Related Games / Sky @ EarthQuest Adventures [RCT3]
01-December 11
K0NG Offline
It's just so fucking easy when your target serves as his own setup man.Man, you peeps just love picking on me, don't you?
coasterfreak101 Offline
The half-overbank and turnaround on the far side really show how ugly this game can be, and they don't flow very well... Aside from that, I like it! The first drop and dive loop combo looks fantastic! -
Austin55 Offline
I think if you brought some more land and pathwork into the bottom right of the First dive, it would give the guests more interaction with the first drop, and also allow them to see the water interaction of the ending of the ride, and it fixes what would be my biggest issue of the screen, that the part over the water sticks out like a sore thumb. -
coasterdude5 Offline
Thank you all for the replies!
AeroWing Progress is Slow but Steady
AeroWing will no doubt be one of the most iconic attractions at the EarthQuest Adventures theme park when it is slated to open in 2015.
That's why it's taking so long to finish. Luckily, though, I have a few shots to share with you all that show the progress I've made as of late:
Here's an overview of the station. The station will be themed after a Boeing hanger/warehouse. Originally, the train was to maneuver through a lengthy dark ride portion that was to educate riders about the atmosphere and its components, but once Boeing came on board they made some changes. Riders will now learn more about the atmosphere (and Boeing products) while waiting in line. The pre-lift section is much shorter, but will interact with those waiting in line.
You can see here how the station will be raised well above the ground, with the train passing underneath as it approaches the lifthill.
Let me make it clear that there is still a considerable amount of work to do on the station. It won't look much like this once it's finished. This is just the bare structure.
Here's a render of what AeroWing will look like at dusk once completed.
-Greg -
leonidas Offline
I don't really like the station's interior to be honest.
It looks very pale, with all those off-white colors.
And the colors don't really match.
I love the last shot though, I like how you got into sky-edits!
Are you using some kind of blue-screen technique, is it just a very
accurate Photoshop, or is it in-game? -
chorkiel Offline
I'm not sure if it's realistic or possible but I'd love to see that second inversion go over the lift hill -
coasterdude5 Offline
@leonidas The station still has many details left to be added, but the coloring won't change all too much. It's supposed to have a industrial, warehouse/hanger feel to it. Can you suggest anything that might help? And as for the photos, I use one of those giant color boxes and then select all ofthat color in photoshop to make it a clean edit. The purple usually works best.
@chorkiel I'll see what I can do! -
coasterdude5 Offline
Thank you for the replies!
The AeroWing station is nearing completion, although a roof and some small details are needed.
AeroWing's train will skim above the water. Water effects will be added soon.
I've begun landscaping some of the areas that AeroWing interacts with. Guests will have plenty of areas to watch the ride in action.
I've also begun designing the AeroWing entrance. I'm leaving room for Boeing's signs and such. Boeing reps should be meeting with me sometime next week. It should look quite nice once all is said and done.
Inside the station is finally coming together. Again, I still need to add the roof, as well as all the Boeing gizmos and gadgets (anyone remember that game?), so it will look a lot less bare once that is complete.
I really am pleased with the multi-level setup of the station building. Guests waiting in line will surely have plenty to look at.
The roof will have plenty of skylights to allow natural light into the building, reducing electricity costs.
Here's an overview of the station. I'm definitely looking forward to moving onto another attraction! -
leonidas Offline
This is looking quite sloppy to be honest. The crossing fences are just wrong, and so is the fake-grass. Try using n7's new shrubbery to fill the planter up.
The facade of the station seems forced and rushed. Things are sticking through each other,and the overall look is cheap, in the way that the curved, blue elements are plastic ornaments simply put in front of a giant hangar-box. Try to make it in to a Dynamic whole, try to get rid of the base > ornaments setup for the architecture. You can either make the entire building curvy, Art Deco'ish, or make it into a huge warehouse. In this case I would stick to the latter.
I'm really sorry to come off this harsh, but it seems like you're trying to get into some'new' style of building, which is obviously not meant for you.
Stay true to yourself. -
coasterdude5 Offline
^ I appreciate the criticism leonidas, but the way I'm presenting this project is in a "work in progress" form. The station is no where near completed. At all. The plants aren't done, the facade isn't done. Nothing in any screen I've posted is complete. I know it looks a little sloppy, but that's why it's a "work in progress" style of presentation. But I will take your thoughts into consideration while working on the park!
- - -
Happy New Year! I'm very excited about the upcoming year and all the exciting things I have planned (in my head, at least).
One thing I want to increase this year is my activity on Twitter and Facebook. If you haven't already done so, you can like/follow me on Facebook and Twitter:
I want to use social media to share my projects so that I am sure not to leave anybody out. People are using Facebook and Twitter more than ever to subscribe to the things they are interested in.
I'll also be sharing a few things that I don't include in forum updates!
You can also find all of my videos on YouTube:
Below is a preview of what I'll soon be working on over at EarthQuest Adventures in the coming weeks. I'll have a normal update tomorrow.
-CD5 -
coasterfreak101 Offline
Supports on the top hat look great, but that layout is really unappealing... -
coasterdude5 Offline
Hello again!
Below you will find a short promotional video I have prepared for the park to start building more interest/support for the EarthQuest Adventures project.
Please let me know what you think!
- Greg -
leonidas Offline
LOL American-cliché video's are horrible, but those coaster shots were fantastic!
Great work on the supports! And the editing of the video was ofcourse; perfect. -
Super G Offline
Jordy, why don't you just use the normal emoticons, instead of custom ones, becouse I get a weird big picture... -
fraroc Offline
Haven't been here in a while, but I feel it's nessicary to throw my two cents in...
So far,I'm pretty impressed CD5I find the whole buildup pretty interesting, Seeing how well Charelston Gardens did, I knew you had it in you to outdo yourself again!
BelgianGuy Offline
srry to say but this looks very basic compared to what NGT and Leonidas do with the same engine...
it's all very blocky and doesn't really flow that well if you ask me... -
coasterdude5 Offline
More Progress
Hello again! I hope you all enjoyed the video.
You might have heard some bankruptcy talk surrounding the EarthQuest Adventures project. Let me tell you firsthand that, as of this posting, the project continues to move forward, therefore I will as well.
Let's start off with the iconic mountain at the center of EarthQuest Adventures. There's still a considerable amount of landscaping to be done on the mountain, but I'm pleased with how the texture is looking so far.
The AeroWing station is almost complete.
Smaller details are being added to the interior of the station.
I'll be moving over to the "land" section of the park in the next couple of weeks. Don't worry, the "sky" section is nowhere near completed.
- Greg -
coasterdude5 Offline
Boeing arrives at EarthQuest
Hello all! You may or may not know that Boeing is sponsoring the AeroWing coaster, so naturally it's only appropriate that guests find Boeing material throughout the ride and surrounding area.
I've been working closely with the Boeing people on designing the in-park Boeing store. I'll show you more in future updates.
As I stated earlier, guests will learn more about Boeing's products and initiatives while waiting in line for AeroWing.
More to come soon!
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