H2H6 / H2H6 Rules & Regulations
18-March 12
Cena Offline
Just to be honest, why is there the rule of the anomynous submission? Everyone has a clear style that is easily recognizable... -
posix Offline
Cena, it's not ideal, we know, but I'm convinced it adds a small percentage of reduced subjectivity in people's vote choices if parks are anonymous and I think it's worth it. Please make parks anonymous temporarily for the voting process. Afterwards, if you like, we can add a "post-H2H6 version" SV4/6 to the zip of your park's download which must not be anonymous of course. -
Cena Offline
Okay, I get it.
Another question, can teams provide their own aerial picture with the park? From the own-desired direction? Thanks -
5dave Offline
Normally the arials are from the angle the park gets saved in.
You can tell us your decided angle, though. Should be no problem I guess?
"MFG" -
5dave Offline
^Yeah but the map making process is a lot trickier than you might think. So don't waste your time and let the prep team do the work.
"MFG" -
Cena Offline
I already made severl of them in the past so I know what it is, thanks for the heads-up though. -
Casimir Offline
By the way
Have you made sure that I can't see any H2H submissions in the jobs tab? Don't know if I should do maps for the contest. -
Cena Offline
Does the team captain need to submit all the team parks to the database or can that be done by individual players? Please an answer, thanks. -
Louis! Offline
In theory it would be easier if those that built on the park submitted it otherwise we'd have to delete the team captain from the creators list if they submitted a park they didn't create, which is simple, but still a waste of time.
So yeah, anyone from the team can submit. -
Kumba Offline
I have submitted every Hurricanes park and hope things can stay that way. It's not so much that I need to send it, but that I need to check it. I have found things in the past, once in H2H3 a player did put his name in and my check saved us from a DQ.
Captains sending them in is best imo
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