Related Games / Sky @ EarthQuest Adventures [RCT3]
01-December 11
coasterdude5 Offline
And We're Back!
I apologize for the delay in updates. I've been working on some fine details of the park that aren't very photo-worthy. I guarantee though that the design is still moving forward!
So without further delay, here are the latest EarthQuest Adventures shots:
Stay tuned for an Aerowing video coming soon!
A Dippin Dots stand will fit in perfectly with our "futuristic" area!
I'm still working on Stratosphere's queue.
Guests will be able to see the agriculture demonstrations while waiting in line.
Stay tuned for more!
-Greg -
leonidas Offline
It's really shaping up like a theme park now! I love the second pic.
Still you need to consider what kind of environment guests find comforting.
This seems too clinical, like a hospital, which is not a pleasant atmosphere
for a theme park. Because of your monotonous color scheme, and usage of steel-like
textures it becomes somehow un-welcomming, or even inhuman in a way.
Add warmth with color and wooden textures etc.
It's shaping up really nicely though!
Good luck. -
coasterdude5 Offline
^ I'm trying to work on that. Thanks for the advice.
Nighttime at EarthQuest
Here are a few shots of what the Sky area will look like at nighttime. It will be bright to say the least (thanks to energy-efficient lighting, of course).
Here's the same shot from last update, only as seen at night.
I'm still working on the lighting for the AeroWing station. I'll keep you posted.
-Greg -
leonidas Offline
That station building is still not working for me.. But I love that second shot.
Maybe you could try adding colored lights, some warmer colors? -
coasterdude5 Offline
^ I'll play around with the lighting in the station.
Take a Ride on the Blue Line
Hello again! The past week I've been working the Blue Line, a ride which will travel around the Sky area.
The Blue Line will take guests on a guided tour around the Sky area and will focus on the live agricultural demonstrations in progress behind the rides and attractions.
The station's not done quiet yet, but it's progressing nicely.
The ride definitely changes the look of the Sky area.
Check back soon. I'll have more Blue Line updates this week.
-Greg -
leonidas Offline
Those tables in the third screen look like a very unpleasant place to sit,
it's not cozy, there's only two and the view is not quite atmospheric..
I'd build a terrace, with some planters resounding it. Maybe try some bright
colors for the parasols. Just try to brake the hollow atmosphere.
I'm really liking that new transportation system. The station building looks
very promising!
Keep it up. -
CoasterCreator9 Offline
Already been said elsewhere I believe, but I liked the contrast of the trains when they were red quite a lot. -
coasterdude5 Offline
The reason that I changed the color of the trains was because the coaster is sponsored by Boeing. Boeing is all blue, so I found the red to be out of place. -
Casimir Offline
I'm a fan of your work here. It reminds me of Japan. Which means it's ace. Because Japan is. -
coasterdude5 Offline
^ Thank you!
More Blue Line progress
Blue Line is changing the appearance of the Sky area greatly.
The Sky area has changed drastically with the addition of Blue Line.
The Blue Line station.
This view of AeroWing has changed with the addition of the Blue Line.
Here's an overview of the Sky area. There's still several spots still left to fill in.
-Greg -
coasterdude5 Offline
A little more of the Blue Line
The Blue Line as seen from the Stratosphere queue.
The Blue Line will provide some great views of all Sky attractions, including Stratosphere.
Any guesses as to what I'll put in this spot?
More soon.
-Greg -
coasterdude5 Offline
^ Thank you!
The Wait is Over
Alright, so what will take the place of that slab of concrete?
If you guessed a bathroom, you are correct!
This will be a state-of-the-art restroom facility which will be green-certified.
I've switched out the style of The Blue Line's train for a more realistic one. Thoughts?
More soon!
-Greg -
coasterdude5 Offline
Tweak Tweak Tweak
I'm constantly making tweaks to the design. That's the beauty of the design change (and having a lot of time as more financing is secured).
As shown in the previous update, the new Blue Line trains look much better.
Aerowing's two bunny hills preceding the brake run have been combined into one to prevent the train from valleying.
Right now I'm working on a very exciting attraction. We are partnering with a very popular gaming console to bring a hybrid prototype 4D experience to EarthQuest Adventures... I'll share more details soon.
-Greg -
MeMeMe Offline
Normally, I'm skeptical of RCT3 because most people make it look like a piece of crap. But this... It looks real! Good job!
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