Related Games / Sky @ EarthQuest Adventures [RCT3]
01-December 11
coasterdude5 Offline
Thanks guys! I appreciate the kind words.
Just keep building.
I'm hearing some whispers about a possible EarthQuest Adventures funding collapse, but I'm going to ignore those and continue working on the design of what will surely be a great park.
The new Blue Line trains really look nice on the track.
I've begun working on the facade for the prototype 4D attraction. It's far from being completed.
More updates soon!
-Greg -
coasterdude5 Offline
^ I'll work with some other colors. Thanks!
Sky's almost complete...almost.
The Sky area of EarthQuest Adventures is slowly but surely taking shape.
The Blue Line station has greatly changed the look of this part of AeroWing.
Stratosphere is still the tallest attraction in the Sky area.
Playing around with some filters for an AeroWing promotional shot.
More soon! - Greg -
coasterdude5 Offline
Green Thumb
This week I've been working with the team to develop some of the landscaping in and around the Sky area.
We're working on a patio-like area for the Dippin Dots eatery.
But behind this area will be "The Grove," a live demonstration of clean, fresh air. Guests will be able to buy picnic meals and relax underneath the trees or out in the sun on soft, green grass. This will be very unique to EarthQuest Adventures as most theme parks discourage guests from leaving the path. At EarthQuest, we encourage it! Enjoy the Earth.
I'll have more soon!
-Greg -
BC(rct2) Offline
the brown spaces in the 1st screen will have something, right?
btw, every picture that you post it's coming better and better! -
coasterdude5 Offline
^ That is correct, those spots will be filled in with greenery. And thanks!
EarthQuest Updates
So what's going on in the world of EarthQuest Adventures? Well, not a whole lot lately. I've been working on a lot of the "nitty gritty" aspect of the design, most of which is not very visually appealing. However, I do have a few screens that you might enjoy.
A view of the Sky area from "The Grove."
The Sky area with the "secret attraction" in the background. Details on that will be released soon!
I can't wait to actually ride AeroWing!
What better way to end an update than a shot of the Sky area at EarthQuest Adventures.
More soon! -Greg -
coasterdude5 Offline
Thanks guys!
A Light at the End of the Tunnel
Slowly but surely, Sky is coming together. I plan on having the land finished by the end of next month. It's hard to believe I've been working on this one piece of EarthQuest Adventures for over six months! Thanks for sticking with me.
Sky looks different from every angle.
Wii are going to learn a lot more about this attraction in the coming days.
AeroWing towers over the rest of the Sky area.
And I'll leave you with a teaser for one of the most technologically-advanced attractions at EarthQuest Adventures. I'll reveal more information soon.
-Greg -
coasterdude5 Offline
We'll see soon!
Moving Forward
It seems as though designing a theme park is a long and tedious process, and it is. Just think, in six months, I've designed (about) a fifth of a theme park. One fifth!
Above is an overview of the Sky area.
AeroWing will surely be the backdrop of many photographs.
I think this might be used as a promotional shot. Riders will love feeling as though they are skimming the water.
Keep it tuned here. Things will soon pick up!
-Greg -
coasterdude5 Offline
AeroWing and Wii:Air
First, I've created a mock up of what a guest might experience while riding AeroWing. Watch the POV video below:
Wii:Air will be one of the many family-friend attractions at EarthQuest Adventures, and the only 4D ride at the park.
Guests waiting in line will be split into two groups and will then be led into two separate large theaters...
...where they will be treated to a 4D adventure through the different layers of the atmosphere. Each rider will be equipped with a simplified Nunchuck-style controller which will allow them to shoot at various pollutants in the atmosphere. Each theater will be pitted against the other to see which group of guests can gain the most points.
The ride will include 3D effects, surround sound, and a slew of other effects such as water and fog.
I'll reveal more information soon.
-Greg -
coasterdude5 Offline
^ Thanks!
Almost There
After nearly six months of planning and design, I'm nearing completion of the Sky area at EarthQuest Adventures! Hard to believe, isn't it?
The Sky area will definitely draw guests' attention as they enter the theme park.
AeroWing will be almost as fun to watch as it is to ride.
It's all coming together.
I still have one more attraction to reveal, though, so stay tuned!
-Greg -
coasterdude5 Offline
Thanks guys!
A Hurricane Makes Landfall at EarthQuest
One of the most technologically-advanced attractions at the Sky area of EarthQuest will be HURRICANE.
I teased the attraction earlier, but this concept art does little justice for the intense attraction.
The ride's show building will be themed to a weather station on the lookout for a major category 5 hurricane making its way towards the coastline.
As guests queue in line, they will be treated to a documentary about hurricanes made just for EarthQuest.
Guests will have the opportunity to bypass the film if lines are short.
The large open space near the entrance will be home to an expansive weather-themed gift shop.
But what about the actual ride experience?
Guests will be treated to one of the most realistic hurricane simulators available in the world. Guests will feel the gusting wind, the blowing ocean water, the turns and flips that come with the devastating power of hurricanes. The ride vehicle will be situated in a "video dome" equipped with high quality sound and video. Guests will see and hear the real effects of a category 5 hurricane. I'm very excited about this attraction!
Stay tuned!
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