H2H6 / H2H6 Rules & Regulations
18-March 12
Louis! Offline
Head to Head 6. Sixty Players. Six Teams. Five Rounds. Who will make it to the Playoffs?
What is Head to Head?
H2H is a team contest featuring six teams and sixty players. Each team has a captain who is in charge of managing the team's performance. Your team competes against all other teams with mini parks made by up to three players. Upon the deadline, both parks of the matchup are posted on the forums for the public to vote upon. The creators are kept anonymous until the vote has ended to prevent biased votes. The winning park is the one with more votes. After the Round Robin The Top 4 teams then go forward into the Playoffs to fight for the title.
Please note that failure to follow any of the following rules will result in the respective park, player or team being disqualified.
Player Lineup
(1) No player can build in two consecutive rounds, including in the playoffs.
(2) Every player on a team must be used at least once during the round robin.
(3) No park can be built on by more than 3 players.
(4) Each park a team submits must be built by a unique set of people throughout the whole contest.
(5) No player can build more then three times, including playoffs. So be careful how you use certain players. This is to ensure that everyone on the team gets their chance to participate.
(6) No more than one solo park allowed during the season, including playoffs. Use it wisely if you choose to do so.
Park Construction & Submission
(1) There is no official bench for H2H6 but we are providing you with a 60x60 starter bench:
RCT2 |
RCTLL. Map sizes must consist of a total amount of tiles that must be no more than 3600 and no less than 1600during the round robin, and no more than 4900 and no less than 2500 during the playoffs. This allows you to shape your map in any way you like.
(2) Any player may create or provide custom scenery for his team. This will not turn him into a creator of any park. To be classed as a park creator a player must physically build on the park.
(3) Parks must be anonymous, meaning you must not identify which player(s) has/have built the park. This includes staff names, mosaic signs, underwater land coloring or any clever way of putting your name in the park. You may put names of team mates in the park (e.g. everyone from your team) as long as there is no revelation of the real creators.
(4) All parks must be submitted to the submission database before their respective deadline (11:59PM UTC -11). This is the only instance when the creator's names can and must be revealed.
(5) A forfeit is ruled if no park is submitted and possibly if a park is not submitted on time. Creators that were working on that round do not count towards Rule 2 of the Player Lineup section.
(6) If a park is submitted after the deadline or not submitted at all, the captain of the respective team may PM posix a link to a post in his forum where an attachment of the park can be found. If the timestamp of this post is prior to the deadline then this version of the park may be entered into the competition.
(7 ) All Teams receive the chance of a one-time deadline extension of 3 days. This counts for the entire contest. The captain of the team has to create a written record in order to make use of this option. It has to be dated before the respective deadline.
No captain can replace a player unless a player drops out, where they will choose a player off the Replacement List.
(2) No player from the community will be allowed to join the replacement list after sign-ups.
(3) A captain must not add a player's name to a park that he did not participate in.
The parks will be voted on anonymously. The players will be revealed at the end of the voting.
(2) All matches will have a five day limit (120 hours) after they are posted for voting to occur. If a poll is tied after the 5 day limit, the poll will remain open until a winning vote is received.
(3) In the event of a forfeit or disqualification, the park that was submitted will receive the average relative winning percentage of all winning entries to be used in the event of a tie and the contest statistics. The team forfeit will receive 0% for this round in calculation of their average relative vote percentage.
(4) Only members registered before the trading week start date (120328) will be able to vote on matchups.
(5) Players will not be allowed to vote in their own team's matchups.
Advancing to Play-Offs
When the round robin has come to an end, all teams will be ranked primarily on their win/loss record, and secondly on their average relative vote percentage. The Top 4 teams advance to the playoffs.
We have tried to cover all areas of the contest but feel free to ask questions about remaining unclarities.
Magnus Offline
Shouldn't be too hard to cover that rule.(3) You must not put any team-member's names on any H2H5 park in any way. This includes staff names, mosaic signs, underwater land coloring or any clever way of putting your name in the park.
