instant chat networks/devices/whatever very much, if ever. I do not plan on using this type of communication in the future.
3) My computer suffers from the random freezing issue that has been mentioned in the Ask the Experts/Discussion RCT forums. I have tried to run a Virtual Machine but RCT doesn't ever seem to be able to make it all the way through the installation process on a VM.
4) I have no idea what my future schedule looks like. I have gone for months/years without touching RCT and in all honesty I do not place RCT very high on my priorities list when life gets busy (i.e. I would not be pulling any all-nighters or anything of that nature).
5) I fundamentally disagree with the majority opinion on the importance of architecture. I am of the opinion that most common types of buildings (shops, restaurants, things of that nature) are both boring to make and to look at in RCT, with more structurally interesting things like skyscrapers and stadiums being the exception. In all honesty I'm not here to make theme parks, I'm here to make towering, monstrous, supersonic, scream-your-lungs-out, ass-kicking rollercoasters (and support structures).
I still have a few days left to make up my mind, but for now I'll just say that I am looking forward to all of the awesome releases as a result of this contest.
1) That's what everyone says.
2) Neither am I. Chats can be useful but they're not essential.
3) Fair enough.
4) Fair enough.
5) That's why you would be awesome in H2H. You make different stuff. And your coasters rock.Yessss
I'm in, I do however want to make it clear that I have ZERO time to build in April. I will still be online everyday and will be able to help with planning, etc. during that month, but I won't have access to the game until pretty much May 1st. After that during May, June, and July I will have all the time in the world. I understand if this is reason for concern and results in me not getting drafted but I really do want to be a part of this
See FredD. ^ And "all the time in the world" during 3 of the 4 months will get you drafted. -
Kumba Offline
While that is almost exactly the schedule I suggested I would like to see an extra week given between week 5 and the semifinals. Also why not use August? That's a summer month, at least here in the US and we normally have a lot of free time then. -
FredD Offline
Ok, I'll make it work. I aggree with Kumba, there could be more time between week 5 and the semi finals (also between semi and finals). August is also a summer month in Europe -
JJ Offline
Screw it, I need to prove myself after fucking up with life and dropping outta the last one, This could be the motivation I need. LL only though. Sign me up >.<, doubt i'd get picked though considering how unreliable I am -
Liampie Offline
In, rct2. FYI won't be able to build till June but then I'm good
That's tight but you could still do considerable amounts of work in round 5 and the final rounds. If you visit the forum frequently before June and could give criticism every now and then and contribute with ideas and suggestions (which doesn't take much time at all), you'd be a valuable player in any team. Glad you signed up. -
Steve Offline
Seems like a short season to me? Unless it was always that way and I just don't remember.
Well, I'm out of classes on April 20th so after that I should be good. -
posix Offline
Oh my god K0NG, the drama queen in you is so endlessly glamorous and talented, she made me crack up more than once when reading your post. I'm thinking it might be worth handing that captain spot to somebody else really, just to see what you'll do. Someone should get hold of MA to come back and therapise you out of your misery should it come to the worst. Do you really think you haven't haunted us enough with your "I WANTS H2H6 NOW" campaign? Jeez, you might just as well have gone on hunger strike. Tell you what, take a deep breath, chillax, and await the things to come.
In regards to people unsure whether to sign up or not; I've been a captain before and I think it is very fine to not use instant messengers. In fact, other than partners building on a park together, I wouldn't encourage teams to use them as they will create "information asynchronicities" (K0NG, I'm very positive you're still reading and can tell me if that last word there exists?) ...within the team and thus give rise to confusion. Also, remember you can sign up and drop out later. It's not very elegant of course, but well whatelse do we have a replacement list for.
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