(Archive) Advertising District / SWP&E

  • Fisch%s's Photo
    I think it's safe to say that this is pretty good. :p There's not really a whole lot one can see or comment on though. Love the name for the flat.
  • disneylhand%s's Photo
    That white round building is great; I love the use of side friction track.
    Its doors look flimsy and some of the trees appear to be floating above the surrounding foliage but everything else is nice.

  • robbie92%s's Photo

    Posted Image

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo
    Looks awesome! :)
    Nicely detailed as well.
  • Ling%s's Photo
    Yes. Although, some of the stuff on the MCBR seems a bit awkward, like it doesn't totally line up.
  • ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt%s's Photo
    I feel like i have seen stuff like this before from you robbie... But never the less still great.
  • pierrot%s's Photo
    really nice, that foliages are spot on.
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    A great screen Rob. There's nothing that immediately catches my eye, and thats a good thing because it shows that the composition of the screen is perfect and that everything blends together well.

    And thankyou for putting a screen up, there seems to be a severe lack of advertising at NE at the minute.
  • hulkpower25%s's Photo
    Amazing work on the vertical coaster, and great job on the element on fenguang, its just like the one on
    Shambhala at Port Aventura.Posted Image
  • Six Frags%s's Photo
    :drool: :drool:

    Sooooo good! Do you have a guest spot Robbie? Or is it a duo?
    Can't wait for this park!
  • robbie92%s's Photo
    Six Frags: This topic is actually a topic for two different parks, Brian's Seaworld park and my Busch Gardens Asia.
  • imawesome1124%s's Photo
    ^So it's 2 separate maps I assume.

    This is the best advertising I've ever seen. And these parks seem like a step up from your last respective projects. I need a new RCT2 disk but I can't wait until these parks are finished. What's the progress on each?
  • Austin55%s's Photo
    Terrible. Start over.
  • Casimir%s's Photo
    Sam, remember when you wanted to be shown "the irony"? ^there it is.

    Looks amazingly clean. I hope you can finish this somehow!
  • chorkiel%s's Photo
    I hate the transition between the brick and the brown path (top right), maybe it looks better from other angles but right now it doesn't fit with how clean and detailled everything else looks.
  • Dr_Dude%s's Photo

    Sam, remember when you wanted to be shown "the irony"? ^there it is.

    pretty sure that's a (misguided) attempt to continue the round of jokes that was had when robbie started a portfolio topic for H2H, where everyone unconstructively criticized his stuff/acted like he had just joined.

    I'm looking forward to both these parks. You are both very talented builders who tend to employ a style I'm not a fan of for your full-sized parks. but as an admirer of seaworld + bg the combo of skill and theme should make both parks your breakthroughs into my heart (well park edda was robbie's but this should further it)
  • highroll3r%s's Photo
    you should build on uneven surfaces! no complaints other than the flatness gee!!
  • Fizzix%s's Photo

    In all seriousness, great screen Rob. Nice to see this pop back up again.
  • Liampie%s's Photo

    you should build on uneven surfaces! no complaints other than the flatness gee!!

    I too would love to see robbie with wild landscaping... But this isn't the right park for that I think. Hopefully we'll get to see it in another project. :) Love it either way.
  • robbie92%s's Photo
    There's some elevation changes just out of the frame. On the general, though, the terrain in this park is fairly subtle. It's way less flat than, say, SFSF, and has more variation than Park Edda, but it's nothing too elaborate. I will say, though, that most of the coasters in the park take advantage of the terrain way more than any other coaster I've made, except for maybe Rangda.


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