Would be nice if you allowed to put all names from the team in the park, like we had before. I always thought it is a nice way to recognize the efforts of the complete team. -
Casimir Offline
That'd be a nice touch. But you could always try to "upgrade" the names of those who built on it.. like giving those to the most important staff members. But maybe I'm just being paranoid here -
Magnus Offline
We did it for H2H3 and H2H4. I think the rule was something like "no hints who built the park". If anyone can guess the creators of the park based on hints in the park, or if the admins feel like it, the park will be DQed. -
Dark_Horse Offline
(3) You must not put any team-member's names on any H2H5 park in any way. This includes staff names, mosaic signs, underwater land coloring or any clever way of putting your name in the park.
I thought this was H2H6. -
Kumba Online
You can put in team players names as long as it's the whole team in there. The issue is if you single out a few people on a team, like if a staff list just had two mechanics named Xcoaster and Kumba in Logos. -
K0NG Offline
^Yeah, I would think that the purpose here is to not identify who built on the park and nothing else. Because it just wouldn't be right if you couldn't have (insert NE member's name) performing a certain 'task' in the park as part of the "joke" or whatever. I was pissed that I forgot that in Vulture.....and, I sure as hell want to be able to do that in H2H6. Like I said, I've been planning for this for almost three years now and I have some retarded good ideas for some staff members.... -
posix Offline
So here are the issues why we never had H2H6 earlier, and I'd be happy if some could show they care and help with this. Frankly, it was really annoying to keep calm against all the "omfg, admins, why can't we just have fucking H2H6- the site's dying and your doing NOTHING?!?!" sentiment, and now's the time that I expect certain few of you to put this even.
I'm trying to figure out a good way to handle the h2h6 submissions, and further how to present the matches later. The submission manager is nice because it allows precise timestamps so we can check if the deadline was met, and also adds parks to the DB as it would later have to be done anyhow. It'd also allow a precise download count. If we added the parks manually afterwards, the count would be reset unless we manually edited it in the SQL database which is pretty tedious obviously. We could create a fake member called "H2H6 Camouflage" and put that as the creator of all parks until the poll is closed and players are announced.
The bigger problem is the match presentation. Obviously, both parks must be released in the same topic. We can use neither the Design nor Spotlight release page template, as this would trigger a panel/logo/write-up job to be done before the park can go out which we don't want, and we also don't want the page to say this H2H6 park is a "Design". So it has to be a non-competitive submission. These can have gallery screens added to them later, which is handy. What I don't like though is that both parks will receive their own separate page and cannot be shown side by side. You can only view one park at a time. If there are more parks linked to the same topic, it lists them above saying "this park shares comments with <park>". Not very cool for H2H if you ask me.
I'd love to design a proper H2H park release template page, but geewhzz will never code it and it would have had to be done before the contest started. Thus, the only solution I see is to do custom topics again where the parks are just posted directly without being linked to the DB. It's a big step backward doing it NE3 way again though. It'll also create a lot of work to prep the topics manually each time, and then create a lot of ugly post-work to add the parks to the DB later like with did with the H2H5 ones before launching NE4. I'm afraid there's no other solution though... -
trav Offline
I'd be willing to help in whatever way I can with the prepping of the topics and everything like that. As I'm sure a lot of the community would be. You don't need to place the burden on solely the admins, use the community -
K0NG Offline
I have a question regarding this. Does this mean that no two players can build together on more than one park or that the combination of three players can't be repeated? For instance...players 2, 3 and 7 build on a park. Can players 2 and 7 now build with player 5?(4) Each park a team submits must be built by a unique set of people throughout the whole contest.
I understand that players 2 and 7 can't duo twice or that 2,3 and 7 can't build more than once as a trio. But, if the third player is different, can two of the three be the same? -
Louis! Offline
Every combination HAS to be uniquely different.
If a park is built by BelgianGuy, Roomie & GigaG then BelgianGuy CANNOT build another park with either Roomie or GigaG, no matter who else would be in the trio.
Make sure that you get this sorted, as it will be a cause for disqualification.
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